Tag | Spell / Effect | Field | Hotfixed Value | DBC Value | |
2023-10-23 | Manually set secondary Felblade level requirement. | ||||
Felblade | spell_level | 16.00 | 50.00 | ||
2023-05-28 | Manually set Consume Soul Fragment (Greater) travel speed. | ||||
Consume Soul | prj_speed | 25.00 | 0.00 |
Tag | Spell / Effect | Field | Hotfixed Value | DBC Value | |
2025-01-20 | Ebon Might is 5% | ||||
Ebon Might (effect#1) | base_value | 5.00 | 6.50 |
Tag | Spell / Effect | Field | Hotfixed Value | DBC Value | |
2018-12-28 | Manually set Arcane Orb's travel speed. | ||||
Arcane Orb | prj_speed | 20.00 | 0.00 | ||
2017-06-21 | Ice Lance is slower than spell data suggests. | ||||
Ice Lance | prj_speed | 47.00 | 50.00 | ||
2017-03-20 | Manually set Frozen Orb's travel speed. | ||||
Frozen Orb | prj_speed | 20.00 | 0.00 |
Tag | Spell / Effect | Field | Hotfixed Value | DBC Value | |
2024-09-06 | Manually set Stormkeeper max stacks | ||||
Stormkeeper | max_stack | 3.00 | 0.00 |
Raid Event List | |
0 | heal,name=tank_heal,amount=1500000,cooldown=5.0,duration=0,player_if=role.tank |
Profile | Str | Sta | Crit | Haste | Mastery | Vers | Wdps | wowhead |
Rushmuuhre | 8.37 | -0.00 | 4.14 | 4.64 | 3.51 | 3.49 | 44.15 | wowhead |
DPS | DPS(e) | DPS Error | DPS Range | DPR |
297,591.7 | 297,591.7 | 226.9 / 0.076% | 45,218.9 / 15.2% | -1.0 |
HPS | HPS(e) | HPS Error | HPS Range | HPR |
89,943.3 | 89,943.3 | 323.9 / 0.360% | 66,214.7 / 73.6% | -1.0 |
APS | APS Error | APS Range | APR |
38,478.3 | 121.7 / 0.316% | 5,285.3 / 13.7% | -1.0 |
DTPS | DTPS Error | DTPS Range |
853,126.0 | 593.65 / 0.07% | 117,939 / 13.8% |
Resource | Out | In | Waiting | APM | Active |
Mana | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.00% | 67.0 | 100.0% |
Origin | https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/antonidas/rushmuuhre |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Damage Per Second | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Crit | Mastery | Vers | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 44.15 | 8.37 | 4.64 | 4.14 | 3.51 | 3.49 | -0.00 |
Normalized | 5.27 | 1.00 | 0.55 | 0.49 | 0.42 | 0.42 | -0.00 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.17 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=8.37, Stamina=-0.00, CritRating=4.14, HasteRating=4.64, MasteryRating=3.51, Versatility=3.49, Dps=44.15 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Priority Target Damage Per Second | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Crit | Mastery | Vers | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 44.15 | 8.37 | 4.64 | 4.14 | 3.51 | 3.49 | -0.00 |
Normalized | 5.27 | 1.00 | 0.55 | 0.49 | 0.42 | 0.42 | -0.00 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.17 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=8.37, Stamina=-0.00, CritRating=4.14, HasteRating=4.64, MasteryRating=3.51, Versatility=3.49, Dps=44.15 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Damage Per Second (Effective) | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Crit | Mastery | Vers | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 44.15 | 8.37 | 4.64 | 4.14 | 3.51 | 3.49 | -0.00 |
Normalized | 5.27 | 1.00 | 0.55 | 0.49 | 0.42 | 0.42 | -0.00 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=8.37, Stamina=-0.00, CritRating=4.14, HasteRating=4.64, MasteryRating=3.51, Versatility=3.49, Dps=44.15 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Healing Per Second | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Crit | Vers | Mastery | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 13.29 | 2.57 | 2.08 | 1.10 | 1.06 | 1.03 | 0.07 |
Normalized | 5.17 | 1.00 | 0.81 | 0.43 | 0.41 | 0.40 | 0.03 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.24 | 0.21 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=2.57, Stamina=0.07, CritRating=1.10, HasteRating=2.08, MasteryRating=1.03, Versatility=1.06, Dps=13.29 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Healing Per Second (Effective) | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Crit | Vers | Mastery | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 13.29 | 2.57 | 2.08 | 1.10 | 1.06 | 1.03 | 0.07 |
Normalized | 5.17 | 1.00 | 0.81 | 0.43 | 0.41 | 0.40 | 0.03 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=2.57, Stamina=0.07, CritRating=1.10, HasteRating=2.08, MasteryRating=1.03, Versatility=1.06, Dps=13.29 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Absorb Per Second | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Vers | Haste | Crit | Mastery | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 2.22 | 0.46 | 0.32 | 0.26 | 0.22 | 0.20 | 0.13 |
Normalized | 4.79 | 1.00 | 0.69 | 0.56 | 0.47 | 0.44 | 0.27 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.08 | 0.09 | 0.07 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=0.46, Stamina=0.13, CritRating=0.22, HasteRating=0.26, MasteryRating=0.20, Versatility=0.32, Dps=2.22 ) |
Scale Factors for Healing + Absorb per second | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Vers | Crit | Mastery | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 15.51 | 3.03 | 2.33 | 1.38 | 1.32 | 1.24 | 0.20 |
Normalized | 5.11 | 1.00 | 0.77 | 0.45 | 0.43 | 0.41 | 0.06 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.25 | 0.22 | 0.22 | 0.22 | 0.22 | 0.22 | 0.21 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=3.03, Stamina=0.20, CritRating=1.32, HasteRating=2.33, MasteryRating=1.24, Versatility=1.38, Dps=15.51 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Damage Taken Per Second | |||||||
Crit | Vers | Mastery | Str | Wdps | Haste | Sta | |
Scale Factors | -6.04 | -5.97 | -5.88 | -5.02 | -2.14 | -0.45 | 0.05 |
Normalized | 1.20 | 1.19 | 1.17 | 1.00 | 0.43 | 0.09 | -0.01 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.37 | 0.36 | 0.36 | 0.36 | 0.36 | 0.36 | 0.37 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=5.02, Stamina=-0.05, CritRating=6.04, HasteRating=0.45, MasteryRating=5.88, Versatility=5.97, Dps=2.14 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Damage Taken | |||||||
Crit | Vers | Mastery | Str | Wdps | Haste | Sta | |
Scale Factors | -1808.59 | -1796.21 | -1767.17 | -1510.61 | -649.21 | -145.73 | -7.82 |
Normalized | 1.20 | 1.19 | 1.17 | 1.00 | 0.43 | 0.10 | 0.01 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=1510.61, Stamina=7.82, CritRating=1808.59, HasteRating=145.73, MasteryRating=1767.17, Versatility=1796.21, Dps=649.21 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Healing Taken Per Second | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Crit | Vers | Mastery | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 13.29 | 2.57 | 2.07 | 1.09 | 1.06 | 1.03 | 0.08 |
Normalized | 5.17 | 1.00 | 0.81 | 0.43 | 0.41 | 0.40 | 0.03 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=2.57, Stamina=0.08, CritRating=1.09, HasteRating=2.07, MasteryRating=1.03, Versatility=1.06, Dps=13.29 ) |
Scale Factors for Rushmuuhre Fight Length | |||||||
Sta | Wdps | Mastery | Vers | Crit | Str | Haste | |
Scale Factors | -0.00 | -0.00 | -0.00 | -0.00 | -0.00 | -0.00 | -0.00 |
Normalized | 70.19 | 24.54 | 23.12 | 22.93 | 1.24 | 1.00 | 0.29 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=0.00, Stamina=0.00, CritRating=0.00, HasteRating=0.00, MasteryRating=0.00, Versatility=0.00, Dps=0.00 ) |
Scale Factors for Raid Damage Per Second | |||||||
Wdps | Str | Haste | Crit | Mastery | Vers | Sta | |
Scale Factors | 44.15 | 8.37 | 4.64 | 4.14 | 3.51 | 3.49 | -0.00 |
Normalized | 5.27 | 1.00 | 0.55 | 0.49 | 0.42 | 0.42 | -0.00 |
Scale Deltas | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 | 2310 |
Error | 0.17 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 | 0.14 |
Ranking |
Pawn string | ( Pawn: v1: "Rushmuuhre-Protection": Class=Paladin, Spec=Protection, Strength=8.37, Stamina=-0.00, CritRating=4.14, HasteRating=4.64, MasteryRating=3.51, Versatility=3.49, Dps=44.15 ) |
Damage Stats | DPS | DPS% | Execute | Interval | DPE | DPET | Type | Count | Hit | Crit | Avg | Crit% | Up% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rushmuuhre | 297,592 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Avenger's Shield | 13,171 (14,575) | 4.4% (4.9%) | 24.0 | 12.45s | 181,963 | 141,341 | Direct | 24.0 (48.0) | 128,322 | 277,950 | 164,503 | 24.2% (24.1%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Avengers Shield
Action Details: Avengers Shield
Action Priority List
standard [Q]:24.02
Affected By (Passive)
Tyr's Enforcer (avengers_shield) | 1,404 | 0.5% | 24.0 | 12.45s | 17,531 | 0 | Direct | 24.0 | 13,688 | 29,624 | 17,531 | 24.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Tyrs Enforceravengers Shield
Action Details: Tyrs Enforceravengers Shield
Affected By (Passive)
Consecration | 0 (39,316) | 0.0% (13.2%) | 23.2 | 13.49s | 507,469 | 411,835 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Consecration
Action Details: Consecration
Action Priority List
standard [K]:11.69
standard [R]:10.52
standard [W]:0.03
Affected By (Passive)
Consecration (_tick) | 7,721 | 2.6% | 0.0 | 0.00s | 0 | 0 | Periodic | 350.3 | 5,132 | 11,114 | 6,609 | 24.7% | 0.0% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Consecration Tick
Action Details: Consecration Tick
Affected By (Passive)
Divine Guidance | 31,595 | 10.6% | 22.2 | 13.49s | 426,204 | 0 | Direct | 22.2 | 323,266 | 734,772 | 426,225 | 25.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Divine Guidance
Action Details: Divine Guidance
Affected By (Passive)
Divine Toll | 0 (13,040) | 0.0% (4.4%) | 5.4 | 60.70s | 722,517 | 563,284 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Divine Toll
Action Details: Divine Toll
Action Priority List
standard [N]:5.41
Affected By (Passive)
Avenger's Shield (_dt) | 3,010 (3,333) | 1.0% (1.1%) | 5.4 | 60.70s | 184,308 | 0 | Direct | 5.4 (10.8) | 129,028 | 279,234 | 166,555 | 25.0% (24.9%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Avengers Shield Dt
Action Details: Avengers Shield Dt
Affected By (Passive)
Tyr's Enforcer (avengers_shield_dt) | 322 | 0.1% | 5.4 | 60.70s | 17,825 | 0 | Direct | 5.4 | 13,806 | 29,948 | 17,828 | 24.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Tyrs Enforceravengers Shield Dt
Action Details: Tyrs Enforceravengers Shield Dt
Affected By (Passive)
Avenger's Shield (_dr) | 8,769 (9,707) | 2.9% (3.3%) | 15.7 | 18.43s | 184,875 | 0 | Direct | 15.7 (31.5) | 129,126 | 281,587 | 167,101 | 24.9% (25.1%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Avengers Shield Dr
Action Details: Avengers Shield Dr
Affected By (Passive)
Tyr's Enforcer (avengers_shield_dr) | 938 | 0.3% | 15.7 | 18.42s | 17,876 | 0 | Direct | 15.7 | 13,789 | 30,003 | 17,876 | 25.2% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Tyrs Enforceravengers Shield Dr
Action Details: Tyrs Enforceravengers Shield Dr
Affected By (Passive)
Eye for an Eye | 1,243 | 0.4% | 7.5 | 46.78s | 49,188 | 0 | Direct | 7.5 | 35,335 | 72,324 | 49,186 | 37.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Eye For An Eye
Action Details: Eye For An Eye
Direct Damage
Affected By (Passive)
Eye of Tyr | 6,994 | 2.4% | 7.2 | 42.97s | 289,610 | 223,650 | Direct | 7.2 | 223,037 | 481,297 | 289,615 | 25.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Eye Of Tyr
Action Details: Eye Of Tyr
Action Priority List
standard [S]:7.24
Affected By (Passive)
Hammer of the Righteous | 12,709 | 4.3% | 51.9 | 5.56s | 73,498 | 56,545 | Direct | 51.9 (51.9) | 58,249 | 125,618 | 73,498 | 22.6% (22.6%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Hammer Of The Righteous
Action Details: Hammer Of The Righteous
Action Priority Liststandard [U]:51.90
Affected By (Passive)
Hammer of the Righteous (_aoe) | 0 | 0.0% | 51.9 | 5.56s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Hammer Of The Righteous Aoe
Action Details: Hammer Of The Righteous Aoe
Affected By (Passive)
Hammer of Wrath | 23,385 | 7.8% | 27.6 | 11.09s | 253,956 | 202,113 | Direct | 27.5 | 187,620 | 396,125 | 254,130 | 31.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Hammer Of Wrath
Action Details: Hammer Of Wrath
Action Priority Liststandard [M]:27.56
Affected By (Passive)
Holy Shield | 1,755 | 0.6% | 42.2 | 6.90s | 12,475 | 0 | Direct | 42.2 | 9,618 | 20,885 | 12,481 | 25.4% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Holy Shield
Action Details: Holy Shield
Affected By (Passive)
Judgment | 51,325 (63,047) | 17.3% (21.2%) | 78.5 | 3.85s | 240,568 | 187,832 | Direct | 78.5 (98.0) | 151,967 | 329,090 | 195,960 | 24.8% (25.8%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Judgment
Action Details: Judgment
Direct Damage
Action Priority List
standard [I]:7.94
standard [O]:30.51
standard [P]:40.10
Affected By (Passive)
Hammer and Anvil | 11,721 | 3.9% | 19.5 | 15.17s | 180,077 | 0 | Direct | 19.5 | 134,590 | 287,818 | 180,076 | 29.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Hammer And Anvil
Action Details: Hammer And Anvil
Affected By (Passive)
melee | 13,877 | 4.7% | 163.9 | 2.19s | 25,388 | 11,578 | Direct | 163.9 | 19,720 | 42,691 | 25,388 | 24.7% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Melee
Action Details: Melee
Refining Fire | 22,269 | 7.5% | 45.1 | 6.60s | 147,779 | 0 | Periodic | 225.9 | 22,670 | 50,105 | 29,535 | 25.0% | 61.1% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Refining Fire
Action Details: Refining Fire
Damage Over Time
Affected By (Passive)
Sacred Weapon (_proc_damage) | 36,110 | 12.1% | 25.6 | 11.33s | 421,716 | 0 | Direct | 25.6 | 311,925 | 659,054 | 421,715 | 31.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Sacred Weapon Proc Damage
Action Details: Sacred Weapon Proc Damage
Affected By (Passive)
Shield of the Righteous | 29,796 (49,271) | 10.0% (16.6%) | 89.1 | 3.39s | 165,581 | 0 | Direct | 89.1 (121.7) | 77,460 | 161,235 | 100,196 | 27.1% (29.7%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Shield Of The Righteous
Action Details: Shield Of The Righteous
Action Priority List
standard [J]:89.14
Affected By (Passive)
Forge's Reckoning | 19,475 | 6.5% | 32.6 | 9.01s | 179,009 | 0 | Direct | 32.5 | 129,390 | 264,653 | 179,134 | 36.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Forges Reckoning
Action Details: Forges Reckoning
Affected By (Passive)
Healing & Absorb Stats | HPS | HPS% | Execute | Interval | HPE | HPET | Type | Count | Hit | Crit | Avg | Crit% | Up% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rushmuuhre | 128422 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bulwark_of_order_absorb | 14,929 | 11.6% | 0.0 | 0.00s | 0 | 0 | Direct | 43.1 | 103,926 | 0 | 103,926 | 0.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Bulwark Of Order Absorb
Divine Guidance (_heal) | 30,206 | 23.5% | 22.2 | 13.49s | 407,491 | 0 | Direct | 22.2 | 309,963 | 702,865 | 407,510 | 24.8% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Divine Guidance Heal
Action Details: Divine Guidance Heal
holy_bulwark_absorb | 23,579 | 18.3% | 0.0 | 0.00s | 0 | 0 | Direct | 39.1 | 180,841 | 0 | 180,841 | 0.0% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Holy Bulwark Absorb
Sacred Weapon (_proc_heal) | 3,892 | 3.0% | 2.0 | 74.21s | 570,329 | 0 | Direct | 2.0 | 429,824 | 905,115 | 570,280 | 29.6% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Sacred Weapon Proc Heal
Action Details: Sacred Weapon Proc Heal
Word of Glory | 55,636 (55,845) | 43.4% (43.6%) | 7.9 | 26.73s | 2,139,163 | 1,621,028 | Direct | 7.9 (8.3) | 1,813,523 | 3,752,207 | 2,131,046 | 16.4% (17.5%) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Word Of Glory
Action Details: Word Of Glory
Direct Damage
Action Priority List
standard [V]:7.86
Affected By (Passive)
Sacred Word | 209 | 0.2% | 0.4 | 108.86s | 143,405 | 0 | Direct | 0.4 | 103,479 | 211,062 | 143,416 | 37.1% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Sacred Word
Action Details: Sacred Word
Direct Damage
Simple Action Stats | Execute | Interval | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rushmuuhre | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ardent Defender | 4.1 | 84.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Ardent Defender
Action Details: Ardent Defender
Action Priority Listdefensives [H]:4.10
Crystallized Augment Rune | 1.0 | 0.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Augmentation
Action Details: Augmentation
Avenging Wrath | 4.2 | 83.69s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Avenging Wrath
Action Details: Avenging Wrath
Action Priority Listcooldowns [E]:4.22
Bastion of Light | 2.8 | 120.43s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Bastion Of Light
Action Details: Bastion Of Light
Action Priority List
cooldowns [G]:2.83
Devotion Aura | 1.0 | 0.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Devotion Aura
Action Details: Devotion Aura
Flask of Alchemical Chaos | 1.0 | 0.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Flask
Action Details: Flask
Feast of the Divine Day | 1.0 | 0.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Food
Action Details: Food
Holy Bulwark (Holy Armaments) | 7.7 | 37.86s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Holy Armaments
Action Details: Holy Armaments
Action Priority List
standard [L]:4.06
standard [T]:3.60
Affected By (Passive)
holy_bulwark | 3.6 | 86.94s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Holy Bulwark
Action Details: Holy Bulwark
Tempered Potion | 1.3 | 0.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Potion
Action Details: Potion
Action Priority List
cooldowns [F]:1.27
Rite of Sanctification | 1.0 | 0.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Rite Of Sanctification
Action Details: Rite Of Sanctification
sacred_weapon | 8.3 | 39.73s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Sacred Weapon
Action Details: Sacred Weapon
Dynamic Buffs | Start | Refresh | Interval | Trigger | Avg Dur | Up-Time | Benefit | Overflow | Expiry |
Ardent Defender | 4.1 | 0.0 | 84.0s | 84.0s | 2.2s | 3.09% | 2.78% | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.7 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Avenging Wrath | 4.2 | 0.0 | 81.5s | 83.7s | 30.3s | 42.64% | 46.46% | 0.0 (0.0) | 3.7 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Barricade of Faith | 19.5 | 4.5 | 15.4s | 12.5s | 11.6s | 75.21% | 62.67% | 4.5 (4.5) | 18.8 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Bastion of Light | 2.8 | 0.0 | 131.5s | 120.4s | 14.6s | 13.70% | 17.45% | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Blessing of Dawn | 52.3 | 0.0 | 5.7s | 5.7s | 2.1s | 19.99% | 53.87% | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Blessing of Dusk | 2.5 | 49.6 | 92.6s | 5.7s | 115.7s | 98.19% | 99.13% | 49.6 (49.6) | 1.6 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Blessing of the Forge | 4.2 | 0.0 | 81.5s | 83.7s | 19.2s | 27.08% | 34.07% | 0.0 (0.0) | 3.9 |
Buff Details
Stack Uptimes
Blood Crazed | 9.2 | 1.9 | 30.7s | 24.9s | 6.6s | 20.13% | 0.00% | 1.9 (1.9) | 9.0 |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Bloodlust | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0s | 0.0s | 40.0s | 13.51% | 0.00% | 0.0 (0.0) | 1.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Bulwark of Order | 43.2 | 2.0 | 6.9s | 6.6s | 0.9s | 12.87% | 51.06% | 2.0 (2.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Absorb Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Bulwark of Righteous Fury | 36.8 | 8.4 | 8.2s | 6.6s | 2.5s | 30.57% | 41.05% | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Divine Guidance | 23.0 | 74.0 | 13.3s | 3.1s | 10.4s | 79.82% | 95.64% | 1.3 (1.3) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Divine Purpose | 14.5 | 0.0 | 19.5s | 19.6s | 1.0s | 5.06% | 14.82% | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Divine Resonance | 5.4 | 0.0 | 60.7s | 60.7s | 14.7s | 26.46% | 0.00% | 10.6 (10.6) | 5.2 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Faith's Armor | 23.4 | 65.8 | 12.9s | 3.4s | 11.3s | 88.08% | 74.16% | 65.8 (65.8) | 22.4 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
fake_solidarity | 11.9 | 0.0 | 28.8s | 26.0s | 23.1s | 62.72% | 90.12% | 0.0 (0.0) | 7.5 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Crit) | 2.1 | 0.6 | 112.6s | 77.4s | 35.2s | 25.09% | 0.00% | 2.9 (2.9) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Haste) | 2.1 | 0.6 | 111.2s | 75.7s | 35.5s | 24.91% | 0.00% | 2.9 (2.9) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Mastery) | 2.1 | 0.6 | 111.7s | 76.0s | 35.4s | 24.99% | 0.00% | 2.9 (2.9) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Vers) | 2.1 | 0.6 | 112.0s | 76.8s | 35.4s | 25.00% | 0.00% | 2.9 (2.9) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Holy Bulwark | 3.6 | 0.0 | 86.9s | 86.9s | 19.6s | 23.49% | 36.51% | 31.7 (31.7) | 3.4 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Holy Bulwark (_absorb) | 36.9 | 1.9 | 6.8s | 6.5s | 1.0s | 12.86% | 52.60% | 1.9 (1.9) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Absorb Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Lead Plating | 5.5 | 0.0 | 59.6s | 59.6s | 9.8s | 17.98% | 0.00% | 0.0 (0.0) | 5.3 |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Redoubt | 1.0 | 88.1 | 139.4s | 3.4s | 294.4s | 100.00% | 99.96% | 86.1 (86.1) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Relentless Inquisitor | 1.0 | 96.0 | 0.0s | 3.1s | 300.0s | 100.00% | 84.27% | 94.0 (94.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Sacred Weapon | 5.5 | 2.7 | 58.3s | 39.5s | 26.7s | 49.24% | 50.28% | 2.7 (2.7) | 5.0 |
Buff Details
RPPM Details
Stack Uptimes
Shield of the Righteous | 1.0 | 88.1 | 0.0s | 3.4s | 300.0s | 100.00% | 100.00% | 88.1 (88.1) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Shining Light (_free) | 1.9 | 38.7 | 109.6s | 7.4s | 157.7s | 97.89% | 100.00% | 30.7 (30.7) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Shining Light (_stacks) | 30.0 | 29.7 | 10.1s | 5.1s | 6.7s | 66.96% | 0.00% | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Tempered Potion | 1.3 | 0.0 | 326.6s | 0.0s | 27.1s | 11.41% | 0.00% | 0.0 (0.0) | 1.0 |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Constant Buffs |
Arcane Intellect |
Buff Details
Battle Shout |
Buff Details
Crystallization |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Devotion Aura |
Buff Details
Flask of Alchemical Chaos |
Buff Details
Mark of the Wild |
Buff Details
Power Word: Fortitude |
Buff Details
Rite of Sanctification |
Buff Details
Skyfury |
Buff Details
Feast of the Divine Day |
Buff Details
Stat Details
Proc | Count | Min | Max | Interval | Min | Max |
Skyfury (Main Hand) | 27.3 | 8.0 | 51.0 | 10.7s | 1.0s | 137.7s |
parry_haste | 6.4 | 0.0 | 17.0 | 40.1s | 2.0s | 320.0s |
Divine Purpose | 14.5 | 3.0 | 34.0 | 19.5s | 0.1s | 247.3s |
Avenger's Shield: Grand Crusader | 8.7 | 1.0 | 21.0 | 30.3s | 2.0s | 246.9s |
Avenger's Shield: Grand Crusader wasted | 0.2 | 0.0 | 4.0 | 99.3s | 2.0s | 308.0s |
Seconds per Execute | Seconds per Iteration | |||||
Ability | Average | Minimum | Maximum | Average | Minimum | Maximum |
Avenger's Shield (_dt) | 39.586 | 1.968 | 56.555 | 232.481 | 189.227 | 284.952 |
Avenger's Shield (_dr) | 10.937 | 0.000 | 46.565 | 183.439 | 149.236 | 224.452 |
Consecration | 9.007 | 0.000 | 23.438 | 213.209 | 163.526 | 264.894 |
Avenging Wrath | 0.536 | 0.000 | 1.365 | 2.266 | 0.000 | 5.446 |
Divine Toll | 0.962 | 0.000 | 6.959 | 5.217 | 2.010 | 13.259 |
Bastion of Light | 7.434 | 0.000 | 31.744 | 21.006 | 6.187 | 31.744 |
Ardent Defender | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.109 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.109 |
Judgment | 0.001 | 0.000 | 1.426 | 0.114 | 0.000 | 2.251 |
Eye of Tyr | 3.646 | 0.000 | 21.332 | 26.647 | 10.714 | 53.400 |
Shield of the Righteous | 2.509 | 0.000 | 11.305 | 225.074 | 172.384 | 281.185 |
Avenger's Shield | 2.302 | 0.000 | 15.607 | 55.792 | 17.427 | 115.131 |
Hammer of the Righteous | 1.454 | 0.000 | 28.544 | 76.636 | 43.095 | 123.182 |
Holy Bulwark (Holy Armaments) | 2.680 | 0.000 | 23.490 | 20.525 | 20.000 | 23.490 |
Hammer of Wrath | 4.747 | 0.000 | 58.990 | 130.802 | 89.790 | 163.766 |
Gains | Type | Count | Total | Tot% | Avg | Overflow | Ovr% |
Rushmuuhre | |||||||
Divine Guidance (_heal) | Health | 22.24 | 9,061,571.78 | 33.51% | 407,509.71 | 1,793.25 | 0.02% |
Divine Toll | Holy Power | 5.40 | 5.40 | 2.40% | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00% |
Hammer of the Righteous | Holy Power | 51.90 | 51.89 | 23.05% | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.01% |
Hammer of Wrath | Holy Power | 27.56 | 27.54 | 12.24% | 1.00 | 0.01 | 0.05% |
Judgment | Holy Power | 78.54 | 140.26 | 62.31% | 1.79 | 1.45 | 1.02% |
Sacred Weapon (_proc_heal) | Health | 2.04 | 1,165,026.11 | 4.31% | 570,280.17 | 459.11 | 0.04% |
Sacred Word | Health | 0.44 | 62,829.30 | 0.23% | 143,415.65 | 0.00 | 0.00% |
Word of Glory | Health | 7.86 | 16,748,792.31 | 61.94% | 2,131,045.96 | 0.00 | 0.00% |
Usage | Type | Count | Total | Tot% | Avg | RPE | APR |
Rushmuuhre | |||||||
Shield of the Righteous | Holy Power | 89.14 | 224.06 | 100.00% | 2.51 | 2.51 | 65,872.14 |
Change | Start | Gain/s | Loss/s | Overflow | End (Avg) | Min | Max |
Health | 5,160,560.0 | 500,494.69 | 854,294.75 | 1,503,091.2 | -94,977,636.9 | -144,486,359.1 | -49,503,733.1 |
Holy Power | 0.0 | 0.75 | 0.75 | 1.5 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 5.0 |
Fight Length | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Priority Target DPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DPS(e) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Damage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DTPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HPS(e) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HTPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
actions.precombat Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only. | ||
# | count | action,conditions |
0 | 0.00 | rite_of_sanctification |
1 | 0.00 | rite_of_adjuration |
2 | 0.00 | snapshot_stats |
3 | 0.00 | devotion_aura |
4 | 0.00 | lights_judgment |
5 | 0.00 | arcane_torrent |
6 | 0.00 | consecration |
7 | 0.00 | variable,name=trinket_sync_slot,value=1,if=trinket.1.has_cooldown&trinket.1.has_stat.any_dps&(!trinket.2.has_stat.any_dps|trinket.1.cooldown.duration>=trinket.2.cooldown.duration)|!trinket.2.has_cooldown |
8 | 0.00 | variable,name=trinket_sync_slot,value=2,if=trinket.2.has_cooldown&trinket.2.has_stat.any_dps&(!trinket.1.has_stat.any_dps|trinket.2.cooldown.duration>trinket.1.cooldown.duration)|!trinket.1.has_cooldown |
Default action list Executed every time the actor is available. | ||
# | count | action,conditions |
9 | 1.00 | auto_attack |
A | 0.00 | call_action_list,name=cooldowns |
B | 0.00 | call_action_list,name=defensives |
C | 0.00 | call_action_list,name=trinkets |
D | 0.00 | call_action_list,name=standard |
actions.cooldowns | ||
# | count | action,conditions |
0.00 | lights_judgment,if=spell_targets.lights_judgment>=2|!raid_event.adds.exists|raid_event.adds.in>75|raid_event.adds.up | |
E | 4.22 | avenging_wrath |
F | 1.27 | potion,if=buff.avenging_wrath.up |
0.00 | moment_of_glory,if=(buff.avenging_wrath.remains<15|(time>10)) | |
0.00 | divine_toll,if=spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous>=3 | |
G | 2.83 | bastion_of_light,if=buff.avenging_wrath.up|cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains<=30 |
0.00 | invoke_external_buff,name=power_infusion,if=buff.avenging_wrath.up | |
0.00 | fireblood,if=buff.avenging_wrath.remains>8 |
actions.defensives | ||
# | count | action,conditions |
H | 4.10 | ardent_defender |
actions.standard | ||
# | count | action,conditions |
I | 7.94 | judgment,target_if=charges>=2|full_recharge_time<=gcd.max |
0.00 | hammer_of_light,if=buff.hammer_of_light_free.remains<2|buff.shake_the_heavens.remains<1|!buff.shake_the_heavens.up|cooldown.eye_of_tyr.remains<1.5|fight_remains<2 | |
0.00 | eye_of_tyr,if=(hpg_to_2dawn=5|!talent.of_dusk_and_dawn.enabled)&talent.lights_guidance.enabled | |
0.00 | eye_of_tyr,if=(hpg_to_2dawn=1|buff.blessing_of_dawn.stack>0)&talent.lights_guidance.enabled | |
J | 89.14 | shield_of_the_righteous,if=(!talent.righteous_protector.enabled|cooldown.righteous_protector_icd.remains=0)&!buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up |
0.00 | judgment,target_if=min:debuff.judgment.remains,if=spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous>3&buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.stack>=3&holy_power<3 | |
0.00 | avengers_shield,if=!buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.up&talent.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.enabled&spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous>=3 | |
0.00 | hammer_of_the_righteous,if=buff.blessed_assurance.up&spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous<3&!buff.avenging_wrath.up | |
0.00 | blessed_hammer,if=buff.blessed_assurance.up&spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous<3&!buff.avenging_wrath.up | |
0.00 | crusader_strike,if=buff.blessed_assurance.up&spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous<2&!buff.avenging_wrath.up | |
0.00 | judgment,target_if=min:debuff.judgment.remains,if=charges>=2|full_recharge_time<=gcd.max | |
K | 11.69 | consecration,if=buff.divine_guidance.stack=5 |
L | 4.06 | holy_armaments,if=next_armament=sacred_weapon&(!buff.sacred_weapon.up|(buff.sacred_weapon.remains<6&!buff.avenging_wrath.up&cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains<=30)) |
M | 27.56 | hammer_of_wrath |
N | 5.41 | divine_toll,if=(!raid_event.adds.exists|raid_event.adds.in>10) |
0.00 | avengers_shield,if=talent.refining_fire.enabled&talent.lights_guidance.enabled | |
O | 30.51 | judgment,target_if=min:debuff.judgment.remains,if=(buff.avenging_wrath.up&talent.hammer_and_anvil.enabled) |
0.00 | holy_armaments,if=next_armament=holy_bulwark&charges=2 | |
P | 40.10 | judgment,target_if=min:debuff.judgment.remains |
0.00 | avengers_shield,if=!buff.shake_the_heavens.up&talent.shake_the_heavens.enabled | |
0.00 | hammer_of_the_righteous,if=(buff.blessed_assurance.up&spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous<3)|buff.shake_the_heavens.up | |
0.00 | blessed_hammer,if=(buff.blessed_assurance.up&spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous<3)|buff.shake_the_heavens.up | |
0.00 | crusader_strike,if=(buff.blessed_assurance.up&spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous<2)|buff.shake_the_heavens.up | |
Q | 24.02 | avengers_shield,if=!talent.lights_guidance.enabled |
R | 10.52 | consecration,if=!consecration.up |
S | 7.24 | eye_of_tyr,if=(talent.inmost_light.enabled&raid_event.adds.in>=45|spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous>=3)&!talent.lights_deliverance.enabled |
T | 3.60 | holy_armaments,if=next_armament=holy_bulwark |
0.00 | blessed_hammer | |
U | 51.90 | hammer_of_the_righteous |
0.00 | crusader_strike | |
0.00 | word_of_glory,if=buff.shining_light_free.up&(talent.blessed_assurance.enabled|(talent.lights_guidance.enabled&cooldown.hammerfall_icd.remains=0)) | |
0.00 | avengers_shield | |
0.00 | eye_of_tyr,if=!talent.lights_deliverance.enabled | |
V | 7.86 | word_of_glory,if=buff.shining_light_free.up |
0.00 | arcane_torrent,if=holy_power<5 | |
W | 0.03 | consecration |
Time | # | Name [List] | Target | Resources | Buffs |
Pre | 0 | rite_of_sanctification [precombat] | Rushmuuhre | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
Pre | 3 | devotion_aura [precombat] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
Pre | 6 | consecration [precombat] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
Pre | 8 | trinket_sync_slot [precombat] | Rushmuuhre | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
0:00.000 | 9 | auto_attack [default] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
0:00.000 | E | avenging_wrath [cooldowns] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust |
0:00.000 | F | potion [cooldowns] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, avenging_wrath, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge |
0:00.000 | G | bastion_of_light [cooldowns] | Rushmuuhre | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, avenging_wrath, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, tempered_potion |
0:00.000 | H | ardent_defender [defensives] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, bastion_of_light(5), avenging_wrath, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, tempered_potion |
0:00.000 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, bastion_of_light(5), avenging_wrath, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, tempered_potion |
0:00.000 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5160560.0/5160560 100% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, bastion_of_light(4), avenging_wrath, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, tempered_potion |
0:01.012 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5263780.0/5263780 100% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt, shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_stacks, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:01.041 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5366980.0/5366980 100% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(2), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_stacks(2), avenging_wrath, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(2), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:02.063 | N | divine_toll [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5366980.0/5366980 100% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(2), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_stacks(2), avenging_wrath, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(2), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:02.063 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5366980.0/5366980 100% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(2), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_stacks(2), avenging_wrath, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(2), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:03.085 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5470200.0/5470200 100% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free, avenging_wrath, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:03.085 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 5470200.0/5470200 100% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:04.096 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 611304.8/5470200 11% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:04.096 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 611304.8/5470200 11% HP 5.0/5 100% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:05.099 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 2111304.8/5470200 39% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:05.108 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 2111304.8/5470200 39% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:06.121 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 768498.0/5470200 14% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:06.121 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 768498.0/5470200 14% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:07.131 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 289264.0/5470200 5% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:07.131 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | 289264.0/5470200 5% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
bloodlust, ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:08.142 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -2369427.1/5470200 -43% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:09.154 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -2872227.1/5470200 -53% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:10.162 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -3419139.9/5470200 -63% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:10.162 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -3419139.9/5470200 -63% HP 5.0/5 100% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:11.174 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -3868421.7/5470200 -71% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:11.174 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -3868421.7/5470200 -71% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:12.184 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -5968272.1/5470200 -109% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:13.197 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -6321311.6/5470200 -116% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:13.197 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -6321311.6/5470200 -116% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, tempered_potion |
0:14.208 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -7763134.9/5470200 -142% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:15.222 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -6271752.0/5470200 -115% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, tempered_potion |
0:16.235 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -9135360.0/5470200 -167% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:16.235 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -9135360.0/5470200 -167% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:17.197 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -9749267.1/5470200 -178% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:18.160 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -11541417.6/5470200 -211% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:19.123 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -12062781.6/5470200 -221% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:19.123 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -12062781.6/5470200 -221% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:20.087 | L | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -12565371.9/5470200 -230% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:21.049 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -13179279.0/5470200 -241% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:22.011 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15164825.1/5470200 -277% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:22.011 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15164825.1/5470200 -277% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:22.972 | T | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15164825.1/5470200 -277% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:23.086 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15164825.1/5470200 -277% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:23.935 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15164825.1/5470200 -277% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:24.899 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15164825.1/5470200 -277% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:24.899 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15164825.1/5470200 -277% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:25.860 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -13872825.9/5470200 -254% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:25.943 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -13449098.5/5470200 -246% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:26.822 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15419112.4/5470200 -282% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:27.784 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15923615.6/5470200 -291% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:27.784 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15923615.6/5470200 -291% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:28.744 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -17865965.9/5470200 -327% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:29.704 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -18181681.0/5470200 -332% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion |
0:30.668 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -19610219.7/5470200 -358% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:30.668 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -19610219.7/5470200 -358% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:31.664 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -20133043.7/5470200 -368% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:32.662 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -20133043.7/5470200 -368% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:32.802 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -20133043.7/5470200 -368% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:33.797 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -20655867.6/5470200 -378% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:34.793 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -20655867.6/5470200 -378% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:35.790 | V | word_of_glory [standard] | Rushmuuhre | -19678691.6/5470200 -360% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:36.786 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -18051236.9/5470200 -330% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:37.781 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -17743651.7/5470200 -324% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:37.781 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -17743651.7/5470200 -324% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:38.779 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -17743651.7/5470200 -324% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:39.774 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -18118483.0/5470200 -331% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bloodlust, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:40.768 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -16618483.0/5470200 -304% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:42.061 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -17141307.0/5470200 -313% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:42.061 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -17141307.0/5470200 -313% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:43.354 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -17670650.1/5470200 -323% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:44.696 | V | word_of_glory [standard] | Rushmuuhre | -17670650.1/5470200 -323% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
0:45.991 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15181942.6/5470200 -278% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:47.354 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15820689.7/5470200 -289% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:47.354 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15820689.7/5470200 -289% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:48.716 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15820689.7/5470200 -289% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:50.077 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -14886891.5/5470200 -272% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:51.437 | R | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15603547.8/5470200 -285% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:52.799 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15061456.6/5470200 -275% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:54.162 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -15540517.0/5470200 -284% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:55.524 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -14519577.3/5470200 -265% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:55.524 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -14519577.3/5470200 -265% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:56.885 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -14519577.3/5470200 -265% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:58.245 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -14998637.7/5470200 -274% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
0:59.607 | V | word_of_glory [standard] | Rushmuuhre | -15637384.9/5470200 -286% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:00.682 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -12509930.2/5470200 -229% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:00.970 | L | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -12509930.2/5470200 -229% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:01.697 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -13142158.1/5470200 -240% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:02.331 | N | divine_toll [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -19078584.8/5470200 -349% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:02.737 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -19078584.8/5470200 -349% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:03.694 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -19569867.4/5470200 -358% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:05.054 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -21345127.3/5470200 -390% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:06.417 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -24407146.1/5470200 -446% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dawn, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:07.778 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -24407146.1/5470200 -446% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:09.139 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -27096288.3/5470200 -495% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:09.139 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -27096288.3/5470200 -495% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:10.500 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -26228516.3/5470200 -479% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:11.862 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -26228516.3/5470200 -479% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:13.224 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -28908593.9/5470200 -528% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:13.224 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -28908593.9/5470200 -528% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:14.587 | E | avenging_wrath [cooldowns] | Fluffy_Pillow | -31528776.0/5470200 -576% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:14.587 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -31528776.0/5470200 -576% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
1:15.950 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30028776.0/5470200 -549% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:17.312 | R | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -32663792.6/5470200 -597% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:18.673 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -34961544.9/5470200 -639% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:18.673 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -34961544.9/5470200 -639% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:20.034 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -34083927.2/5470200 -623% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:21.394 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -34083927.2/5470200 -623% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:21.394 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -34083927.2/5470200 -623% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:22.756 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -36712432.9/5470200 -671% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:24.000 | H | ardent_defender [defensives] | Fluffy_Pillow | -36712432.9/5470200 -671% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:24.117 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -25772032.9/5470200 -471% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:25.478 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -24272032.9/5470200 -444% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:25.478 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -24272032.9/5470200 -444% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:26.839 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -26713702.9/5470200 -488% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:28.198 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29337191.9/5470200 -536% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:29.558 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29337191.9/5470200 -536% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:29.558 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29337191.9/5470200 -536% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:30.621 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30457021.4/5470200 -557% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:30.918 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30457021.4/5470200 -557% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:32.280 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30664476.4/5470200 -561% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:32.523 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30664476.4/5470200 -561% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:33.886 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30664476.4/5470200 -561% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:35.248 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29631263.1/5470200 -542% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:36.611 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30098049.9/5470200 -550% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:37.973 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30098049.9/5470200 -550% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:37.973 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30098049.9/5470200 -550% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:39.335 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30478530.7/5470200 -557% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:40.697 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29600913.0/5470200 -541% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:42.058 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30229713.0/5470200 -553% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:42.058 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30229713.0/5470200 -553% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:43.421 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30229713.0/5470200 -553% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:44.782 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30858512.9/5470200 -564% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:44.782 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30858512.9/5470200 -564% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery |
1:45.799 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29358512.9/5470200 -537% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:46.143 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30075169.2/5470200 -550% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(5), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:46.870 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29743005.5/5470200 -544% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:47.438 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29743005.5/5470200 -544% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:48.729 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -30381752.7/5470200 -555% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:50.021 | T | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29379554.4/5470200 -537% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:51.314 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29379554.4/5470200 -537% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:51.314 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29379554.4/5470200 -537% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:52.607 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29379554.4/5470200 -537% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:53.900 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -29379554.4/5470200 -537% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:55.193 | V | word_of_glory [standard] | Rushmuuhre | -28151726.7/5470200 -515% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:56.486 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -25354543.0/5470200 -464% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:56.486 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -25354543.0/5470200 -464% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:57.780 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -25354543.0/5470200 -464% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
1:59.073 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -25877367.0/5470200 -473% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:00.365 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -24977305.0/5470200 -457% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:01.657 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -24977305.0/5470200 -457% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:01.657 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -24977305.0/5470200 -457% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:02.950 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -31991055.8/5470200 -585% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, divine_guidance(5), fake_solidarity, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:04.242 | N | divine_toll [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -34268099.2/5470200 -626% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:05.537 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -32768099.2/5470200 -599% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:06.916 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -35243732.2/5470200 -644% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:06.916 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -35243732.2/5470200 -644% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:07.974 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -35243732.2/5470200 -644% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:08.208 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -38086797.6/5470200 -696% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:09.502 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -38609621.6/5470200 -706% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, holy_bulwark, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:10.794 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -39022383.9/5470200 -713% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:12.090 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -41728412.8/5470200 -763% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:12.090 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -41728412.8/5470200 -763% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:13.382 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -42367159.9/5470200 -775% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:14.674 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -44406275.6/5470200 -812% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:15.969 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -43406841.0/5470200 -794% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:17.330 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45498447.3/5470200 -832% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:18.692 | G | bastion_of_light [cooldowns] | Rushmuuhre | -45498447.3/5470200 -832% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:18.692 | R | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45498447.3/5470200 -832% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(5), bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:20.053 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -46547710.6/5470200 -851% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(5), bulwark_of_righteous_fury(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:20.053 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -46547710.6/5470200 -851% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(5), bulwark_of_righteous_fury(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:21.417 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -47026468.6/5470200 -860% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(5), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:21.417 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -47026468.6/5470200 -860% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:22.779 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -49055582.0/5470200 -897% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:24.141 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -51767364.3/5470200 -946% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:24.141 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -51767364.3/5470200 -946% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:25.502 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -50905708.2/5470200 -931% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:26.865 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -52867861.3/5470200 -966% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:28.228 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -55532108.7/5470200 -1015% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:28.228 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -55532108.7/5470200 -1015% HP 5.0/5 100% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:29.590 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56170452.7/5470200 -1027% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:29.590 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56170452.7/5470200 -1027% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:30.952 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56758107.6/5470200 -1038% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(5), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:32.313 | L | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57064284.2/5470200 -1043% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:33.674 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57696113.1/5470200 -1055% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:33.674 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57696113.1/5470200 -1055% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:35.036 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56827942.0/5470200 -1039% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:36.398 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56827942.0/5470200 -1039% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:36.398 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56827942.0/5470200 -1039% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:37.759 | E | avenging_wrath [cooldowns] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57459770.9/5470200 -1050% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:37.759 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57459770.9/5470200 -1050% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:39.120 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -58091599.8/5470200 -1062% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:40.481 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56591599.8/5470200 -1035% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:40.570 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56591599.8/5470200 -1035% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:41.930 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57140518.8/5470200 -1045% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:43.293 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57772347.7/5470200 -1056% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:43.293 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57772347.7/5470200 -1056% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:44.654 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57772347.7/5470200 -1056% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
2:46.017 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56980323.6/5470200 -1042% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:46.017 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56980323.6/5470200 -1042% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:47.313 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -57689665.6/5470200 -1055% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:48.000 | H | ardent_defender [defensives] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56876528.9/5470200 -1040% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:48.607 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56876528.9/5470200 -1040% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:49.902 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45936128.9/5470200 -840% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:49.902 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45936128.9/5470200 -840% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:51.197 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45068356.9/5470200 -824% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:52.492 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45068356.9/5470200 -824% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:53.785 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45617675.8/5470200 -834% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:53.785 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45617675.8/5470200 -834% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:55.078 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -44749903.8/5470200 -818% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:56.372 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -44749903.8/5470200 -818% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:57.664 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45224074.8/5470200 -827% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:58.958 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45224074.8/5470200 -827% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
2:58.958 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -45224074.8/5470200 -827% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:00.251 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -44198245.8/5470200 -808% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:01.544 | R | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -44672416.7/5470200 -817% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:02.838 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -48204955.9/5470200 -881% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:02.838 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -48204955.9/5470200 -881% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:04.131 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -50890513.9/5470200 -930% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:05.424 | N | divine_toll [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -50029261.1/5470200 -915% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:05.424 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -50029261.1/5470200 -915% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:06.498 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -51942754.3/5470200 -950% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:06.717 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -51942754.3/5470200 -950% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:08.010 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -54641276.6/5470200 -999% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:09.302 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -54641276.6/5470200 -999% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:09.302 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -54641276.6/5470200 -999% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(3), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:10.596 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56677113.4/5470200 -1036% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(4), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:11.890 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -56677113.4/5470200 -1036% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(4), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:13.184 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -59205410.5/5470200 -1082% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:14.477 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -59775066.8/5470200 -1093% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:14.477 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -59775066.8/5470200 -1093% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(4), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:15.771 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -58275066.8/5470200 -1065% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, divine_guidance(5), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:17.129 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -61362458.1/5470200 -1122% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:18.486 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -63938101.3/5470200 -1169% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:19.843 | T | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -63938101.3/5470200 -1169% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:21.443 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -65162589.1/5470200 -1191% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:22.799 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -66899186.2/5470200 -1223% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:22.799 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -66899186.2/5470200 -1223% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:23.865 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -66899186.2/5470200 -1223% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:24.154 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70320094.1/5470200 -1286% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:24.875 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70320094.1/5470200 -1286% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:25.511 | V | word_of_glory [standard] | Rushmuuhre | -68820094.1/5470200 -1258% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:26.869 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -69623928.6/5470200 -1273% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:28.227 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70131716.2/5470200 -1282% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:28.227 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70131716.2/5470200 -1282% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(4), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:29.583 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70131716.2/5470200 -1282% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(5), fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:30.940 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71731233.4/5470200 -1311% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:32.296 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -72239020.9/5470200 -1321% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:33.653 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -72239020.9/5470200 -1321% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:35.010 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71174869.9/5470200 -1301% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:35.010 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71174869.9/5470200 -1301% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:36.365 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71682657.4/5470200 -1310% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:37.928 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71682657.4/5470200 -1310% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:39.284 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -72036147.1/5470200 -1317% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:40.640 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70889636.7/5470200 -1296% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:40.640 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70889636.7/5470200 -1296% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:41.997 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70889636.7/5470200 -1296% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:43.353 | R | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71247899.5/5470200 -1302% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:44.707 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71733113.6/5470200 -1311% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers |
3:46.064 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70872689.2/5470200 -1296% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:46.064 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70872689.2/5470200 -1296% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:47.359 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -70872689.2/5470200 -1296% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:48.654 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71443410.3/5470200 -1306% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:49.947 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71443410.3/5470200 -1306% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:51.240 | V | word_of_glory [standard] | Rushmuuhre | -70582985.9/5470200 -1290% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:52.534 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -69114117.3/5470200 -1263% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:52.695 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -69114117.3/5470200 -1263% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:53.988 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -69114117.3/5470200 -1263% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:55.482 | V | word_of_glory [standard] | Rushmuuhre | -68253692.9/5470200 -1248% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:56.776 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -66784824.3/5470200 -1221% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free, barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:58.286 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -67501480.6/5470200 -1234% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:58.442 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -67501480.6/5470200 -1234% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
3:59.735 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -67501480.6/5470200 -1234% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(5), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:01.030 | L | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -66310028.7/5470200 -1212% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:02.326 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71946369.5/5470200 -1315% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:03.619 | E | avenging_wrath [cooldowns] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71946369.5/5470200 -1315% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:03.619 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71946369.5/5470200 -1315% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:03.619 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -71946369.5/5470200 -1315% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:04.727 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -75478037.2/5470200 -1380% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:04.914 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -75478037.2/5470200 -1380% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:06.207 | N | divine_toll [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -77334920.8/5470200 -1414% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:07.499 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -77334920.8/5470200 -1414% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:07.499 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -77334920.8/5470200 -1414% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:08.794 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -79815866.9/5470200 -1459% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:10.091 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -80343900.6/5470200 -1469% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:11.384 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -80976948.6/5470200 -1480% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:11.384 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -80976948.6/5470200 -1480% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), lead_plating, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:12.000 | H | ardent_defender [defensives] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82960992.2/5470200 -1517% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:12.676 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82960992.2/5470200 -1517% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:12.676 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82960992.2/5470200 -1517% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
ardent_defender, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:13.971 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -72020592.2/5470200 -1317% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:15.265 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -72755084.5/5470200 -1330% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:16.560 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -72755084.5/5470200 -1330% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:16.766 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -72755084.5/5470200 -1330% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:18.128 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -76205353.7/5470200 -1393% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:19.491 | G | bastion_of_light [cooldowns] | Rushmuuhre | -76754672.7/5470200 -1403% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:19.491 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -76754672.7/5470200 -1403% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(5), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:20.853 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -76751035.3/5470200 -1403% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(5), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_resonance, sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:22.213 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -78668473.9/5470200 -1438% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(5), bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:22.213 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -78668473.9/5470200 -1438% HP 5.0/5 100% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), bulwark_of_righteous_fury(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance, blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:23.574 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -79142644.9/5470200 -1447% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:23.574 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -79142644.9/5470200 -1447% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(2), blessing_of_the_forge, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:24.936 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -79142644.9/5470200 -1447% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(4), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:24.936 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -79142644.9/5470200 -1447% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:26.298 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -80115459.7/5470200 -1465% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(3), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:26.298 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -80115459.7/5470200 -1465% HP 5.0/5 100% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:27.660 | K | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -80747687.7/5470200 -1476% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, divine_guidance(5), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:29.020 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -81959167.0/5470200 -1498% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), sacred_weapon, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:30.381 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83082502.2/5470200 -1519% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:30.381 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83082502.2/5470200 -1519% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:31.743 | O | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83721249.3/5470200 -1530% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:31.743 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83721249.3/5470200 -1530% HP 4.0/5 80% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:33.105 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84359996.5/5470200 -1542% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:34.467 | I | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84359996.5/5470200 -1542% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bastion_of_light, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:34.467 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84359996.5/5470200 -1542% HP 5.0/5 100% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:35.829 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83498743.7/5470200 -1526% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:35.829 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83498743.7/5470200 -1526% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:37.190 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84137490.8/5470200 -1538% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:38.553 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84137490.8/5470200 -1538% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:39.915 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84707147.1/5470200 -1549% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:41.276 | R | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83845894.2/5470200 -1533% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(4), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:42.636 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83303803.1/5470200 -1523% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:42.636 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83303803.1/5470200 -1523% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:43.998 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83942550.2/5470200 -1535% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:45.358 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83081297.4/5470200 -1519% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit |
4:46.719 | U | hammer_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83081297.4/5470200 -1519% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:46.719 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83081297.4/5470200 -1519% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:48.013 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83719641.4/5470200 -1530% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:49.306 | Q | avengers_shield [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84357985.3/5470200 -1542% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:50.599 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82857985.3/5470200 -1515% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
bulwark_of_order, redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:51.893 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83427237.7/5470200 -1525% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:51.893 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83427237.7/5470200 -1525% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, bulwark_of_righteous_fury, shining_light_stacks(2), shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(2), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:53.188 | T | holy_armaments [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84065581.6/5470200 -1537% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), divine_guidance(3), blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:54.482 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -84065581.6/5470200 -1537% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:55.775 | R | consecration [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82565581.6/5470200 -1509% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance(3), fake_solidarity, blood_crazed, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:57.069 | M | hammer_of_wrath [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82634615.1/5470200 -1511% HP 1.0/5 20% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:58.363 | P | judgment [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82634615.1/5470200 -1511% HP 2.0/5 40% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:58.419 | J | shield_of_the_righteous [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -82634615.1/5470200 -1511% HP 3.0/5 60% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_free(2), barricade_of_faith, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
4:59.713 | S | eye_of_tyr [standard] | Fluffy_Pillow | -83157040.0/5470200 -1520% HP 0.0/5 0% HoPo |
redoubt(3), shield_of_the_righteous, shining_light_stacks, shining_light_free(2), blessing_of_dusk, faiths_armor, relentless_inquisitor(3), holy_bulwark, holy_bulwark_absorb, divine_guidance, fake_solidarity, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste |
Level Bonus (80) | Race Bonus (tauren) | Raid-Buffed | Unbuffed | Gear Amount | |
Strength | 17647 | 2 | 32986 | 31114 | 12269 (10220) |
Agility | 6176 | -2 | 6174 | 6174 | 0 |
Stamina | 86452 | 2 | 258028 | 245741 | 74319 |
Intellect | 17647 | -2 | 18174 | 17645 | 0 |
Spirit | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Health | 5160560 | 4914820 | 0 | ||
Holy Power | 5 | 5 | 0 | ||
Spell Power | 18174 | 44045 | 0 | ||
Crit | 13.76% | 13.76% | 3334 | ||
Haste | 12.96% | 7.70% | 5084 | ||
Versatility | 7.60% | 4.97% | 3876 | ||
Mitigation Versatility | 3.80% | 2.48% | 3876 | ||
Attack Power | 41754 | 37016 | 0 | ||
Mastery | 20.56% | 18.97% | 4878 | ||
Armor | 69812 | 66487 | 44396 | ||
Run Speed | 7 | 0 | 0 | ||
Avoidance | 0 | 0 | 550 | ||
Tank-Miss | 3.00% | 3.00% | 0 | ||
Tank-Dodge | 3.00% | 3.00% | 0 | ||
Tank-Parry | 12.63% | 12.35% | 3334 | ||
Tank-Block | 47.11% | 45.93% | 0 | ||
Tank-Crit | -6.00% | -6.00% | 0 |
Source | Slot | Average Item Level: 511.00 |
Local | Head | Nazmani Warplate Faceguard |
ilevel: 332, stats: { 545 Armor, +220 Sta, +219 Crit, +196 Mastery, +330 StrInt } | ||
Local | Neck | Conch Collector's Locket |
ilevel: 584, stats: { +6,140 Sta, +1,953 Haste, +1,844 Vers } | ||
Local | Shoulders | Cinnabar Shoulders |
ilevel: 462, stats: { 1,648 Armor, +2,146 Sta, +330 Crit, +384 Mastery, +547 StrInt } | ||
Local | Chest | Breastplate of Tarnished Bronze |
ilevel: 541, stats: { 4,792 Armor, +7,742 Sta, +656 Crit, +626 Mastery, +1,523 StrInt } | ||
Local | Waist | Sand Dune Belt |
ilevel: 548, stats: { 2,794 Armor, +5,994 Sta, +244 Crit, +738 Haste, +1,219 StrInt } | ||
Local | Legs | Hyperion Legplates of the Fireflash (hyperion_legplates) |
ilevel: 357, stats: { 755 Armor, +496 Sta, +274 StrInt, +290 Crit, +218 Haste } | ||
Local | Feet | Earthen Landlubber's Sabatons |
ilevel: 587, stats: { 4,578 Armor, +8,598 Sta, +754 Haste, +406 Vers, +1,753 StrInt } | ||
Local | Wrists | Dredger's Plate Vambraces |
ilevel: 528, stats: { 2,248 Armor, +3,837 Sta, +346 Mastery, +346 Crit, +759 StrInt } | ||
Local | Hands | Earthen Landlubber's Gauntlets |
ilevel: 584, stats: { 4,059 Armor, +8,186 Sta, +627 Vers, +513 Mastery, +1,705 StrInt } | ||
Local | Finger1 | Ring of Three Lights |
ilevel: 567, stats: { +4,902 Sta, +638 Vers, +645 Mastery, +1,091 StrAgi, +550 Avoidance } | ||
Local | Finger2 | Signet of Transformation |
ilevel: 548, stats: { +4,496 Sta, +1,421 Haste, +1,612 Mastery } | ||
Local | Trinket1 | Bloodhex Talisman |
ilevel: 332, stats: { +209 StrAgiInt } item effects: { equip: Blood Crazed } |
Local | Trinket2 | Leaden Despair |
ilevel: 535, stats: { +7,083 Sta } item effects: { equip: Lead Plating } |
Local | Back | Burned Gatherings |
ilevel: 535, stats: { 839 Armor, +4,191 Sta, +481 Crit, +228 Mastery, +810 StrAgiInt } | ||
Local | Main Hand | Elementium Fang |
ilevel: 548, weapon: { 1,801 - 3,003, 2.6 }, stats: { +813 Str, +3,996 Sta, +327 Crit, +328 Mastery } | ||
Local | Off Hand | Earthen Landlubber's Shield |
ilevel: 593, stats: { 22,138 Armor, +1,236 Str, +3,791 Int, +6,292 Sta, +441 Crit, +361 Vers } | ||
Local | Tabard | Horde Tabard |
ilevel: 2 |
Paladin Talents [31] | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Protection Talents [30] | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Lightsmith Talents [10] | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
# Default consumables
# Gear Summary
# gear_ilvl=511.31
# gear_strength=12269
# gear_stamina=74319
# gear_crit_rating=3334
# gear_haste_rating=5084
# gear_mastery_rating=4878
# gear_versatility_rating=3876
# gear_avoidance_rating=550
# gear_armor=44396
Iterations: | 10023 |
Threads: | 24 |
Confidence: | 95.00% |
Fight Length (fixed time): | 240 - 360 ( 300.0 ) |
Performance: |
Total Events Processed: | 72041999 |
Max Event Queue: | 99 |
Sim Seconds: | 3007018 |
CPU Seconds: | 57.1370 |
Physical Seconds: | 23.4872 |
Speed Up: | 52628 |
Settings: |
World Lag: | 100 ms ( stddev = 10 ms ) |
Queue Lag: | 5 ms ( stddev = 1 ms ) |
Character | Unit | Ability | Id | Total | DPS | Imp/Min | Hit | Crit | Execute | Count | Crit% | Avoid% | G% | B% | Interval | Combined | Duration |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | ardent_defender | 31850 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 4.1 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 84.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | augmentation | 453250 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | avengers_shield | 31935 | 3949877 | 13166 | 4.80 | 128322 | 277950 | 24.0 | 24.0 | 24.2% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 12.45sec | 3949877 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | tyrs_enforceravengers_shield | 378286 | 420946 | 1403 | 4.80 | 13688 | 29624 | 24.0 | 24.0 | 24.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 12.45sec | 420946 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | avenging_wrath | 454351 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 4.2 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 83.69sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | bastion_of_light | 378974 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 2.8 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 120.43sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | bulwark_of_order_absorb | 0 | 4474844 | 14916 | 8.61 | 103926 | 0 | 0.0 | 43.1 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | consecration | 26573 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 23.2 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 13.49sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | consecration_tick ticks | -81297 | 2314841 | 7716 | 0.00 | 5132 | 11114 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 24.7% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 2314841 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | divine_guidance | 433808 | 9477217 | 31589 | 4.45 | 323266 | 734772 | 22.2 | 22.2 | 25.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 13.49sec | 9477217 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | devotion_aura | 465 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | divine_guidance_heal | 433807 | 9061094 | 30202 | 4.45 | 309963 | 702865 | 22.2 | 22.2 | 24.8% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 13.49sec | 9062892 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | divine_toll | 375576 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 5.4 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 60.70sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | avengers_shield_dt | 31935 | 900019 | 3000 | 1.08 | 129028 | 279234 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 25.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 60.70sec | 900019 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | tyrs_enforceravengers_shield_dt | 378286 | 96322 | 321 | 1.08 | 13806 | 29948 | 5.4 | 5.4 | 24.9% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 60.70sec | 96322 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | avengers_shield_dr | 31935 | 2628252 | 8760 | 3.15 | 129126 | 281587 | 15.7 | 15.7 | 24.9% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 18.43sec | 2628252 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | tyrs_enforceravengers_shield_dr | 378286 | 281219 | 937 | 3.15 | 13789 | 30003 | 15.7 | 15.7 | 25.2% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 18.42sec | 281219 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | eye_for_an_eye | 469311 | 370503 | 1235 | 1.51 | 35335 | 72324 | 7.5 | 7.5 | 37.5% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 46.78sec | 370503 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | eye_of_tyr | 387174 | 2096497 | 6988 | 1.45 | 223037 | 481297 | 7.2 | 7.2 | 25.8% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 42.97sec | 2096497 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | flask | 432021 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | food | 457283 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | hammer_of_the_righteous | 53595 | 3814424 | 12714 | 10.38 | 58249 | 125618 | 51.9 | 51.9 | 22.6% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 5.56sec | 5449172 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | hammer_of_the_righteous_aoe | 88263 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 51.9 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 5.56sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | hammer_of_wrath | 24275 | 6998972 | 23329 | 5.51 | 187620 | 396125 | 27.6 | 27.5 | 31.9% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 11.09sec | 6998972 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | holy_armaments | 432459 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 7.7 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 37.86sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | holy_bulwark | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 3.6 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 86.94sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | holy_bulwark_absorb | 0 | 7077203 | 23590 | 7.83 | 180841 | 0 | 0.0 | 39.1 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | holy_shield | 157122 | 526058 | 1753 | 8.43 | 9618 | 20885 | 42.2 | 42.2 | 25.4% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 6.90sec | 526058 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | judgment | 275779 | 15383398 | 51276 | 15.70 | 151967 | 329090 | 78.5 | 78.5 | 24.8% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 3.85sec | 15383398 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | hammer_and_anvil | 433717 | 3510809 | 11702 | 3.90 | 134590 | 287818 | 19.5 | 19.5 | 29.7% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 15.17sec | 3510809 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | melee | 0 | 4160589 | 13868 | 32.77 | 19720 | 42691 | 163.9 | 163.9 | 24.7% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 2.19sec | 5943692 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | potion | 431932 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 1.3 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | refining_fire ticks | -469882 | 6671684 | 22239 | 45.18 | 22670 | 50105 | 45.1 | 225.9 | 25.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 6.60sec | 6671684 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | rite_of_sanctification | 433568 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.00sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | sacred_weapon | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0 | 8.3 | 0.0 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 39.73sec | 0 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | sacred_weapon_proc_damage | 432616 | 10799580 | 35997 | 5.12 | 311925 | 659054 | 25.6 | 25.6 | 31.6% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 11.33sec | 10799580 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | sacred_weapon_proc_heal | 441590 | 1164899 | 3883 | 0.41 | 429824 | 905115 | 2.0 | 2.0 | 29.6% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 74.21sec | 1165359 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | shield_of_the_righteous | 53600 | 8931250 | 29770 | 17.83 | 77460 | 161235 | 89.1 | 89.1 | 27.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 3.39sec | 8931250 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | forges_reckoning | 447258 | 5827933 | 19426 | 6.51 | 129390 | 264653 | 32.6 | 32.5 | 36.8% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 9.01sec | 5827933 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | word_of_glory | 85673 | 16745611 | 55817 | 1.57 | 1813523 | 3752207 | 7.9 | 7.9 | 16.4% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 26.73sec | 16745611 | 300.01sec |
Rushmuuhre | Rushmuuhre | sacred_word | 447246 | 62832 | 209 | 0.09 | 103479 | 211062 | 0.4 | 0.4 | 37.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 108.86sec | 62832 | 300.01sec |
DPS | DPS(e) | DPS Error | DPS Range | DPR |
853,126.0 | 853,126.0 | 0.0 / 0.000% | 0.0 / 0.0% | 2.9 |
Resource | Out | In | Waiting | APM | Active |
Health | 291,142.3 | 0.0 | 46.46% | 3.4 | 100.0% |
Damage Stats | DPS | DPS% | Execute | Interval | DPE | DPET | Type | Count | Hit | Crit | Avg | Crit% | Avoid% | B% | Up% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fluffy_Pillow | 853,126 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
melee_main_hand_Rushmuuhre | 528,456 | 62.0% | 77.5 | 3.74s | 2,045,555 | 1,022,781 | Direct | 77.5 | 2,273,075 | 0 | 2,045,573 | 0.0% | 10.0% | 50.5% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Melee Main Hand Rushmuuhre
Action Details: Melee Main Hand Rushmuuhre
Direct Damage
melee_nuke_Rushmuuhre | 60,552 | 7.1% | 5.5 | 59.57s | 3,313,948 | 1,653,388 | Direct | 5.5 | 3,313,897 | 0 | 3,313,897 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 54.9% | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Melee Nuke Rushmuuhre
Action Details: Melee Nuke Rushmuuhre
Direct Damage
Action Priority Listdefault [2]:5.50
spell_dot_Rushmuuhre | 264,117 | 31.0% | 5.3 | 61.01s | 14,835,001 | 14,770,932 | Periodic | 144.8 | 547,145 | 0 | 547,145 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 96.5% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Spell Dot Rushmuuhre
Action Details: Spell Dot Rushmuuhre
Damage Over Time
Action Priority Listdefault [3]:5.36
Simple Action Stats | Execute | Interval | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fluffy_Pillow | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
pause_action | 4.5 | 60.01s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Pause Action
Action Details: Pause Action
Action Priority List
default [4]:5.00
default [4]:5.00
tank_heal | 60.5 | 5.00s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stats Details: Tank Heal
Action Details: Tank Heal
Direct Damage
Dynamic Buffs | Start | Refresh | Interval | Trigger | Avg Dur | Up-Time | Benefit | Overflow | Expiry |
Eye of Tyr | 7.2 | 0.0 | 42.9s | 42.9s | 5.9s | 14.35% | 14.32% | 0.0 (0.0) | 7.1 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Judgment | 78.5 | 0.0 | 6.5s | 3.8s | 4.3s | 76.82% | 77.73% | 0.0 (0.0) | 0.0 |
Buff Details
Trigger Details
Stack Uptimes
Constant Buffs |
Arcane Intellect |
Buff Details
Battle Shout |
Buff Details
bleeding |
Buff Details
Chaos Brand |
Buff Details
Hunter's Mark |
Buff Details
Mark of the Wild |
Buff Details
Mortal Wounds |
Buff Details
Mystic Touch |
Buff Details
Power Word: Fortitude |
Buff Details
Skyfury |
Buff Details
Proc | Count | Min | Max | Interval | Min | Max |
delayed_aa_cast | 5.0 | 4.0 | 6.0 | 60.0s | 60.0s | 60.0s |
Change | Start | Gain/s | Loss/s | Overflow | End (Avg) | Min | Max |
Fight Length | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Priority Target DPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DPS(e) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Damage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DTPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HPS(e) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Heal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
HTPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
actions.precombat Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only. | ||
# | count | action,conditions |
0 | 0.00 | snapshot_stats |
Default action list Executed every time the actor is available. | ||
# | count | action,conditions |
1 | 1.00 | auto_attack,damage=8000000,range=160000,attack_speed=2,aoe_tanks=1 |
2 | 5.50 | melee_nuke,damage=12000000,range=240000,attack_speed=2,cooldown=30,aoe_tanks=1 |
3 | 5.36 | spell_dot,damage=800000,range=16000,tick_time=2,cooldown=60,aoe_tanks=1,dot_duration=60,bleed=1 |
4 | 5.00 | pause_action,duration=30,cooldown=30,if=time>=30 |
Level Bonus (83) | Race Bonus (humanoid) | Raid-Buffed | Unbuffed | Gear Amount | |
Strength | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Agility | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Stamina | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Intellect | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Spirit | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Health | 0 | 103698733 | 0 | ||
Melee Crit | 5.00% | 5.00% | 0 | ||
Spell Crit | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0 | ||
Haste | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0 | ||
Versatility | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0 | ||
Mitigation Versatility | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0 | ||
Mastery | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0 | ||
Armor | 42857 | 42857 | 42857 | ||
Run Speed | 7 | 0 | 0 | ||
Tank-Miss | 3.00% | 3.00% | 0 | ||
Tank-Dodge | 3.00% | 3.00% | 0 | ||
Tank-Parry | 3.00% | 3.00% | 0 | ||
Tank-Block | 3.00% | 3.00% | 0 | ||
Tank-Crit | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0 |
Source | Slot | Average Item Level: 0.00 |
# This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
# It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
# while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
# Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
# SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.
# Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
# Executed every time the actor is available.
# Gear Summary
# gear_ilvl=0.00
Average number of actions executed per minute.
Average absorption per active player duration.
Buffs received prior to combat and present the entire fight.
Average number of times an action is executed per iteration.
Average crit damage.
Percentage of executes that resulted in critical strikes.
Average damage per execution of an individual action.
Average damage per execute time of an individual action; the amount of damage generated, divided by the time taken to execute the action, including time spent in the GCD.
Average damage per resource point spent.
Average damage per active player duration.
Average damage per fight duration.
Average damage taken per second per active player duration.
Average healing (and absorption) per active player duration.
Average healing (and absorption) per fight duration.
Average healing (or absorb) per execution of an individual action.
Average healing (or absorb) per execute time of an individual action; the amount of healing generated, divided by the time taken to execute the action, including time spent in the GCD.
Average healing (or absorb) per resource point spent.
Average count of impacts per iteration.
Percentage of executes that resulted in dodges.
Percentage of total DPS contributed by a particular action.
Percentage of total HPS (including absorb) contributed by a particular action.
Direct or Periodic damage.
Temporary buffs received during combat, perhaps multiple times.
The percentage of times the buff had a actual benefit for its mainly intended purpose, eg. damage buffed / spell executes.
Percentage of executes that resulted in glancing blows.
Percentage of executes that resulted in blocking blows.
Associated spell-id for this ability.
Name of the ability.
Total damage for this ability during the fight.
Average non-crit damage.
Average time between executions of a particular action.
Average direct damage per execution.
Percentage of executes that resulted in misses, dodges or parries.
The player profile from which the simulation script was generated. The profile must be copied into the same directory as this HTML file in order for the link to work.
Percentage of executes that resulted in parries.
Average primary resource points generated per second.
Average primary resource points consumed per second.
Gain per unit stat increase except for Hit/Expertise which represent Loss per unit stat decrease.
Amount from raw gear, before class, attunement, or buff modifiers. Amount from hybrid primary stats (i.e. Agility/Intellect) shown in parentheses.
Amount after all static buffs have been accounted for. Dynamic buffs (i.e. trinkets, potions) not included.
Amount after class modifiers and effects, but before buff modifiers.
Average number of periodic ticks per iteration. Spells that do not have a damage-over-time component will have zero ticks.
Average crit tick damage.
Percentage of ticks that resulted in critical strikes.
Average non-crit tick damage.
Percentage of ticks that resulted in misses, dodges or parries.
Percentage of total time that DoT is ticking on target.
Average damage per tick.
The simulated encounter's duration can vary based on the health of the target and variation in the raid DPS. This chart shows how often the duration of the encounter varied by how much time.
This is the percentage of time in which no action can be taken other than autoattacks. This can be caused by resource starvation, lockouts, and timers.
This row ranks the scale factors from highest to lowest, checking whether one scale factor is higher/lower than another with statistical significance.
The average duration of an instance of the tracked uptime.
Maximum amount of net damage taken in any N-second period (default 6sec), expressed as a percentage of max health. Calculated independently for each iteration. 'MSD Min/Mean/Max' are the lowest/average/highest MSDs out of all iterations.
Estimator for the 95.00% confidence interval.
This is the range of values containing 95.00% of the data, roughly centered on the mean.
Fight Length: 300.00
Vary Combat Length: 0.20
Fight Length is the specified average fight duration. If vary_combat_length is set, the fight length will vary by +/- that portion of the value. See Combat Length in the wiki for further details.