Frost Strike |
68,659 (103,021) | 8.1% (12.1%) | 84.9 | 3.48s | 363,992 | 304,352 | Direct | 84.9 (169.8) | 192,618 | 385,386 | 242,574 | 25.9% (25.9%) | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Frost Strike
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 84.89 | 84.89 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.1960 | 0.0000 | 20,593,718.87 | 20,593,718.87 | 0.00% | 304,352.50 | 304,352.50 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.08% | 62.89 | 40 | 92 | 192,617.90 | 107,262 | 430,483 | 192,626.62 | 172,098 | 217,566 | 12,113,921 | 12,113,921 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.92% | 22.00 | 5 | 45 | 385,386.01 | 215,543 | 860,440 | 385,387.84 | 321,997 | 463,414 | 8,479,798 | 8,479,798 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Frost Strike- id:222026
- school:frost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:0.00
Spelldata- id:222026
- name:Frost Strike
- school:frost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc49143=Chill your {$?=}{$=}owb==0[weapon with icy power and quickly strike the enemy, dealing {$=}<2hDamage> Frost damage.][weapons with icy power and quickly strike the enemy with both, dealing a total of {$=}<dualWieldDamage> Frost damage.]}
Action Priority List
high_prio_actions [j]:51.74
- if_expr:active_enemies=1&variable.rp_buffs&!talent.breath_of_sindragosa&talent.obliteration&!buff.pillar_of_frost.up
- target_if_expr:((talent.shattering_blade&debuff.razorice.stack=5)*5)+(debuff.razorice.stack+1)%(debuff.razorice.remains+1)*death_knight.runeforge.razorice
obliteration [m]:0.47
- if_expr:buff.killing_machine.react<2&buff.pillar_of_frost.remains<gcd&!buff.death_and_decay.up
- target_if_expr:((talent.shattering_blade&debuff.razorice.stack=5)*5)+(debuff.razorice.stack+1)%(debuff.razorice.remains+1)*death_knight.runeforge.razorice
obliteration [p]:14.80
- if_expr:(rune<2|variable.rp_buffs|debuff.razorice.stack=5&talent.shattering_blade)&!variable.pooling_runic_power&(!talent.glacial_advance|active_enemies=1|talent.shattered_frost)
- target_if_expr:((talent.shattering_blade&debuff.razorice.stack=5)*5)+(debuff.razorice.stack+1)%(debuff.razorice.remains+1)*death_knight.runeforge.razorice
obliteration [r]:1.12
- if_expr:!variable.pooling_runic_power&(!talent.glacial_advance|active_enemies=1|talent.shattered_frost)
- target_if_expr:((talent.shattering_blade&debuff.razorice.stack=5)*5)+(debuff.razorice.stack+1)%(debuff.razorice.remains+1)*death_knight.runeforge.razorice
single_target [w]:3.17
- if_expr:!variable.pooling_runic_power&(variable.rp_buffs|(!talent.shattering_blade&runic_power.deficit<20))
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Improved Frost Strike | 316803 | 1 | PCT | 20.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Death Knight Frost 11.0 Class Set 2pc | 453634 | 1 | PCT | 8.0% | Hasted Global Cooldown | Death Knight | 137005 | 2 | SET | 1.000 |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Spell School |
Dark Talons | 443586 | 1 | | Spell Data | Shadowfrost |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Frost Strike Off-Hand |
34,362 | 4.0% | 84.9 | 3.48s | 121,410 | 0 | Direct | 84.9 | 96,389 | 192,979 | 121,405 | 25.9% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Frost Strike Offhand
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 84.89 | 84.89 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 10,306,581.51 | 10,306,581.51 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.10% | 62.90 | 35 | 88 | 96,388.61 | 53,631 | 215,242 | 96,387.68 | 87,067 | 108,193 | 6,063,146 | 6,063,146 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.90% | 21.99 | 7 | 43 | 192,978.68 | 110,971 | 430,483 | 192,990.06 | 161,107 | 237,616 | 4,243,436 | 4,243,436 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Frost Strike Offhand- id:66196
- school:frost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:0.00
Spelldata- id:66196
- name:Frost Strike Off-Hand
- school:frost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc49143=Chill your {$?=}{$=}owb==0[weapon with icy power and quickly strike the enemy, dealing {$=}<2hDamage> Frost damage.][weapons with icy power and quickly strike the enemy with both, dealing a total of {$=}<dualWieldDamage> Frost damage.]}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Improved Frost Strike | 316803 | 1 | PCT | 20.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Death Knight Frost 11.0 Class Set 2pc | 453634 | 1 | PCT | 8.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Spell School |
Dark Talons | 443586 | 1 | | Spell Data | Shadowfrost |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Howling Blast |
40,794 (45,577) | 4.8% (5.4%) | 29.5 | 10.20s | 463,705 | 392,144 | Direct | 29.5 (57.1) | 329,473 | 660,576 | 415,047 | 25.8% (25.9%) | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Howling Blast
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 29.47 | 29.47 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.1825 | 0.0000 | 12,232,196.97 | 12,232,196.97 | 0.00% | 392,144.00 | 392,144.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.16% | 21.86 | 8 | 39 | 329,473.34 | 24,325 | 779,218 | 329,109.16 | 197,402 | 426,661 | 7,201,396 | 7,201,396 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.84% | 7.62 | 0 | 20 | 660,576.22 | 48,363 | 1,548,189 | 659,475.05 | 0 | 1,052,720 | 5,030,801 | 5,030,801 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Howling Blast- id:49184
- school:frost
- range:30.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:10.0
- trigger_gcd:1.5000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.7500
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- reduced_aoe_targets:1
- full_amount_targets:1
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:rune
- base_cost:1
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:on_cast
- energize_resource:runic_power
- energize_amount:10.0
Spelldata- id:49184
- name:Howling Blast
- school:frost
- tooltip:
- description:Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing {$=}{{$s1=0}*{$=}<CAP>/{$=}AP} {$?s204088=false}[Frost damage and applying Frost Fever to the target.][Frost damage to that foe, and reduced damage to all other enemies within {$237680=}A1 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever.]
{$@=}spellicon55095 |cFFFFFFFF{$@=}spellname55095|r
{$@spelldesc55095=A disease that deals {$=}{{$=}o1*{$=}<CAP>/{$=}AP} Frost damage over {$d=24 seconds} and has a chance to grant the Death Knight {$=}{{$195617m1=50}/10} Runic Power each time it deals damage.}
Action Priority List
obliteration [q]:3.60
- if_expr:buff.rime.react
single_target [u]:21.77
- if_expr:variable.rime_buffs&(!talent.breath_of_sindragosa|talent.rage_of_the_frozen_champion|cooldown.breath_of_sindragosa.remains)
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Rime | 59052 | 2 | 300.0% | Spell Data | |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Percent Cost |
Rime | 59052 | 1 | -100.0% | Spell Data | |
Spell School |
Bind in Darkness | 443532 | 1 | | Spell Data | Shadowfrost |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Avalanche |
4,783 | 0.6% | 27.6 | 10.77s | 51,971 | 0 | Direct | 27.6 | 41,270 | 82,591 | 51,971 | 25.9% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Avalanche
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 27.60 | 27.60 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1,434,413.46 | 1,434,413.46 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.10% | 20.45 | 5 | 37 | 41,269.52 | 23,834 | 79,585 | 41,285.42 | 33,788 | 53,882 | 844,078 | 844,078 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.90% | 7.15 | 0 | 19 | 82,590.85 | 49,604 | 158,124 | 82,557.97 | 0 | 132,631 | 590,335 | 590,335 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Avalanche- id:207150
- school:frost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:207150
- name:Avalanche
- school:frost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc207142=Casting Howling Blast with Rime active causes jagged icicles to fall on enemies nearby your target, applying Razorice and dealing {$207150s1=0} Frost damage.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Obliterate |
5,009 (188,328) | 0.6% (22.1%) | 14.9 | 17.18s | 3,797,682 | 555,734 | Direct | 14.9 (244.4) | 80,036 | 162,510 | 101,138 | 25.6% (69.4%) | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Obliterate
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 14.86 | 14.86 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 6.8337 | 0.0000 | 1,503,294.93 | 2,141,539.69 | 29.80% | 555,734.16 | 555,734.16 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.42% | 11.06 | 0 | 27 | 80,036.33 | 58,018 | 117,418 | 80,002.10 | 0 | 100,761 | 885,317 | 1,264,737 | 29.99% |
crit | 25.58% | 3.80 | 0 | 14 | 162,510.12 | 115,749 | 658,541 | 158,485.67 | 0 | 527,178 | 617,978 | 876,802 | 28.85% |
Action Details: Obliterate- id:49020
- school:physical
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:-1.0
- trigger_gcd:1.5000
- gcd_type:attack_haste
- min_gcd:0.7500
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:rune
- base_cost:2
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:on_hit
- energize_resource:runic_power
- energize_amount:20.0
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:0.00
Spelldata- id:49020
- name:Obliterate
- school:physical
- tooltip:
- description:A brutal attack {$?=}{$=}owb==0[that deals {$=}<2hDamage> Physical damage.][with both weapons that deals a total of {$=}<dualWieldDamage> Physical damage.]{$?a134735=false}&a51128[
Damage increased by {$s6=75}% in PvP Combat when Killing Machine is not active.][]
Action Priority List
obliteration [k]:8.87
- if_expr:buff.killing_machine.react&(buff.exterminate.up|fight_remains<gcd*2)
- target_if_expr:(debuff.razorice.stack+1)%(debuff.razorice.remains+1)*death_knight.runeforge.razorice+((hero_tree.deathbringer&debuff.reapers_mark_debuff.down)*5)
obliteration [n]:20.70
- if_expr:buff.killing_machine.react
- target_if_expr:(debuff.razorice.stack+1)%(debuff.razorice.remains+1)*death_knight.runeforge.razorice
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Hasted Global Cooldown | Death Knight | 137005 | 2 | SET | 1.000 | Spell Direct Amount | Improved Obliterate | 317198 | 1 | PCT | 10.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Frigid Executioner | 377073 | 2 | PCT | 15.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Critical Strike Chance |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 1 | 100000.0% | Spell Data | |
Percent Cost |
Exterminate | 441416 | 2 | -50.0% | Spell Data | No-stacks |
Spell School |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 2 | | Spell Data | Frost |
Damage on Debuff |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | DISABLED |
Obliterate Off-Hand |
2,520 | 0.3% | 14.9 | 17.18s | 50,887 | 0 | Direct | 14.9 | 40,012 | 82,294 | 50,885 | 25.7% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Obliterate Offhand
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 14.86 | 14.86 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 756,321.53 | 1,074,674.66 | 29.62% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.28% | 11.04 | 0 | 28 | 40,011.85 | 28,937 | 58,772 | 39,997.82 | 0 | 50,283 | 441,764 | 631,090 | 29.99% |
crit | 25.72% | 3.82 | 0 | 15 | 82,294.46 | 58,162 | 329,271 | 80,630.07 | 0 | 233,424 | 314,558 | 443,584 | 28.58% |
Action Details: Obliterate Offhand- id:66198
- school:physical
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:0.00
Spelldata- id:66198
- name:Obliterate Off-Hand
- school:physical
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc49020=A brutal attack {$?=}{$=}owb==0[that deals {$=}<2hDamage> Physical damage.][with both weapons that deals a total of {$=}<dualWieldDamage> Physical damage.]{$?a134735=false}&a51128[
Damage increased by {$s6=75}% in PvP Combat when Killing Machine is not active.][]}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Improved Obliterate | 317198 | 1 | PCT | 10.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Frigid Executioner | 377073 | 2 | PCT | 15.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Critical Strike Chance |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 1 | 100000.0% | Spell Data | |
Percent Cost |
Exterminate | 441416 | 2 | -50.0% | Spell Data | No-stacks |
Spell School |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 2 | | Spell Data | Frost |
Damage on Debuff |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Obliterate (_km) |
102,293 | 12.0% | 71.6 | 4.17s | 428,342 | 0 | Direct | 71.6 | 187,934 | 428,344 | 428,339 | 100.0% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Obliterate Km
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 71.58 | 71.58 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 30,659,705.96 | 30,659,705.96 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0 | 1 | 187,933.98 | 141,125 | 249,188 | 263.13 | 0 | 249,188 | 263 | 263 | 0.00% |
crit | 100.00% | 71.58 | 47 | 98 | 428,343.60 | 236,226 | 791,996 | 428,313.95 | 385,038 | 480,132 | 30,659,443 | 30,659,443 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Obliterate Km- id:222024
- school:frost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:0.00
Spelldata- id:222024
- name:Obliterate
- school:physical
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc49020=A brutal attack {$?=}{$=}owb==0[that deals {$=}<2hDamage> Physical damage.][with both weapons that deals a total of {$=}<dualWieldDamage> Physical damage.]{$?a134735=false}&a51128[
Damage increased by {$s6=75}% in PvP Combat when Killing Machine is not active.][]}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Improved Obliterate | 317198 | 1 | PCT | 10.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Frigid Executioner | 377073 | 2 | PCT | 15.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Critical Strike Chance |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 1 | 100000.0% | Spell Data | |
Percent Cost |
Exterminate | 441416 | 2 | -50.0% | Spell Data | No-stacks |
Spell School |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 2 | | Spell Data | Frost |
Damage on Debuff |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Obliterate Off-Hand (_km) |
51,161 | 6.0% | 71.6 | 4.17s | 214,242 | 0 | Direct | 71.6 | 92,548 | 214,243 | 214,240 | 100.0% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Obliterate Offhand Km
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 71.58 | 71.58 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 15,334,411.89 | 15,334,411.89 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0 | 1 | 92,548.25 | 70,563 | 129,725 | 166.60 | 0 | 129,725 | 167 | 167 | 0.00% |
crit | 100.00% | 71.57 | 47 | 98 | 214,243.27 | 118,113 | 395,998 | 214,228.45 | 192,759 | 240,327 | 15,334,245 | 15,334,245 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Obliterate Offhand Km- id:66198
- school:frost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:0.00
Spelldata- id:66198
- name:Obliterate Off-Hand
- school:physical
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc49020=A brutal attack {$?=}{$=}owb==0[that deals {$=}<2hDamage> Physical damage.][with both weapons that deals a total of {$=}<dualWieldDamage> Physical damage.]{$?a134735=false}&a51128[
Damage increased by {$s6=75}% in PvP Combat when Killing Machine is not active.][]}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Improved Obliterate | 317198 | 1 | PCT | 10.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Frigid Executioner | 377073 | 2 | PCT | 15.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Critical Strike Chance |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 1 | 100000.0% | Spell Data | |
Percent Cost |
Exterminate | 441416 | 2 | -50.0% | Spell Data | No-stacks |
Spell School |
Killing Machine | 51124 | 2 | | Spell Data | Frost |
Damage on Debuff |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Glacial Advance (_arctic_assault) |
27,345 | 3.2% | 71.6 | 4.17s | 114,507 | 0 | Direct | 71.6 | 90,610 | 181,160 | 114,505 | 26.4% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Glacial Advance Arctic Assault
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 71.57 | 71.57 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 8,194,963.49 | 8,194,963.49 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 73.61% | 52.68 | 30 | 77 | 90,610.12 | 46,388 | 186,632 | 90,619.08 | 80,273 | 108,753 | 4,773,471 | 4,773,471 | 0.00% |
crit | 26.39% | 18.89 | 5 | 38 | 181,160.07 | 96,543 | 372,668 | 181,193.52 | 147,201 | 232,943 | 3,421,492 | 3,421,492 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Glacial Advance Arctic Assault- id:195975
- school:frost
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:2.5
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:true
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:195975
- name:Glacial Advance
- school:frost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc194913=Summon glacial spikes from the ground that advance forward, each dealing {$=}{{$195975s1=0}*{$=}<CAP>/{$=}AP} Frost damage and applying Razorice to enemies near their eruption point.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Hasted Cooldown Duration | Death Knight | 137005 | 1 | SET | 1.000 | Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Death Knight Frost 11.0 Class Set 2pc | 453634 | 1 | PCT | 8.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Spell School |
Dark Talons | 443586 | 1 | | Spell Data | Shadowfrost |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Raise Dead |
0 (10,104) | 0.0% (1.2%) | 3.0 | 120.00s | 1,008,764 | 0 | |
Stats Details: Raise Dead
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 3.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Action Details: Raise Dead- id:46585
- school:physical
- range:30.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:-1.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:120.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Deadscrew
- aoe:0
- harmful:false
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:46585
- name:Raise Dead
- school:physical
- tooltip:
- description:Raises a {$?s58640=false}[geist][ghoul] to fight by your side. You can have a maximum of one {$?s58640=false}[geist][ghoul] at a time. Lasts {$46585d=60 seconds}.
auto_attack_mh |
12,361 / 6,802 | 0.8% | 100.2 | 2.78s | 20,349 | 13,675 | Direct | 100.2 | 16,097 | 32,363 | 20,349 | 26.1% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Auto Attack Mh
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 100.15 | 100.15 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.4880 | 0.0000 | 2,038,024.70 | 2,911,460.95 | 30.00% | 13,675.45 | 13,675.45 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 73.86% | 73.97 | 42 | 98 | 16,097.17 | 10,946 | 24,623 | 16,104.28 | 14,572 | 17,800 | 1,190,747 | 1,701,065 | 30.00% |
crit | 26.14% | 26.18 | 10 | 47 | 32,362.66 | 21,838 | 49,199 | 32,383.56 | 28,170 | 36,971 | 847,278 | 1,210,396 | 30.00% |
Action Details: Auto Attack Mh- id:0
- school:physical
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:-1.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:2.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:1.00
Claw |
5,988 / 3,295 | 0.4% | 54.4 | 5.19s | 18,142 | 18,142 | Direct | 54.4 | 14,365 | 28,855 | 18,142 | 26.1% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Claw
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 54.37 | 54.37 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 986,425.51 | 1,409,177.89 | 30.00% | 18,142.16 | 18,142.16 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 73.93% | 40.20 | 21 | 54 | 14,364.77 | 9,827 | 22,161 | 14,368.32 | 12,886 | 15,935 | 577,472 | 824,960 | 30.00% |
crit | 26.07% | 14.17 | 3 | 27 | 28,855.23 | 19,703 | 44,279 | 28,873.38 | 23,818 | 35,484 | 408,953 | 584,218 | 30.00% |
Action Details: Claw- id:91776
- school:physical
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:1.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:energy
- base_cost:40
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:91776
- name:Claw
- school:physical
- tooltip:
- description:Claw the enemy, dealing {$=}<damage> Physical damage.
Action Priority List
default [ ]:54.38
- if_expr:energy>70
Gnaw |
11 / 6 | 0.0% | 2.9 | 120.00s | 625 | 626 | Direct | 2.9 | 494 | 991 | 625 | 26.5% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Gnaw
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 2.95 | 2.95 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1,842.16 | 2,631.65 | 30.00% | 625.52 | 625.52 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 73.50% | 2.17 | 0 | 3 | 493.59 | 349 | 743 | 484.39 | 0 | 711 | 1,069 | 1,527 | 29.44% |
crit | 26.50% | 0.78 | 0 | 3 | 990.76 | 700 | 1,481 | 592.12 | 0 | 1,481 | 773 | 1,105 | 17.94% |
Action Details: Gnaw- id:91800
- school:physical
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:1.0000
- gcd_type:none
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:90.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:91800
- name:Gnaw
- school:physical
- tooltip:Stunned.
- description:Bite and tear at a target's limbs, stunning it for {$d=1 second} and dealing damage.
Reaper's Mark |
11,859 (226,702) | 1.4% (26.6%) | 6.9 | 46.75s | 9,850,463 | 8,448,297 | Direct | 6.9 (85.8) | 410,317 | 819,447 | 514,983 | 25.6% (32.0%) | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Reapers Mark
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 6.90 | 6.90 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.1661 | 0.0000 | 3,553,570.22 | 3,553,570.22 | 0.00% | 8,448,296.74 | 8,448,296.74 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.43% | 5.14 | 1 | 8 | 410,316.67 | 273,907 | 802,581 | 410,299.26 | 311,227 | 573,752 | 2,107,325 | 2,107,325 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.57% | 1.76 | 0 | 7 | 819,446.97 | 527,297 | 1,477,227 | 711,103.66 | 0 | 1,341,238 | 1,446,245 | 1,446,245 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Reapers Mark- id:439843
- school:shadowfrost
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:1.5000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.7500
- cooldown:45.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:rune
- base_cost:2
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:on_hit
- energize_resource:runic_power
- energize_amount:20.0
Spelldata- id:439843
- name:Reaper's Mark
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:
- description:Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing {$?a137008=false}[{$s1=0}][{$s4=0}] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark.
Each time you deal Shadow or Frost damage, add a stack of Reaper's Mark. After {$434765d=12 seconds} or reaching {$434765u=40} stacks, the mark explodes, dealing {$?a137008=false}[{$436304s1=0}][{$436304s2=0}] damage per stack.
Reaper's Mark travels to an unmarked enemy nearby if the target dies, or explodes below 35% health when there are no enemies to travel to. This explosion cannot occur again on a target for {$443761d=180 seconds}.
Action Priority List
cooldowns [c]:6.90
- if_expr:buff.pillar_of_frost.up|cooldown.pillar_of_frost.remains>5
- target_if_expr:debuff.reapers_mark_debuff.down
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Reaper's Mark (_explosion) |
90,452 | 10.6% | 13.3 | 22.14s | 2,048,580 | 0 | Direct | 13.3 | 1,622,895 | 3,266,006 | 2,048,816 | 25.9% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Reapers Mark Explosion
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 13.25 | 13.25 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 27,145,173.36 | 27,145,173.36 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.09% | 9.82 | 1 | 27 | 1,622,894.79 | 83,258 | 3,716,277 | 1,610,555.11 | 174,924 | 2,257,951 | 15,930,813 | 15,930,813 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.91% | 3.43 | 0 | 13 | 3,266,005.74 | 188,980 | 7,082,275 | 3,145,843.19 | 0 | 6,678,735 | 11,214,360 | 11,214,360 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Reapers Mark Explosion- id:436304
- school:shadowfrost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:436304
- name:Reaper's Mark
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc439843=Viciously slice into the soul of your enemy, dealing {$?a137008=false}[{$s1=0}][{$s4=0}] Shadowfrost damage and applying Reaper's Mark.
Each time you deal Shadow or Frost damage, add a stack of Reaper's Mark. After {$434765d=12 seconds} or reaching {$434765u=40} stacks, the mark explodes, dealing {$?a137008=false}[{$436304s1=0}][{$436304s2=0}] damage per stack.
Reaper's Mark travels to an unmarked enemy nearby if the target dies, or explodes below 35% health when there are no enemies to travel to. This explosion cannot occur again on a target for {$443761d=180 seconds}.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Wave of Souls |
19,571 | 2.3% | 13.8 | 21.65s | 425,378 | 0 | Direct | 13.8 | 255,549 | 525,313 | 425,362 | 63.0% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Wave Of Souls
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 13.78 | 13.78 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 5,862,245.98 | 5,862,245.98 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 37.05% | 5.11 | 1 | 8 | 255,549.42 | 163,442 | 497,538 | 255,533.34 | 186,839 | 345,012 | 1,304,801 | 1,304,801 | 0.00% |
crit | 62.95% | 8.68 | 5 | 15 | 525,312.89 | 340,445 | 1,067,783 | 524,996.83 | 444,823 | 642,594 | 4,557,445 | 4,557,445 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Wave Of Souls- id:435802
- school:shadowfrost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:435802
- name:Wave of Souls
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc434711={$@spelldesc439851=Reaper's Mark sends forth bursts of Shadowfrost energy and back, dealing {$?a137008=false}[{$435802s1=0}][{$435802s2=0}] Shadowfrost damage both ways to all enemies caught in its path.
Wave of Souls critical strikes cause enemies to take {$443404s1=5}% increased Shadowfrost damage for {$443404d=15 seconds}, stacking up to 2 times, and it is always a critical strike on its way back.}}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Reaper's Mark (_soul_rupture) |
0 | 0.0% | 13.3 | 22.14s |
Stats Details: Reapers Mark Soul Rupture
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 13.25 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Action Details: Reapers Mark Soul Rupture- id:439594
- school:shadowfrost
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:8.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Direct Damage- may_crit:false
- base_dd_min:541897.82
- base_dd_max:541897.82
- base_dd_mult:0.95
- base_multiplier:1.00
Spelldata- id:439594
- name:Reaper's Mark
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc437161=When Reaper's Mark explodes, it deals {$?a137008=false}[{$s1=10}][{$s2=20}]% of the damage dealt to nearby enemies and causes them to deal {$s3=5}% reduced Physical damage to you for 10 sec.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Damage on Debuff |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | DISABLED |
Exterminate |
78,301 (104,819) | 9.2% (12.3%) | 26.0 | 10.92s | 1,210,000 | 0 | Direct | 26.0 (51.9) | 715,691 | 1,434,008 | 903,895 | 26.2% (26.2%) | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Exterminate
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 25.96 | 25.96 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 23,466,948.59 | 23,466,948.59 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 73.80% | 19.16 | 5 | 53 | 715,691.29 | 392,362 | 1,426,554 | 717,199.19 | 570,775 | 905,199 | 13,712,259 | 13,712,259 | 0.00% |
crit | 26.20% | 6.80 | 0 | 22 | 1,434,008.21 | 756,696 | 2,829,819 | 1,434,887.46 | 0 | 2,452,732 | 9,754,689 | 9,754,689 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Exterminate- id:441424
- school:shadowfrost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:441424
- name:Exterminate
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc441378=After Reaper's Mark explodes, your next {$s3=2} {$?a137008=false}[{$=}LMarrowrend:Marrowrends;][{$=}LObliterate:Obliterates;] cost {$s4=1} {$=}LRune:Runes; and summon {$s1=2} {$=}Lscythe:scythes; to strike your enemies.
The first scythe strikes your target for {$?a137008=false}[{$441424s1=0}][{$441424s2=0}] Shadowfrost damage and has a {$s2=30}% chance to apply Reaper's Mark, the second scythe strikes all enemies around your target for {$?a137008=false}[{$441426s1=0}][{$441426s2=0}] Shadowfrost damage{$?=}(a441894&a137008)[ and applies Blood Plague]?(a441894&{$=}a137006)[ and applies Frost Fever][]. Deals reduced damage beyond {$s5=8} targets.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Exterminate (_second_hit) |
26,517 | 3.1% | 25.9 | 10.91s | 306,672 | 0 | Direct | 25.9 | 242,562 | 486,696 | 306,680 | 26.3% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Exterminate Second Hit
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 25.91 | 25.91 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 7,947,057.40 | 7,947,057.40 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 73.74% | 19.11 | 4 | 50 | 242,562.33 | 129,081 | 483,728 | 243,167.60 | 195,827 | 317,845 | 4,635,033 | 4,635,033 | 0.00% |
crit | 26.26% | 6.81 | 0 | 22 | 486,696.21 | 266,955 | 965,910 | 487,125.76 | 0 | 807,813 | 3,312,024 | 3,312,024 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Exterminate Second Hit- id:441426
- school:shadowfrost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:8.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- reduced_aoe_targets:8
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:441426
- name:Exterminate
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc441378=After Reaper's Mark explodes, your next {$s3=2} {$?a137008=false}[{$=}LMarrowrend:Marrowrends;][{$=}LObliterate:Obliterates;] cost {$s4=1} {$=}LRune:Runes; and summon {$s1=2} {$=}Lscythe:scythes; to strike your enemies.
The first scythe strikes your target for {$?a137008=false}[{$441424s1=0}][{$441424s2=0}] Shadowfrost damage and has a {$s2=30}% chance to apply Reaper's Mark, the second scythe strikes all enemies around your target for {$?a137008=false}[{$441426s1=0}][{$441426s2=0}] Shadowfrost damage{$?=}(a441894&a137008)[ and applies Blood Plague]?(a441894&{$=}a137006)[ and applies Frost Fever][]. Deals reduced damage beyond {$s5=8} targets.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Remorseless Winter |
0 (51,988) | 0.0% (6.1%) | 13.1 | 22.93s | 1,188,587 | 982,689 | |
Stats Details: Remorseless Winter
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 13.11 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.2095 | 0.0000 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 982,689.29 | 982,689.29 |
Action Details: Remorseless Winter- id:196770
- school:frost
- range:0.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:-1.0
- trigger_gcd:1.5000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.7500
- cooldown:20.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:rune
- base_cost:1
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:on_cast
- energize_resource:runic_power
- energize_amount:10.0
Spelldata- id:196770
- name:Remorseless Winter
- school:frost
- tooltip:Dealing {$196771s1=0} Frost damage to enemies within {$196771=}A1 yards each second.
- description:Drain the warmth of life from all nearby enemies within {$196771=}A1 yards, dealing {$=}{9*{$196771s1=0}*{$=}<CAP>/{$=}AP} Frost damage over {$d=8 seconds} and reducing their movement speed by {$211793s1=20}%.
Action Priority List
cooldowns [Z]:13.11
- if_expr:variable.rw_buffs&variable.sending_cds&(!talent.arctic_assault|!buff.pillar_of_frost.up)&(cooldown.pillar_of_frost.remains>20|cooldown.pillar_of_frost.remains<4|(buff.gathering_storm.stack=10&buff.remorseless_winter.remains<gcd.max))&fight_remains>10
Remorseless Winter (_damage) |
43,783 | 5.1% | 192.7 | 1.52s | 68,098 | 0 | Direct | 192.7 | 53,861 | 108,614 | 68,098 | 26.0% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Remorseless Winter Damage
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 192.68 | 192.68 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 13,121,411.37 | 13,121,411.37 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.00% | 142.58 | 88 | 206 | 53,860.66 | 12,042 | 138,433 | 53,879.53 | 44,337 | 63,748 | 7,679,652 | 7,679,652 | 0.00% |
crit | 26.00% | 50.10 | 23 | 89 | 108,613.74 | 24,084 | 276,866 | 108,681.86 | 81,184 | 138,838 | 5,441,760 | 5,441,760 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Remorseless Winter Damage- id:196771
- school:frost
- range:0.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:8.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:196771
- name:Remorseless Winter
- school:frost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc196770=Drain the warmth of life from all nearby enemies within {$196771=}A1 yards, dealing {$=}{9*{$196771s1=0}*{$=}<CAP>/{$=}AP} Frost damage over {$d=8 seconds} and reducing their movement speed by {$211793s1=20}%.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Biting Cold | 377056 | 2 | PCT | 35.0% | Spell Direct Amount | Biting Cold | 377056 | 3 | PCT | 35.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Gathering Storm | 211805 | 1 | 10.0% | Spell Data | |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Everfrost | 376974 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Cryogenic Chamber |
8,204 | 1.0% | 13.1 | 23.08s | 187,992 | 0 | Direct | 12.1 | 203,519 | 0 | 203,519 | 0.0% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Cryogenic Chamber
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 13.11 | 12.11 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 2,465,023.42 | 2,465,023.42 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 100.00% | 12.11 | 8 | 17 | 203,519.22 | 135 | 426,890 | 204,022.37 | 154,462 | 273,645 | 2,465,023 | 2,465,023 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Cryogenic Chamber- id:456371
- school:frost
- range:0.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:8.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:-1
- split_aoe_damage:false
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Direct Damage- may_crit:false
- base_dd_min:179514.78
- base_dd_max:179514.78
- base_dd_mult:1.00
- base_multiplier:1.00
Spelldata- id:456371
- name:Cryogenic Chamber
- school:frost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc456237=Each time Frost Fever deals damage, {$s1=15}% of the damage dealt is gathered into the next cast of Remorseless Winter, up to {$s2=20} times.}
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | DISABLED |
Soul Reaper |
2,832 (15,593) | 0.3% (1.8%) | 8.5 | 11.57s | 552,701 | 439,959 | Direct | 8.5 (17.0) | 79,872 | 159,525 | 100,306 | 25.7% (25.6%) | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Soul Reaper
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 8.50 | 8.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.2563 | 0.0000 | 852,813.10 | 852,813.10 | 0.00% | 439,958.51 | 439,958.51 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.34% | 6.32 | 0 | 15 | 79,872.30 | 49,538 | 169,383 | 79,647.54 | 0 | 130,257 | 504,764 | 504,764 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.66% | 2.18 | 0 | 9 | 159,525.47 | 98,746 | 342,619 | 142,161.00 | 0 | 297,864 | 348,049 | 348,049 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Soul Reaper- id:343294
- school:shadowfrost
- range:5.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:1.5000
- gcd_type:attack_haste
- min_gcd:0.7500
- cooldown:6.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:rune
- base_cost:1
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:on_cast
- energize_resource:runic_power
- energize_amount:10.0
Damage Over Time- tick_may_crit:false
- tick_zero:false
- tick_on_application:false
- rolling_periodic:false
- attack_power_mod.tick:0.000000
- spell_power_mod.tick:0.000000
- base_td:0.00
- base_td_mult:0.95
- base_multiplier:1.00
- dot_duration:5.00
- base_tick_time:5.00
- hasted_ticks:false
- dot_behavior:DOT_EXTEND
Weapon- normalized:false
- weapon_power_mod:0.166667
- weapon_multiplier:0.00
Spelldata- id:343294
- name:Soul Reaper
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:Afflicted by Soul Reaper, if the target is below {$s3=35}% health this effect will explode dealing an additional {$343295s1=0} Shadowfrost damage.
- description:Strike an enemy for {$s1=0} Shadowfrost damage and afflict the enemy with Soul Reaper.
After {$d=5 seconds}, if the target is below {$s3=35}% health this effect will explode dealing an additional {$343295s1=0} Shadowfrost damage to the target. If the enemy that yields experience or honor dies while afflicted by Soul Reaper, gain Runic Corruption.
Action Priority List
cooldowns [g]:8.50
- if_expr:fight_remains>5&target.time_to_pct_35<5&target.time_to_pct_0>5&active_enemies<=1&rune>2&(talent.obliteration&(buff.pillar_of_frost.up&!buff.killing_machine.react|!buff.pillar_of_frost.up)|talent.breath_of_sindragosa&(!talent.obliteration|!buff.pillar_of_frost.up)&(buff.breath_of_sindragosa.up&runic_power>50|!buff.breath_of_sindragosa.up)|!talent.breath_of_sindragosa&!talent.obliteration)
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Hasted Global Cooldown | Death Knight | 137005 | 2 | SET | 1.000 | Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |
Soul Reaper (_execute) |
12,761 | 1.5% | 0.0 | 0.00s | 0 | 0 | Direct | 8.5 | 360,580 | 719,820 | 452,372 | 25.5% | 0.0% | |
Stats Details: Soul Reaper Execute
Type | Executes | Direct Results | Ticks | Tick Results | Refreshes | Execute Time per Execution | Tick Time per Tick | Actual Amount | Raw Amount | Mitigated | Amount per Total Time | Amount per Total Execute Time |
damage | 0.00 | 8.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 3,845,943.76 | 3,845,943.76 | 0.00% | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Direct Results | Count | Simulation | Iteration Average | Amount |
Percent | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Mean | Min | Max | Actual | Raw | Mitigated |
hit | 74.45% | 6.33 | 0 | 15 | 360,580.27 | 218,421 | 767,871 | 358,609.04 | 0 | 630,346 | 2,282,376 | 2,282,376 | 0.00% |
crit | 25.55% | 2.17 | 0 | 9 | 719,819.50 | 454,184 | 1,580,422 | 639,231.10 | 0 | 1,338,893 | 1,563,568 | 1,563,568 | 0.00% |
Action Details: Soul Reaper Execute- id:343295
- school:shadowfrost
- range:100.0
- travel_speed:0.0000
- radius:0.0
- trigger_gcd:0.0000
- gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
- min_gcd:0.0000
- cooldown:0.000
- cooldown hasted:false
- charges:1
- base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
- base_execute_time:0.00
- base_crit:0.00
- target:Fluffy_Pillow
- aoe:0
- harmful:true
Resources- resource:none
- base_cost:0
- secondary_cost:0
- energize_type:none
- energize_resource:none
- energize_amount:0.0
Spelldata- id:343295
- name:Soul Reaper
- school:shadowfrost
- tooltip:
- description:{$@spelldesc343294=Strike an enemy for {$s1=0} Shadowfrost damage and afflict the enemy with Soul Reaper.
After {$d=5 seconds}, if the target is below {$s3=35}% health this effect will explode dealing an additional {$343295s1=0} Shadowfrost damage to the target. If the enemy that yields experience or honor dies while afflicted by Soul Reaper, gain Runic Corruption.}
Affected By (Passive)
Type |
Spell |
ID |
# |
+/% |
Value |
Spell Direct Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 1 | PCT | -5.0% | Spell Periodic Amount | Frost Death Knight | 137006 | 2 | PCT | -5.0% |
Affected By (Dynamic)
Type | Spell | ID | # | Value | Source | Notes |
Direct Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 1 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Periodic Damage |
Mastery: Frozen Heart | 77514 | 2 | 2.00000 | Spell Data | Mastery, Passive |
Damage on Debuff |
Razorice | 51714 | 1 | 3.6% | | |
Brittle | 374557 | 1 | 6.0% | | |