SimulationCraft 1100-02      berechnet von Metaux@Antonidas

for World of Warcraft Live (hotfix 2024-09-20/56647, git build dcc75fd195)

Current simulator hotfixes

Demon Hunter

Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2023-10-23 Manually set secondary Felblade level requirement.
Felblade spell_level 16.00 50.00
2023-05-28 Manually set Consume Soul Fragment (Greater) travel speed.
Consume Soul prj_speed 25.00 0.00


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2018-12-28 Manually set Arcane Orb's travel speed.
Arcane Orb prj_speed 20.00 0.00
2017-06-21 Ice Lance is slower than spell data suggests.
Ice Lance prj_speed 47.00 50.00
2017-03-20 Manually set Frozen Orb's travel speed.
Frozen Orb prj_speed 20.00 0.00


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2024-09-20 Periodic damage increased by 4%
Shadow Priest (effect#2) base_value 10.00 6.00
2024-09-20 Direct damage increased by 4%
Shadow Priest (effect#1) base_value 10.00 6.00


Tag Spell / Effect Field Hotfixed Value DBC Value
2024-09-06 Manually set Stormkeeper max stacks
Stormkeeper max_stack 3.00 0.00

Rhodonis : 687,742 dps

Results, Spec and Gear

DPS DPS(e) DPS Error DPS Range DPR
687,742.2687,742.2328.7 / 0.048%66,280.2 / 9.6%785,530.0
Resource Out In Waiting APM Active
Holy Power0.90.90.94%54.5100.0%
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Damage Per Second
Wdps Str Mastery Crit Vers Haste
Scale Factors 59.43 10.81 9.96 8.16 7.81 6.46
Normalized 5.50 1.00 0.92 0.75 0.72 0.60
Scale Deltas 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310
Error 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
  • Wdps > Str > Mastery > Crit > Vers > Haste
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, Strength=10.81, CritRating=8.16, HasteRating=6.46, MasteryRating=9.96, Versatility=7.81, Dps=59.43 )

Scale Factors for other metrics

Scale Factors for Rhodonis Priority Target Damage Per Second
Wdps Str Mastery Crit Vers Haste
Scale Factors 59.43 10.81 9.96 8.16 7.81 6.46
Normalized 5.50 1.00 0.92 0.75 0.72 0.60
Scale Deltas 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310
Error 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
  • Wdps > Str > Mastery > Crit > Vers > Haste
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, Strength=10.81, CritRating=8.16, HasteRating=6.46, MasteryRating=9.96, Versatility=7.81, Dps=59.43 )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Damage Per Second (Effective)
Wdps Str Mastery Crit Vers Haste
Scale Factors 59.43 10.81 9.96 8.16 7.81 6.46
Normalized 5.50 1.00 0.92 0.75 0.72 0.60
Scale Deltas 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310
Error 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  • Wdps > Str > Mastery > Crit > Vers > Haste
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, Strength=10.81, CritRating=8.16, HasteRating=6.46, MasteryRating=9.96, Versatility=7.81, Dps=59.43 )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Healing Per Second
Scale Factors
Scale Deltas
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Healing Per Second (Effective)
Scale Factors
Scale Deltas
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Absorb Per Second
Scale Factors
Scale Deltas
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, )
Scale Factors for Healing + Absorb per second
Scale Factors
Scale Deltas
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Damage Taken Per Second
Scale Factors
Scale Deltas
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Damage Taken
Scale Factors
Scale Deltas
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Healing Taken Per Second
Scale Factors
Scale Deltas
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, )
Scale Factors for Rhodonis Fight Length
Crit Vers Str Haste Wdps Mastery
Scale Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Normalized 2.86 1.04 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.98
Scale Deltas 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310
Error 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  • Crit > Vers > Str > Haste > Wdps > Mastery
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, Strength=0.00, CritRating=0.00, HasteRating=0.00, MasteryRating=0.00, Versatility=0.00, Dps=0.00 )
Scale Factors for Raid Damage Per Second
Wdps Str Mastery Crit Vers Haste
Scale Factors 59.43 10.81 9.96 8.16 7.81 6.46
Normalized 5.50 1.00 0.92 0.75 0.72 0.60
Scale Deltas 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310 2310
Error 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
  • Wdps > Str > Mastery > Crit > Vers > Haste
Pawn string ( Pawn: v1: "Rhodonis-Retribution": Class=Paladin, Spec=Retribution, Strength=10.81, CritRating=8.16, HasteRating=6.46, MasteryRating=9.96, Versatility=7.81, Dps=59.43 )



Damage Stats DPS DPS% Execute Interval DPE DPET Type Count Hit Crit Avg Crit% Up%
Blade of Justice 21,5623.1%30.29.97s213,974181,754Direct30.2163,886351,877213,97726.6%

Stats Details: Blade Of Justice

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Blade Of Justice

  • id:184575
  • school:holy
  • range:12.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:attack_haste
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:12.000
  • cooldown hasted:true
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • reduced_aoe_targets:5
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:on_hit
  • energize_resource:holy_power
  • energize_amount:2.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:184575
  • name:Blade of Justice
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$?s403826=true}[Pierce enemies][Pierce an enemy] with a blade of light, dealing {$s1=0} Holy damage{$?s403826=true}[ to your target and {$404358s1=0} Holy damage to nearby enemies.][.] |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$s2=1} Holy Power.|r

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:holy_power<=3|!talent.holy_blade

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Cooldown DurationRetribution Paladin1370273SET1.000
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Retribution Paladin1370276SET1.000
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Retribution Paladin13702719SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
(blade_of_justice_) Consecration 0 (7,783)0.0% (1.1%)18.316.59s127,3080

Stats Details: Blade Of Justice Consecration

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Blade Of Justice Consecration

  • id:26573
  • school:holyfire
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:20.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:26573
  • name:Consecration
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:Damage every {$t1=1} sec.
  • description:Consecrates the land beneath you, causing {$?s405289=true}[{$=}{{$=}<dmg>*1.05} Radiant][{$=}{{$=}<dmg>*1.05} Holy] damage over {$d=12 seconds} to enemies who enter the area{$?s204054=false}[ and reducing their movement speed by {$204054s2=50}%.][.] Limit {$s2=1}.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin13702713PCT-6.0%
Spell CooldownRetribution Paladin13702722ADD11000.000
    (blade_of_justice_) Consecration 7,7831.1%0.00.00s00Periodic282.26,19413,4168,26828.7%0.0%

Stats Details: Blade Of Justice Consecration Tick

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Tick ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Blade Of Justice Consecration Tick

  • id:81297
  • school:holyfire
  • range:50000.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:8.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:11.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:81297
  • name:Consecration
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:Deals {$s1=0} Holy damage every {$26573t1=1} sec to enemies within {$=}A1 yards.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin13702713PCT-6.0%
Spell CooldownRetribution Paladin13702722ADD11000.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Divine Toll 0 (20,721)0.0% (3.0%)5.361.30s1,171,9391,056,125

Stats Details: Divine Toll

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Divine Toll

  • id:375576
  • school:holy
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:60.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:5
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:mana
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:on_hit
  • energize_resource:holy_power
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:375576
  • name:Divine Toll
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:Instantly cast {$?a137029=false}[Holy Shock]?a137028[Avenger's Shield]?a137027[Judgment][Holy Shock, Avenger's Shield, or Judgment] on up to {$s1=5} targets within {$=}A2 yds.{$?=}(a384027|a386738|a387893)[ After casting Divine Toll, you instantly cast ][]{$?=}(a387893&c1)[Holy Shock]?(a386738&c2)[Avenger's Shield]?(a384027&c3)[Judgment][]{$?a387893=true}[ every {$387895t1=5} sec. This effect lasts {$387895d=15 seconds}.][]{$?a384027=true}[ every {$384029t1=5} sec. This effect lasts {$384029d=15 seconds}.][]{$?a386738=true}[ every {$386730t1=5} sec. This effect lasts {$386730d=15 seconds}.][]{$?=}c3[ Divine Toll's Judgment deals {$326011s1=100}% increased damage.][]{$?=}c2[ Generates {$s5=1} Holy Power per target hit.][]

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:holy_power<=2&(!raid_event.adds.exists|>10|raid_event.adds.up)&(cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>15|cooldown.crusade.remains>15|talent.radiant_glory|fight_remains<8)

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Hasted Global CooldownPaladin1370268SET1.000
    (divine_toll_) Judgment 8,7051.3%5.361.30s492,0120Direct5.3337,860696,485492,24543.0%

Stats Details: Divine Toll Judgment

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Divine Toll Judgment

  • id:20271
  • school:holystrike
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:35.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:attack_haste
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:mana
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Direct Damage

  • may_crit:true
  • base_dd_min:0.00
  • base_dd_max:0.00
  • base_dd_mult:1.05
  • base_multiplier:3.47


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:20271
  • name:Judgment
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:Movement speed increased by {$s2=10}%.
  • description:Judges the target, dealing {$s1=0} {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Holy] damage{$?s231663=true}[, and causing them to take {$197277s1=20}% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability.][.]{$?s315867=true}[ |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$220637s1=1} Holy Power.][]

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Retribution Paladin1370277SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
    (divine_resonance_) Judgment 12,0161.7%15.318.60s235,4220Direct15.3163,494344,187235,54339.9%

Stats Details: Divine Resonance Judgment

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Divine Resonance Judgment

  • id:20271
  • school:holystrike
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:35.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:attack_haste
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:5
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:mana
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Direct Damage

  • may_crit:true
  • base_dd_min:0.00
  • base_dd_max:0.00
  • base_dd_mult:1.05
  • base_multiplier:1.73


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:20271
  • name:Judgment
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:Movement speed increased by {$s2=10}%.
  • description:Judges the target, dealing {$s1=0} {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Holy] damage{$?s231663=true}[, and causing them to take {$197277s1=20}% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability.][.]{$?s315867=true}[ |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$220637s1=1} Holy Power.][]

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Retribution Paladin1370277SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Empyrean Hammer 83,45812.1%283.21.04s88,4230Direct283.2 (283.2)64,416141,76288,41831.0% (31.0%)

Stats Details: Empyrean Hammer

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Empyrean Hammer

  • id:431398
  • school:holy
  • range:50000.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:431398
  • name:Empyrean Hammer
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:A Holy Hammer called down from the skies to deal {$s1=0} Holy damage to its target.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Expurgation 18,7112.7%30.29.97s185,5110Periodic108.638,80983,80751,64628.5%79.8%

Stats Details: Expurgation

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Tick ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Expurgation

  • id:383346
  • school:holyfire
  • range:100.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Damage Over Time

  • tick_may_crit:true
  • tick_zero:false
  • tick_on_application:false
  • rolling_periodic:true
  • attack_power_mod.tick:0.229500
  • spell_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • base_td:0.00
  • base_td_mult:1.05
  • base_multiplier:1.21
  • dot_duration:9.00
  • base_tick_time:3.00
  • hasted_ticks:true
  • dot_behavior:unknown


  • id:383346
  • name:Expurgation
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:Suffering {$=}w1 {$?s403665=false}[Holy][Radiant] damage every {$t1=3} sec.{$?s406545=false}[ Holy damage taken from {$@=}auracaster increased by {$=}w2%.][]
  • description:{$@spelldesc383344=Your Blade of Justice causes the target to burn for {$383346=}o1 {$?s403665=false}[Holy][Radiant] damage over {$383346d=9 seconds}.}

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Final Reckoning 9,9251.4%5.461.26s555,073457,729Direct5.4381,245783,928555,01843.2%

Stats Details: Final Reckoning

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Final Reckoning

  • id:343721
  • school:holy
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:8.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:60.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:343721
  • name:Final Reckoning
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:Taking {$=}w3% increased damage from {$@=}auracaster's single target Holy Power abilities and {$s4=15}% increased damage from their other Holy Power abilities.
  • description:Call down a blast of heavenly energy, dealing {$s2=0} Holy damage to all targets in the area and causing them to take {$s3=30}% increased damage from your single target Holy Power abilities, and {$s4=15}% increased damage from other Holy Power abilities for {$d=12 seconds}. {$?s406158=false} [|cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$406158s1=3} Holy Power.][]

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:(holy_power>=4&time<8|holy_power>=3&time>=8|holy_power>=2&(talent.divine_auxiliary|talent.radiant_glory))&(cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>10|cooldown.crusade.remains&(!buff.crusade.up|buff.crusade.stack>=10)|talent.radiant_glory&(buff.avenging_wrath.up|talent.crusade&cooldown.wake_of_ashes.remains<gcd))&(!raid_event.adds.exists|raid_event.adds.up|>40)

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Final Verdict 113,33116.5%80.73.69s421,145357,382Direct80.7307,222689,327421,12729.8%

Stats Details: Final Verdict

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Final Verdict

  • id:383328
  • school:holystrike
  • range:12.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:attack_haste
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:holy_power
  • base_cost:3
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:383328
  • name:Final Verdict
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals {$s1=0} {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Holy] damage to an enemy target, Final Verdict has a {$s2=15}% chance to reset the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:(!talent.crusade|cooldown.crusade.remains>gcd*3|buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack<10|talent.radiant_glory)&!buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up&(!buff.divine_hammer.up|cooldown.divine_hammer.remains>110&holy_power>=4)

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Gnash 18,1882.6%43.26.83s126,3140Direct43.297,426194,958126,30929.6%

Stats Details: Gnash

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Gnash

  • id:455487
  • school:physical
  • range:25.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Direct Damage

  • may_crit:true
  • base_dd_min:106357.11
  • base_dd_max:106357.11
  • base_dd_mult:1.00
  • base_multiplier:1.00


  • id:455487
  • name:Gnash
  • school:physical
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc455484=Your harmful melee abilities have a chance to Gnash your target dealing {$=}{{$=}<rolemult>*{$s1=43424}} Physical damage. Every third Gnash on the same target does additional damage based on targets missing health. Count is reset if Gnash hits a different target.}
Hammer of Light 64,3649.4%13.921.55s1,386,2901,162,643Direct13.9972,2682,153,1431,388,57735.3%

Stats Details: Hammer Of Light

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Hammer Of Light

  • id:427453
  • school:holy
  • range:14.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:attack_haste
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:holy_power
  • base_cost:3
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:427453
  • name:Hammer of Light
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:Hammer down your enemy with the power of the Light, dealing {$429826s1=0} Holy damage and {$=}{{$429826s1=0}/2} Holy damage up to 4 nearby enemies. Additionally, calls down Empyrean Hammers from the sky to strike {$427445s2=3} nearby enemies for {$431398s1=0} Holy damage each.

Action Priority List


Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Hammer of Wrath 7,1781.0%11.224.01s192,057157,003Direct11.2 (11.2)147,559314,331192,16326.8% (26.8%)

Stats Details: Hammer Of Wrath

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Hammer Of Wrath

  • id:24275
  • school:holystrike
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:40.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:attack_haste
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:7.500
  • cooldown hasted:true
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:on_hit
  • energize_resource:holy_power
  • energize_amount:1.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:24275
  • name:Hammer of Wrath
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for {$=}<damage> {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Holy] damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health{$?s326730=true}[, or during Avenging Wrath][]. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$s2=1} Holy Power.

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:(spell_targets.divine_storm<2|!talent.blessed_champion)&(holy_power<=3|>20|!talent.vanguards_momentum)

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Cooldown DurationRetribution Paladin1370273SET1.000
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin4123147PCT16.0%
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin4123148PCT-14.0%
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Paladin1370266SET1.000
Highlord's Judgment 16,1432.3%27.910.63s173,5470Direct27.9130,872264,252173,54032.0%

Stats Details: Highlords Judgment

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Highlords Judgment

  • id:383921
  • school:holy
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:383921
  • name:Highlord's Judgment
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:Blasts the target with the Light, dealing {$s1=0} Holy damage.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Judgment 22,1623.2%34.48.80s193,124165,068Direct34.4145,447314,346193,20228.3%

Stats Details: Judgment

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Judgment

  • id:20271
  • school:holystrike
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:35.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:attack_haste
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:9.000
  • cooldown hasted:true
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:5
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:mana
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Direct Damage

  • may_crit:true
  • base_dd_min:0.00
  • base_dd_max:0.00
  • base_dd_mult:1.05
  • base_multiplier:1.73


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:20271
  • name:Judgment
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:Movement speed increased by {$s2=10}%.
  • description:Judges the target, dealing {$s1=0} {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Holy] damage{$?s231663=true}[, and causing them to take {$197277s1=20}% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability.][.]{$?s315867=true}[ |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$220637s1=1} Holy Power.][]

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:holy_power<=3|!talent.boundless_judgment

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Global CooldownRetribution Paladin1370274SET1.000
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Retribution Paladin1370277SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
melee 25,641 (37,949)3.7% (5.5%)119.92.99s94,86034,144Direct119.9 (239.9)41,74286,98064,09349.4% (39.4%)

Stats Details: Melee

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Melee

  • id:0
  • school:physical
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:none
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:3.60
  • base_crit:0.20
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:1.00
    Seal of the Crusader 12,3081.8%119.92.99s30,7660Direct119.922,92249,61330,76529.4%

Stats Details: Seal Of The Crusader

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Seal Of The Crusader

  • id:385723
  • school:holy
  • range:40.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:385723
  • name:Seal of the Crusader
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:{$@=}spellaura385728
  • description:{$@spelldesc385728=Your auto attacks deal {$=}{{$385723s1=0}*(1+{$s2=0}/100)} additional Holy damage.}

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Searing Light 4,5890.7%4.658.28s296,6590Direct4.6218,895472,925296,64030.6%

Stats Details: Searing Light

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Searing Light

  • id:407478
  • school:holyfire
  • range:30.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:8.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:60.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • reduced_aoe_targets:8
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:407478
  • name:Searing Light
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:
  • description:Calls down a explosion of Holy Fire dealing {$s2=0} Radiant damage to all nearby enemies and leaving a Consecration in its wake.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
(searing_light_) Consecration 0 (2,106)0.0% (0.3%)4.658.28s135,9790

Stats Details: Searing Light Consecration

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Searing Light Consecration

  • id:26573
  • school:holyfire
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:20.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:26573
  • name:Consecration
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:Damage every {$t1=1} sec.
  • description:Consecrates the land beneath you, causing {$?s405289=true}[{$=}{{$=}<dmg>*1.05} Radiant][{$=}{{$=}<dmg>*1.05} Holy] damage over {$d=12 seconds} to enemies who enter the area{$?s204054=false}[ and reducing their movement speed by {$204054s2=50}%.][.] Limit {$s2=1}.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin13702713PCT-6.0%
Spell CooldownRetribution Paladin13702722ADD11000.000
    (searing_light_) Consecration 2,1060.3%0.00.00s00Periodic73.86,30013,6678,54930.5%0.0%

Stats Details: Searing Light Consecration Tick

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Tick ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Searing Light Consecration Tick

  • id:81297
  • school:holyfire
  • range:50000.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:8.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:11.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:81297
  • name:Consecration
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:Deals {$s1=0} Holy damage every {$26573t1=1} sec to enemies within {$=}A1 yards.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin13702713PCT-6.0%
Spell CooldownRetribution Paladin13702722ADD11000.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Shield of Vengeance (_proc) 29,3234.3%5.063.40s1,763,2740Direct5.01,763,27301,763,2730.0%

Stats Details: Shield Of Vengeance Proc

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Shield Of Vengeance Proc

  • id:184689
  • school:holy
  • range:8.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:8.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Direct Damage

  • may_crit:false
  • base_dd_min:1863359.35
  • base_dd_max:1863359.35
  • base_dd_mult:1.00
  • base_multiplier:1.00


  • id:184689
  • name:Shield of Vengeance
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc184662=Creates a barrier of holy light that absorbs {$=}<shield> damage for {$d=10 seconds}. When the shield expires, it bursts to inflict Holy damage equal to the total amount absorbed, divided among all nearby enemies.}
Suffocating Darkness 23,6133.4%21.413.34s330,4530Periodic115.361,465061,4650.0%76.9%

Stats Details: Suffocating Darkness

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Tick ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Suffocating Darkness

  • id:449217
  • school:shadow
  • range:100.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Damage Over Time

  • tick_may_crit:false
  • tick_zero:false
  • tick_on_application:false
  • rolling_periodic:false
  • attack_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • spell_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • base_td:23720.00
  • base_td_mult:1.00
  • base_multiplier:1.00
  • dot_duration:18.00
  • base_tick_time:2.00
  • hasted_ticks:false
  • dot_behavior:DOT_REFRESH_DURATION


  • id:449217
  • name:Suffocating Darkness
  • school:shadow
  • tooltip:The shadows gather, inflicting {$=}w1 Shadow damage every {$t1=2} sec.
  • description:{$@spelldesc445341=|cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Nerubian Novelties|R Permanently enchants a weapon with the Authority of the Depths. Damaging foes may invoke it, applying Suffocating Darkness which periodically inflicts {$=}{{$=}<rolemult>*{$=}ec1s1} Shadow damage. The darkness may deepen up to {$449217u=3} times. Cannot be applied to items lower than level {$=}ecim.}
Templar Slash 48,943 (97,460)7.1% (14.2%)32.29.32s908,113904,070Direct32.2 (159.7)328,200781,610456,04728.2% (28.2%)

Stats Details: Templar Slash

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Templar Slash

  • id:406647
  • school:holystrike
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • gcd_type:none
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:5
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:mana
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:on_hit
  • energize_resource:holy_power
  • energize_amount:1.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:406647
  • name:Templar Slash
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:
  • description:Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for {$=}<damage> {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Radiant] damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt. |cFFFFFFFFGenerate {$s2=1} Holy Power.

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:buff.templar_strikes.remains<gcd*2

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
    Templar Slash (_dot) 48,5177.1%32.29.32s452,0850Periodic127.6114,0210114,0210.0%42.5%

Stats Details: Templar Slash Dot

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Tick ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Templar Slash Dot

  • id:447142
  • school:holyfire
  • range:100.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Damage Over Time

  • tick_may_crit:false
  • tick_zero:false
  • tick_on_application:false
  • rolling_periodic:true
  • attack_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • spell_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • base_td:76610.03
  • base_td_mult:1.05
  • base_multiplier:1.10
  • dot_duration:4.00
  • base_tick_time:1.00
  • hasted_ticks:false
  • dot_behavior:unknown


  • id:447142
  • name:Templar Slash
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:Burning for {$=}w1 damage every $t sec.
  • description:{$@spelldesc406647=Complete the Templar combo, slash the target for {$=}<damage> {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Radiant] damage, and burn them over 4 sec for 50% of the damage dealt. |cFFFFFFFFGenerate {$s2=1} Holy Power.}

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Templar Strike 29,4544.3%35.28.64s250,952249,835Direct35.2179,082426,707250,94629.0%

Stats Details: Templar Strike

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Templar Strike

  • id:407480
  • school:holystrike
  • range:5.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.0000
  • gcd_type:none
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:10.750
  • cooldown hasted:true
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:5
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:mana
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:on_hit
  • energize_resource:holy_power
  • energize_amount:1.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.166667
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:407480
  • name:Templar Strike
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:
  • description:Begin the Templar combo, striking the target for {$=}<damage> {$?s403664=true} [Holystrike][Radiant] damage. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$s2=1} Holy Power.

Action Priority List


Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Retribution Paladin1370275SET1.000
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Hasted Cooldown Duration (Category)Paladin1370264SET1.000
Touch of Light (_dmg) 3,3190.5%21.413.62s46,4450Direct21.434,47174,46946,44729.9%

Stats Details: Touch Of Light Dmg

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Touch Of Light Dmg

  • id:385354
  • school:holy
  • range:100.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:385354
  • name:Touch of Light
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc385349=Your spells and abilities have a chance to cause your target to erupt in a blinding light dealing {$385354s1=0} Holy damage or healing an ally for {$385352s1=0} health.}

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Wake of Ashes 16,441 (56,404)2.4% (8.2%)9.931.29s1,711,5931,419,654Direct9.9 (87.4)361,879783,235499,27632.6% (32.6%)

Stats Details: Wake Of Ashes

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Wake Of Ashes

  • id:255937
  • school:holyfire
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:14.0
  • trigger_gcd:1.5000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:30.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:on_hit
  • energize_resource:holy_power
  • energize_amount:3.0


  • id:255937
  • name:Wake of Ashes
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:
  • description:Lash out at your enemies, dealing {$s1=0} Radiant damage to all enemies within {$=}a1 yds in front of you, and applying {$@=}spellname403695, burning the targets for an additional {$=}{{$403695s2=0}*({$403695d=9 seconds}/$403695t+1)} damage over {$403695d=9 seconds}. Demon and Undead enemies are also stunned for {$255941d=5 seconds}. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$s2=3} Holy Power.

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:(!talent.lights_guidance|holy_power>=2&talent.lights_guidance)&(cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>6|cooldown.crusade.remains>6|talent.radiant_glory)&(!talent.execution_sentence|cooldown.execution_sentence.remains>4|target.time_to_die<8)&(!raid_event.adds.exists|>10|raid_event.adds.up)

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
    Truth's Wake 18,7412.7%9.931.29s567,9680Periodic57.869,652153,11997,09232.9%39.7%

Stats Details: Truths Wake

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Tick ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Truths Wake

  • id:403695
  • school:holyfire
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:14.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Damage Over Time

  • tick_may_crit:true
  • tick_zero:false
  • tick_on_application:false
  • rolling_periodic:false
  • attack_power_mod.tick:0.544000
  • spell_power_mod.tick:0.000000
  • base_td:0.00
  • base_td_mult:1.05
  • base_multiplier:1.10
  • dot_duration:9.00
  • base_tick_time:3.00
  • hasted_ticks:true
  • dot_behavior:DOT_REFRESH_PANDEMIC


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.000000
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:403695
  • name:Truth's Wake
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:{$?=}(s403696)[Burning for {$=}w2 damage every {$t2=3} sec and movement speed reduced by {$s1=50}%.] [Movement speed reduced by {$s1=50}%.]
  • description:Burns the targets for an additional {$=}o2 Radiant damage over {$d=9 seconds}, and slows them by {$s1=50}%.

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
    Wake of Ashes (seething_flames_0) 10,6241.5%9.931.29s323,0850Direct9.9234,162506,330323,05532.7%

Stats Details: Seething Flames 0

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Seething Flames 0

  • id:405345
  • school:holyfire
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:14.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.000000
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:405345
  • name:Wake of Ashes
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc255937=Lash out at your enemies, dealing {$s1=0} Radiant damage to all enemies within {$=}a1 yds in front of you, and applying {$@=}spellname403695, burning the targets for an additional {$=}{{$403695s2=0}*({$403695d=9 seconds}/$403695t+1)} damage over {$403695d=9 seconds}. Demon and Undead enemies are also stunned for {$255941d=5 seconds}. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$s2=3} Holy Power.}

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
    Wake of Ashes (seething_flames_1) 10,5981.5%9.831.29s322,9850Direct9.8234,100506,243322,99332.7%

Stats Details: Seething Flames 1

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Seething Flames 1

  • id:405350
  • school:holyfire
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:14.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:-1
  • split_aoe_damage:false
  • harmful:true


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • normalized:false
  • weapon_power_mod:0.000000
  • weapon_multiplier:0.00


  • id:405350
  • name:Wake of Ashes
  • school:holyfire
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc255937=Lash out at your enemies, dealing {$s1=0} Radiant damage to all enemies within {$=}a1 yds in front of you, and applying {$@=}spellname403695, burning the targets for an additional {$=}{{$403695s2=0}*({$403695d=9 seconds}/$403695t+1)} damage over {$403695d=9 seconds}. Demon and Undead enemies are also stunned for {$255941d=5 seconds}. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$s2=3} Holy Power.}

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell Direct AmountRetribution Paladin41231414PCT5.0%
Spell Periodic AmountRetribution Paladin41231415PCT5.0%
Simple Action Stats Execute Interval
Crystallized Augment Rune 1.00.00s

Stats Details: Augmentation

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Augmentation

  • id:453250
  • school:none
  • range:-1.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:none
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Rhodonis
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0
Avenging Wrath 5.461.26s

Stats Details: Avenging Wrath

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Avenging Wrath

  • id:31884
  • school:holy
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:60.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:31884
  • name:Avenging Wrath
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:{$?=}{$=}w2>0&{$=}w3>0[Damage, healing and critical strike chance increased by {$=}w2%.]?{$=}w3==0&{$=}w2>0[Damage and healing increased by {$=}w2%.]?{$=}w2==0&{$=}w3>0[Critical strike chance increased by {$=}w3%.][]{$?a53376=false}[ ][]{$?a53376=false}&a137029[Holy Shock's cooldown reduced by {$=}w6%.]?a53376&a137028[Judgment generates {$53376s3=1} additional Holy Power.]?a53376[Each Holy Power spent deals {$326731s1=0} Holy damage to nearby enemies.][]
  • description:Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, {$?s53376=false}&c2[causing Judgment to generate {$53376s3=1} additional Holy Power, ]?s53376&c3[each Holy Power spent causing you to explode with Holy light for {$326731s1=0} damage to nearby enemies, ]?s53376&c1[reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by {$53376s2=50}%, ][]{$?s326730=true}[allowing Hammer of Wrath to be used on any target, ][]{$?s384442=true}&s384376[increasing your damage, healing and critical strike chance by {$s2=0}% for {$d=20 seconds}.]?!s384442&s384376[increasing your damage and healing by {$s1=0}% for {$d=20 seconds}.]?!s384376&s384442[increasing your critical strike chance by {$s3=0}% for {$d=20 seconds}.][and activating all the effects learned for Avenging Wrath for {$d=20 seconds}.]

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:(holy_power>=4&time<5|holy_power>=3&time>5|holy_power>=2&talent.divine_auxiliary&(cooldown.execution_sentence.remains=0|cooldown.final_reckoning.remains=0))&(!raid_event.adds.up|target.time_to_die>10)

Affected By (Passive)

Type Spell ID # +/% Value
Spell CooldownRetribution Paladin13702721ADD-60000.000
Flask of Alchemical Chaos 1.00.00s

Stats Details: Flask

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Flask

  • id:432021
  • school:none
  • range:-1.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:none
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Rhodonis
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0
The Sushi Special 1.00.00s

Stats Details: Food

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Food

  • id:457302
  • school:none
  • range:-1.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:none
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Rhodonis
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0
Tempered Potion 1.5303.00s

Stats Details: Potion

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Potion

  • id:431932
  • school:none
  • range:-1.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:none
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:300.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Fluffy_Pillow
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:buff.avenging_wrath.up|buff.crusade.up|debuff.execution_sentence.up|fight_remains<30
Sacrosanct Crusade (_heal) 13.921.55s

Stats Details: Sacrosanct Crusade Heal

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time

Action Details: Sacrosanct Crusade Heal

  • id:461885
  • school:holy
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:-1.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.0000
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.0000
  • cooldown:0.000
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Rhodonis
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0

Direct Damage

  • may_crit:false
  • base_dd_min:310729.20
  • base_dd_max:310729.20
  • base_dd_mult:1.00
  • base_multiplier:1.00


  • id:461885
  • name:Sacrosanct Crusade
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc431730={$?a137028=false}[Eye of Tyr][Wake of Ashes] surrounds you with a Holy barrier for {$?a137028=false}[{$s1=15}][{$s4=10}]% of your maximum health. Hammer of Light heals you for {$?a137028=false}[{$s2=15}][{$s5=5}]% of your maximum health, increased by {$?a137028=false}[{$s3=2}][{$s6=1}]% for each additional target hit. Any overhealing done with this effect gets converted into a Holy barrier instead.}
Shield of Vengeance 5.063.41s

Stats Details: Shield Of Vengeance

TypeExecutesDirect ResultsTicksTick ResultsRefreshesExecute Time per ExecutionTick Time per TickActual AmountRaw AmountMitigatedAmount per Total TimeAmount per Total Execute Time
Direct ResultsCountSimulationIteration AverageAmount

Action Details: Shield Of Vengeance

  • id:184662
  • school:holy
  • range:0.0
  • travel_speed:0.0000
  • radius:0.0
  • trigger_gcd:0.7500
  • gcd_type:spell_cast_speed
  • min_gcd:0.7500
  • cooldown:62.999
  • cooldown hasted:false
  • charges:1
  • base_recharge_multiplier:1.000
  • base_execute_time:0.00
  • base_crit:0.00
  • target:Rhodonis
  • aoe:0
  • harmful:false


  • resource:none
  • base_cost:0
  • secondary_cost:0
  • energize_type:none
  • energize_resource:none
  • energize_amount:0.0


  • id:184662
  • name:Shield of Vengeance
  • school:holy
  • tooltip:Absorbs {$=}w1 damage and deals damage when the barrier fades or is fully consumed.
  • description:Creates a barrier of holy light that absorbs {$=}<shield> damage for {$d=10 seconds}. When the shield expires, it bursts to inflict Holy damage equal to the total amount absorbed, divided among all nearby enemies.

Action Priority List

  • if_expr:fight_remains>15&(!talent.execution_sentence|!debuff.execution_sentence.up)


Dynamic Buffs Start Refresh Interval Trigger Avg Dur Up-Time Benefit Overflow Expiry
Avenging Wrath5.40.061.2s61.2s19.4s34.60%37.33%0.0 (0.0)5.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_avenging_wrath
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:20.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:60.0s / 66.8s
  • trigger_min/max:60.0s / 66.8s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 20.0s
  • uptime_min/max:31.50% / 37.82%

Stack Uptimes

  • avenging_wrath_1:34.60%


  • id:31884
  • name:Avenging Wrath
  • tooltip:{$?=}{$=}w2>0&{$=}w3>0[Damage, healing and critical strike chance increased by {$=}w2%.]?{$=}w3==0&{$=}w2>0[Damage and healing increased by {$=}w2%.]?{$=}w2==0&{$=}w3>0[Critical strike chance increased by {$=}w3%.][]{$?a53376=false}[ ][]{$?a53376=false}&a137029[Holy Shock's cooldown reduced by {$=}w6%.]?a53376&a137028[Judgment generates {$53376s3=1} additional Holy Power.]?a53376[Each Holy Power spent deals {$326731s1=0} Holy damage to nearby enemies.][]
  • description:Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, {$?s53376=false}&c2[causing Judgment to generate {$53376s3=1} additional Holy Power, ]?s53376&c3[each Holy Power spent causing you to explode with Holy light for {$326731s1=0} damage to nearby enemies, ]?s53376&c1[reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by {$53376s2=50}%, ][]{$?s326730=true}[allowing Hammer of Wrath to be used on any target, ][]{$?s384442=true}&s384376[increasing your damage, healing and critical strike chance by {$s2=0}% for {$d=20 seconds}.]?!s384442&s384376[increasing your damage and healing by {$s1=0}% for {$d=20 seconds}.]?!s384376&s384442[increasing your critical strike chance by {$s3=0}% for {$d=20 seconds}.][and activating all the effects learned for Avenging Wrath for {$d=20 seconds}.]
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:20.00
  • cooldown:120.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Blessing of Dawn57.10.45.3s5.2s1.9s35.59%60.09%0.0 (0.0)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_blessing_of_dawn
  • max_stacks:2
  • base duration:20.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
  • default_value:0.10
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:2.6s / 17.5s
  • trigger_min/max:2.1s / 15.7s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 9.3s
  • uptime_min/max:28.08% / 43.79%

Stack Uptimes

  • blessing_of_dawn_1:35.44%
  • blessing_of_dawn_2:0.15%


  • id:385127
  • name:Blessing of Dawn
  • tooltip:Your next Holy Power spending ability deals {$s1=20}% additional increased damage and healing.
  • description:Your next Holy Power spending ability deals {$s1=20}% additional increased damage and healing. This effect stacks.
  • max_stacks:2
  • duration:20.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
Blessing of Dusk2.154.7105.1s5.3s139.2s98.30%0.00%54.7 (54.7)1.1

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_blessing_of_dusk
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:10.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:10.1s / 345.8s
  • trigger_min/max:0.6s / 16.2s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.1s / 356.1s
  • uptime_min/max:95.40% / 98.93%

Stack Uptimes

  • blessing_of_dusk_1:98.30%


  • id:385126
  • name:Blessing of Dusk
  • tooltip:Damage taken reduced by {$=}w1%{$?s385129=true}[, armor increased by {$=}w2%, and Holy Power generating abilities cool down {$=}w3% faster.][.]
  • description:Damage taken reduced by {$s1=4}%{$?s385129=true}&c2[, armor increased by {$s2=10}%, and Holy Power generating abilities cool down {$s3=10}% faster]?s385129[ and your Holy Power generating abilities also grant an absorb shield for {$s9=10}% of damage or healing dealt.][] For {$d=10 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:10.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Bloodlust1.00.00.0s0.0s40.0s13.52%0.00%0.0 (0.0)1.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_bloodlust
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:40.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:300.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.30
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:0.0s / 0.0s
  • trigger_min/max:0.0s / 0.0s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:40.0s / 40.0s
  • uptime_min/max:11.11% / 16.67%

Stack Uptimes

  • bloodlust_1:13.52%


  • id:2825
  • name:Bloodlust
  • tooltip:Haste increased by {$=}w1%.
  • description:Increases haste by {$s1=30}% for all party and raid members for {$d=40 seconds}. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and unable to benefit from Bloodlust or Time Warp again for {$57724d=600 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:40.00
  • cooldown:300.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Concoction: Kiss of Death2.20.0178.9s178.9s27.0s19.86%0.00%0.0 (0.0)2.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_concoction_kiss_of_death
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:30.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00
  • associated item:Concoction: Kiss of Death

Stat Details

  • stat:crit_rating
  • amount:1366.48
  • stat:haste_rating
  • amount:1366.48
  • stat:mastery_rating
  • amount:1366.48
  • stat:versatility_rating
  • amount:1366.48

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:150.0s / 192.0s
  • trigger_min/max:150.0s / 192.0s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 29.0s
  • uptime_min/max:16.47% / 24.05%

Stack Uptimes

  • concoction_kiss_of_death_1:19.86%


  • id:435493
  • name:Concoction: Kiss of Death
  • tooltip:All secondary stats increased by {$=}w1.
  • description:Drink from the vial and let the toxins course through your veins increasing all secondary stats by {$s1=2128} for {$d=30 seconds}. Jump to administer yourself the antidote to end the effect. If the Antidote is not administered before the end of the effect you will be stunned for {$440235d=5 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:30.00
  • cooldown:150.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Divine Purpose9.40.028.2s28.2s3.0s9.35%9.84%0.0 (0.0)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_divine_purpose
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:12.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:0.8s / 305.5s
  • trigger_min/max:0.8s / 305.5s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 8.4s
  • uptime_min/max:0.00% / 22.12%

Stack Uptimes

  • divine_purpose_1:9.35%


  • id:408458
  • name:Divine Purpose
  • tooltip:Your next Holy Power ability is free and deals {$s2=10}% increased damage and healing.
  • description:{$@spelldesc408459=Holy Power spending abilities have a {$s1=10}% chance to make your next Holy Power spending ability free and deal {$408458s2=10}% increased damage and healing.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:12.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
Divine Resonance5.30.061.3s61.3s14.6s25.76%0.00%10.3 (10.3)5.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_divine_resonance
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:15.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:clip
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:5.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:54.5s / 76.6s
  • trigger_min/max:54.5s / 76.6s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 15.0s
  • uptime_min/max:23.09% / 28.64%

Stack Uptimes

  • divine_resonance_1:25.76%


  • id:355455
  • name:Divine Resonance
  • tooltip:Casting {$?=}c2[Avenger's Shield]?c1[Holy Shock][Judgement] every {$t1=5} sec for {$s2=15} sec.
  • description:{$@spelldesc355098=After casting Divine Toll, you instantly cast {$?=}c2[Avenger's Shield]?c1[Holy Shock][Judgement] every {$355455t1=5} sec. This effect lasts {$355455s2=15} sec.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Final Verdict9.22.930.8s23.0s8.8s27.21%23.21%2.9 (2.9)1.6

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_final_verdict
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:15.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:1.8s / 258.9s
  • trigger_min/max:0.8s / 247.1s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 57.5s
  • uptime_min/max:1.15% / 59.09%

Stack Uptimes

  • final_verdict_1:27.21%


  • id:337228
  • name:Final Verdict
  • tooltip:Hammer of Wrath can be used on any target.
  • description:{$@spelldesc336872=Unleashes a powerful weapon strike that deals {$s1=0} Holy damage to an enemy target. Has a {$s2=15}% chance to activate Hammer of Wrath and reset its cooldown.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Crit)2.10.6112.4s77.0s35.3s25.04%0.00%2.9 (2.9)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:3600.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:clip
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:30.00

Stat Details

  • stat:crit_rating
  • amount:3470.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:30.0s / 345.4s
  • trigger_min/max:30.0s / 330.0s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 210.0s
  • uptime_min/max:0.00% / 83.92%

Stack Uptimes

  • flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit_1:25.04%


  • id:432021
  • name:Flask of Alchemical Chaos
  • tooltip:Your stats are being randomized every {$t5=30} sec. {$?=}{$=}W1>0[ Critical strike increased by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2>0[ Versatility increased by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3>0[ Haste increased by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4>0[ Mastery increased by {$=}w4.][] {$?=}{$=}W1<0[ Critical strike reduced by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2<0[ Versatility reduced by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3<0[ Haste reduced by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4<0[ Mastery reduced by {$=}w4.][]
  • description:Drink to increase a random secondary stat by {$s5=5290} at the cost of {$s6=442} of two other secondary stats. These effects are randomized again every {$t5=30} sec. {$@spelldesc431970=Lasts {$d=3600 seconds} and through death. Consuming an identical flask will add another {$d=3600 seconds}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Haste)2.10.6111.5s76.7s35.4s25.13%0.00%2.9 (2.9)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:3600.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:clip
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:30.00

Stat Details

  • stat:haste_rating
  • amount:3470.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:30.0s / 338.9s
  • trigger_min/max:30.0s / 330.0s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 266.4s
  • uptime_min/max:0.00% / 92.02%

Stack Uptimes

  • flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste_1:25.13%


  • id:432021
  • name:Flask of Alchemical Chaos
  • tooltip:Your stats are being randomized every {$t5=30} sec. {$?=}{$=}W1>0[ Critical strike increased by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2>0[ Versatility increased by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3>0[ Haste increased by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4>0[ Mastery increased by {$=}w4.][] {$?=}{$=}W1<0[ Critical strike reduced by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2<0[ Versatility reduced by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3<0[ Haste reduced by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4<0[ Mastery reduced by {$=}w4.][]
  • description:Drink to increase a random secondary stat by {$s5=5290} at the cost of {$s6=442} of two other secondary stats. These effects are randomized again every {$t5=30} sec. {$@spelldesc431970=Lasts {$d=3600 seconds} and through death. Consuming an identical flask will add another {$d=3600 seconds}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Mastery)2.10.6113.1s77.5s35.3s25.03%0.00%2.9 (2.9)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:3600.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:clip
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:30.00

Stat Details

  • stat:mastery_rating
  • amount:3470.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:30.1s / 337.3s
  • trigger_min/max:30.0s / 330.0s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 180.0s
  • uptime_min/max:0.00% / 88.31%

Stack Uptimes

  • flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery_1:25.03%


  • id:432021
  • name:Flask of Alchemical Chaos
  • tooltip:Your stats are being randomized every {$t5=30} sec. {$?=}{$=}W1>0[ Critical strike increased by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2>0[ Versatility increased by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3>0[ Haste increased by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4>0[ Mastery increased by {$=}w4.][] {$?=}{$=}W1<0[ Critical strike reduced by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2<0[ Versatility reduced by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3<0[ Haste reduced by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4<0[ Mastery reduced by {$=}w4.][]
  • description:Drink to increase a random secondary stat by {$s5=5290} at the cost of {$s6=442} of two other secondary stats. These effects are randomized again every {$t5=30} sec. {$@spelldesc431970=Lasts {$d=3600 seconds} and through death. Consuming an identical flask will add another {$d=3600 seconds}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Flask of Alchemical Chaos (Vers)2.10.6112.2s76.5s35.3s24.80%0.00%2.9 (2.9)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:3600.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:clip
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:30.00

Stat Details

  • stat:versatility_rating
  • amount:3470.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:30.0s / 357.0s
  • trigger_min/max:30.0s / 330.0s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 197.7s
  • uptime_min/max:0.00% / 85.32%

Stack Uptimes

  • flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers_1:24.80%


  • id:432021
  • name:Flask of Alchemical Chaos
  • tooltip:Your stats are being randomized every {$t5=30} sec. {$?=}{$=}W1>0[ Critical strike increased by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2>0[ Versatility increased by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3>0[ Haste increased by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4>0[ Mastery increased by {$=}w4.][] {$?=}{$=}W1<0[ Critical strike reduced by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2<0[ Versatility reduced by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3<0[ Haste reduced by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4<0[ Mastery reduced by {$=}w4.][]
  • description:Drink to increase a random secondary stat by {$s5=5290} at the cost of {$s6=442} of two other secondary stats. These effects are randomized again every {$t5=30} sec. {$@spelldesc431970=Lasts {$d=3600 seconds} and through death. Consuming an identical flask will add another {$d=3600 seconds}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Light's Deliverance (hammer_of_light_free) (0.0)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_hammer_of_light_free
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:12.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-1.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • hammer_of_light_free_1:2.84%


  • id:433732
  • name:Light's Deliverance
  • tooltip:
  • description:{$@spelldesc425518=You gain a stack of Light's Deliverance when you call down an Empyrean Hammer. While {$?a137028=false}[Eye of Tyr][Wake of Ashes] and Hammer of Light are unavailable, you consume {$433674=}U stacks of Light's Deliverance, empowering yourself to cast Hammer of Light an additional time for free.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:12.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Hammer of Light (_ready) (0.0)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_hammer_of_light_ready
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:12.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:30.0s / 45.4s
  • trigger_min/max:30.0s / 45.4s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 2.3s
  • uptime_min/max:3.48% / 4.94%

Stack Uptimes

  • hammer_of_light_ready_1:4.00%


  • id:427453
  • name:Hammer of Light
  • tooltip:
  • description:Hammer down your enemy with the power of the Light, dealing {$429826s1=0} Holy damage and {$=}{{$429826s1=0}/2} Holy damage up to 4 nearby enemies. Additionally, calls down Empyrean Hammers from the sky to strike {$427445s2=3} nearby enemies for {$431398s1=0} Holy damage each.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:1.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Light's Deliverance5.1278.164.1s1.0s57.0s97.57%0.00%0.0 (0.0)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_lights_deliverance
  • max_stacks:60
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:48.6s / 77.7s
  • trigger_min/max:0.0s / 10.7s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 77.1s
  • uptime_min/max:93.17% / 98.62%

Stack Uptimes

  • lights_deliverance_1:1.84%
  • lights_deliverance_2:0.94%
  • lights_deliverance_3:0.83%
  • lights_deliverance_4:0.63%
  • lights_deliverance_5:0.48%
  • lights_deliverance_6:0.58%
  • lights_deliverance_7:0.71%
  • lights_deliverance_8:0.58%
  • lights_deliverance_9:0.79%
  • lights_deliverance_10:1.28%
  • lights_deliverance_11:1.16%
  • lights_deliverance_12:1.26%
  • lights_deliverance_13:1.38%
  • lights_deliverance_14:1.18%
  • lights_deliverance_15:1.32%
  • lights_deliverance_16:1.57%
  • lights_deliverance_17:1.21%
  • lights_deliverance_18:1.23%
  • lights_deliverance_19:1.55%
  • lights_deliverance_20:1.28%
  • lights_deliverance_21:1.25%
  • lights_deliverance_22:1.62%
  • lights_deliverance_23:1.58%
  • lights_deliverance_24:1.50%
  • lights_deliverance_25:1.59%
  • lights_deliverance_26:1.85%
  • lights_deliverance_27:2.58%
  • lights_deliverance_28:3.16%
  • lights_deliverance_29:3.33%
  • lights_deliverance_30:3.08%
  • lights_deliverance_31:2.23%
  • lights_deliverance_32:1.46%
  • lights_deliverance_33:1.18%
  • lights_deliverance_34:1.15%
  • lights_deliverance_35:1.22%
  • lights_deliverance_36:1.31%
  • lights_deliverance_37:1.44%
  • lights_deliverance_38:1.32%
  • lights_deliverance_39:1.29%
  • lights_deliverance_40:1.34%
  • lights_deliverance_41:1.36%
  • lights_deliverance_42:1.36%
  • lights_deliverance_43:1.43%
  • lights_deliverance_44:1.49%
  • lights_deliverance_45:1.48%
  • lights_deliverance_46:1.48%
  • lights_deliverance_47:1.66%
  • lights_deliverance_48:2.03%
  • lights_deliverance_49:2.53%
  • lights_deliverance_50:3.17%
  • lights_deliverance_51:3.77%
  • lights_deliverance_52:4.09%
  • lights_deliverance_53:3.78%
  • lights_deliverance_54:3.20%
  • lights_deliverance_55:2.32%
  • lights_deliverance_56:1.62%
  • lights_deliverance_57:1.25%
  • lights_deliverance_58:1.11%
  • lights_deliverance_59:1.09%
  • lights_deliverance_60:0.03%


  • id:433674
  • name:Light's Deliverance
  • tooltip:{$?=}{$=}W1=={$=}U[Ready to deliver Light's justice.][Building up Light's Deliverance. At {$u=60} stacks, your next Hammer of Light cast will activate another Hammer of Light for free.]
  • description:{$@spelldesc425518=You gain a stack of Light's Deliverance when you call down an Empyrean Hammer. While {$?a137028=false}[Eye of Tyr][Wake of Ashes] and Hammer of Light are unavailable, you consume {$433674=}U stacks of Light's Deliverance, empowering yourself to cast Hammer of Light an additional time for free.}
  • max_stacks:60
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
Rush of Light10.518.529.1s10.1s17.7s61.79%52.38%18.5 (18.5)9.8

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_rush_of_light
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:10.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:10.0s / 146.0s
  • trigger_min/max:0.8s / 118.4s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 139.9s
  • uptime_min/max:29.00% / 88.96%

Stack Uptimes

  • rush_of_light_1:61.79%


  • id:407065
  • name:Rush of Light
  • tooltip:Haste increased by {$s1=5}%.
  • description:{$@spelldesc407067=The critical strikes of your damaging single target Holy Power abilities grant you {$s1=5}% Haste for {$407065d=10 seconds}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:10.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Sacrosanct Crusade9.913.931.2s12.3s13.0s42.91%58.37%13.9 (13.9)9.5

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_sacrosanct_crusade
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:10.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Absorb Details

  • school:chaos
  • high priority:no

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:10.0s / 45.4s
  • trigger_min/max:0.9s / 44.2s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 21.9s
  • uptime_min/max:36.99% / 49.95%

Stack Uptimes

  • sacrosanct_crusade_1:42.91%


  • id:461867
  • name:Sacrosanct Crusade
  • tooltip:Absorbs {$=}w1 damage.
  • description:{$@spelldesc431730={$?a137028=false}[Eye of Tyr][Wake of Ashes] surrounds you with a Holy barrier for {$?a137028=false}[{$s1=15}][{$s4=10}]% of your maximum health. Hammer of Light heals you for {$?a137028=false}[{$s2=15}][{$s5=5}]% of your maximum health, increased by {$?a137028=false}[{$s3=2}][{$s6=1}]% for each additional target hit. Any overhealing done with this effect gets converted into a Holy barrier instead.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:10.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Sanctification55.00.043.6s5.5s55.0s96.90%96.01%0.0 (0.0)4.3

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_sanctification
  • max_stacks:20
  • base duration:10.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
  • default_value:0.10
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:asynchronous
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:1.0s / 345.9s
  • trigger_min/max:0.0s / 23.1s
  • trigger_pct:99.85%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 355.4s
  • uptime_min/max:89.76% / 99.71%

Stack Uptimes

  • sanctification_1:45.30%
  • sanctification_2:23.95%
  • sanctification_3:23.43%
  • sanctification_4:4.23%
  • sanctification_5:0.00%


  • id:433671
  • name:Sanctification
  • tooltip:Empyrean Hammer damage increased by {$=}w1%
  • description:{$@spelldesc432977=Casting Judgment increases the damage of Empyrean Hammer by {$433671s1=10}% for {$433671d=10 seconds}. Multiple applications may overlap.}
  • max_stacks:20
  • duration:10.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
Shake the Heavens9.84.131.3s31.3s16.7s54.65%57.95%81.8 (77.7)9.3

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_shake_the_heavens
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:8.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:refresh
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:2.00

Stack Uptimes

  • shake_the_heavens_1:54.65%


  • id:431536
  • name:Shake the Heavens
  • tooltip:Casting Empyrean Hammer on a nearby target every $t sec.
  • description:{$@spelldesc431533=After casting Hammer of Light, you call down an Empyrean Hammer on a nearby target every {$431536=}T sec, for {$431536d=8 seconds}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:8.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Shield of Vengeance5.05.063.4s27.2s10.0s16.63%0.00%5.0 (5.0)5.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_shield_of_vengeance
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:10.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Absorb Details

  • school:chaos
  • high priority:no

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:63.0s / 64.3s
  • trigger_min/max:0.0s / 64.3s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:10.0s / 10.0s
  • uptime_min/max:14.82% / 18.70%

Stack Uptimes

  • shield_of_vengeance_1:16.63%


  • id:184662
  • name:Shield of Vengeance
  • tooltip:Absorbs {$=}w1 damage and deals damage when the barrier fades or is fully consumed.
  • description:Creates a barrier of holy light that absorbs {$=}<shield> damage for {$d=10 seconds}. When the shield expires, it bursts to inflict Holy damage equal to the total amount absorbed, divided among all nearby enemies.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:10.00
  • cooldown:90.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Tempered Potion1.50.0302.8s302.8s27.4s13.21%0.00%0.0 (0.0)1.2

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_tempered_potion
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:30.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Stat Details

  • stat:versatility_rating
  • amount:2617.40
  • stat:mastery_rating
  • amount:2617.40
  • stat:haste_rating
  • amount:2617.40
  • stat:crit_rating
  • amount:2617.40

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:300.0s / 315.6s
  • trigger_min/max:300.0s / 315.6s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 30.0s
  • uptime_min/max:9.88% / 18.01%

Stack Uptimes

  • tempered_potion_1:13.21%


  • id:431932
  • name:Tempered Potion
  • tooltip:Benefitting from the effects of any Tempered Flasks that are not active on you. {$?=}{$=}W1>0[ Critical strike increased by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2>0[ Haste increased by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3>0[ Versatility increased by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4>0[ Mastery increased by {$=}w4.][]
  • description:Gain the effects of all inactive Tempered Flasks, increasing their associated secondary stats by {$s1=3991} for {$d=30 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:30.00
  • cooldown:300.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Templar Strikes35.20.08.6s8.6s3.4s39.80%33.59%0.0 (0.0)2.6

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_templar_strikes
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:5.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:5.1s / 22.9s
  • trigger_min/max:5.1s / 22.9s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 5.0s
  • uptime_min/max:31.09% / 48.68%

Stack Uptimes

  • templar_strikes_1:39.80%


  • id:406648
  • name:Templar Strikes
  • tooltip:
  • description:Crusader Strike becomes a 3 part combo and deals radiant damage.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:5.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
Undisputed Ruling10.93.028.1s21.6s7.1s25.72%27.30%3.0 (3.0)10.6

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_undisputed_ruling
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:6.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.12
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Stack Uptimes

  • undisputed_ruling_1:25.72%


  • id:432629
  • name:Undisputed Ruling
  • tooltip:Haste increased by {$=}w1%
  • description:{$@spelldesc432626=Hammer of Light applies Judgment to its targets, and increases your Haste by {$432629s1=12}% for {$432629d=6 seconds}.{$?a137028=false}[ Additionally, Eye of Tyr grants {$s2=3} Holy Power.][]}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:6.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Constant Buffs
Arcane Intellect

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_arcane_intellect
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.03
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:1459
  • name:Arcane Intellect
  • tooltip:Intellect increased by $w1%.
  • description:Infuses the target with brilliance, increasing their Intellect by $s1% for $d. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Battle Shout

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_battle_shout
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:15.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:6673
  • name:Battle Shout
  • tooltip:Attack power increased by $w1%.$?$w3>0[ Stamina increased by $w3%.][]
  • description:Increases the attack power of all raid and party members within $a1 yards by $s1% for $d.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:15.00
  • default_chance:0.00%

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_crystallization
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:3600.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Stat Details

  • stat:strength
  • amount:733.25


  • id:453250
  • name:Crystallization
  • tooltip:{$=}pri increased by {$=}w1.
  • description:Increases {$=}pri by {$s1=733} for {$d=3600 seconds}. Augment Rune.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Flask of Alchemical Chaos

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_flask_of_alchemical_chaos
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:3600.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:clip
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:30.00


  • id:432021
  • name:Flask of Alchemical Chaos
  • tooltip:Your stats are being randomized every {$t5=30} sec. {$?=}{$=}W1>0[ Critical strike increased by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2>0[ Versatility increased by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3>0[ Haste increased by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4>0[ Mastery increased by {$=}w4.][] {$?=}{$=}W1<0[ Critical strike reduced by {$=}w1.][]{$?=}{$=}W2<0[ Versatility reduced by {$=}w2.][]{$?=}{$=}W3<0[ Haste reduced by {$=}w3.][]{$?=}{$=}W4<0[ Mastery reduced by {$=}w4.][]
  • description:Drink to increase a random secondary stat by {$s5=5290} at the cost of {$s6=442} of two other secondary stats. These effects are randomized again every {$t5=30} sec. {$@spelldesc431970=Lasts {$d=3600 seconds} and through death. Consuming an identical flask will add another {$d=3600 seconds}.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Mark of the Wild

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_mark_of_the_wild
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.03
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:1126
  • name:Mark of the Wild
  • tooltip:Versatility increased by $w1%.
  • description:Infuse a friendly target with the power of the wild, increasing their Versatility by $s1% for 60 minutes. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Power Word: Fortitude

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_power_word_fortitude
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:21562
  • name:Power Word: Fortitude
  • tooltip:Stamina increased by $w1%.$?$w2>0[ Magic damage taken reduced by $w2%.][]
  • description:Infuses the target with vitality, increasing their Stamina by $s1% for $d. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_skyfury
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.10
  • default_chance:20.00%
  • default_value:2.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:462854
  • name:Skyfury
  • tooltip:Mastery increased by $w1% and auto attacks have a $h% chance to instantly strike again.
  • description:Harness the fury of the Windlord to grant a target ally $s1% Mastery and empower their auto attacks to have a $h% chance to instantly strike again for $d. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:20.00%
The Sushi Special

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_the_sushi_special
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:3600.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Stat Details

  • stat:crit_rating
  • amount:469.20


  • id:461957
  • name:Well Fed
  • tooltip:Mastery increased by {$=}w9.
  • description:Increases Mastery by {$s1=0} for {$d=3600 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%

Procs, Uptimes & Benefits

Proc Count Min Max Interval Min Max
Skyfury (Main Hand)
Art of War28.711.049.010.2s1.9s131.1s
Divine Purpose9.
Uptime Avg % Min Max Avg Dur Min Max
Holy Power Cap25.48%17.05%33.92%1.3s0.0s8.5s

Cooldown Waste

Seconds per Execute Seconds per Iteration
Ability Average Minimum Maximum Average Minimum Maximum
Searing Light19.5700.000318.244107.1581.145357.066
(blade_of_justice_) Consecration0.9860.00028.83818.3301.96767.889
(searing_light_) Consecration37.8560.000318.244211.14368.130357.066
Shield of Vengeance0.3170.0001.2913.5530.00018.407
Avenging Wrath1.5670.0006.7738.4053.17518.627
Final Reckoning1.5680.0006.7738.4093.75418.627
Blade of Justice2.8370.00030.49087.33235.632153.948
Wake of Ashes1.7880.00015.42917.7397.54343.776
Divine Toll6.9870.00022.07337.25423.15857.270
Hammer of Wrath8.4440.000169.15699.97715.447288.819
Templar Strike1.0490.00014.33937.07917.98069.151


Gains Type Count Total Tot% Avg Overflow Ovr%
Blade of JusticeHoly Power30.2260.4422.74%
Hammer of WrathHoly Power11.2211.224.22%
JudgmentHoly Power55.04103.9539.10%1.896.125.56%
Templar SlashHoly Power32.1732.1712.10%
Templar StrikeHoly Power35.1935.1813.24%
Wake of AshesHoly Power9.8822.868.60%2.316.7822.86%
Usage Type Count Total Tot% Avg RPE APR
Final VerdictHoly Power80.68218.0083.02%2.702.70155,863.16
Hammer of LightHoly Power13.9444.5916.98%3.203.20433,431.82
Change Start Gain/s Loss/s Overflow End (Avg) Min Max
Holy Power0.00.890.8812.

Statistics & Data Analysis

Fight Length
Rhodonis Fight Length
Count 9999
Mean 299.99
Minimum 240.02
Maximum 359.99
Spread ( max - min ) 119.98
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 20.00%
Rhodonis Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 687742.19
Minimum 633068.40
Maximum 747047.75
Spread ( max - min ) 113979.35
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 8.29%
Standard Deviation 16772.3421
5th Percentile 660284.44
95th Percentile 715899.25
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 55614.82
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 167.7318
95.00% Confidence Interval ( 687413.44 - 688070.94 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Interval ( 99.95% - 100.05% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 23
0.1% Error 2285
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 2401437
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 9605746
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 240143643
Priority Target DPS
Rhodonis Priority Target Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 687742.19
Minimum 633068.40
Maximum 747047.75
Spread ( max - min ) 113979.35
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 8.29%
Standard Deviation 16772.3421
5th Percentile 660284.44
95th Percentile 715899.25
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 55614.82
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 167.7318
95.00% Confidence Interval ( 687413.44 - 688070.94 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Interval ( 99.95% - 100.05% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 23
0.1% Error 2285
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 2401437
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 9605746
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 240143643
Rhodonis Damage Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 687742.19
Minimum 633068.40
Maximum 747047.75
Spread ( max - min ) 113979.35
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 8.29%
Rhodonis Damage
Count 9999
Mean 206274104.50
Minimum 154741408.30
Maximum 257510656.64
Spread ( max - min ) 102769248.34
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 24.91%
Rhodonis Damage Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Rhodonis Healing Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Standard Deviation 0.0000
5th Percentile 0.00
95th Percentile 0.00
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 0.00
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 0.0000
95.00% Confidence Interval ( 0.00 - 0.00 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Interval ( 0.00% - 0.00% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 0
0.1% Error 0
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 0
Rhodonis Healing Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Rhodonis Heal
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Rhodonis Healing Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%

Action Priority List

actions.precombat Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
# count action,conditions
0 0.00 flask
1 0.00 food
2 0.00 augmentation
3 0.00 snapshot_stats
4 0.00 shield_of_vengeance
5 0.00 variable,name=trinket_1_buffs,value=trinket.1.has_buff.strength|trinket.1.has_buff.mastery|trinket.1.has_buff.versatility|trinket.1.has_buff.haste|trinket.1.has_buff.crit
6 0.00 variable,name=trinket_2_buffs,value=trinket.2.has_buff.strength|trinket.2.has_buff.mastery|trinket.2.has_buff.versatility|trinket.2.has_buff.haste|trinket.2.has_buff.crit
7 0.00 variable,name=trinket_1_sync,op=setif,value=1,value_else=0.5,condition=variable.trinket_1_buffs&(trinket.1.cooldown.duration%%cooldown.crusade.duration=0|cooldown.crusade.duration%%trinket.1.cooldown.duration=0|trinket.1.cooldown.duration%%cooldown.avenging_wrath.duration=0|cooldown.avenging_wrath.duration%%trinket.1.cooldown.duration=0)
8 0.00 variable,name=trinket_2_sync,op=setif,value=1,value_else=0.5,condition=variable.trinket_2_buffs&(trinket.2.cooldown.duration%%cooldown.crusade.duration=0|cooldown.crusade.duration%%trinket.2.cooldown.duration=0|trinket.2.cooldown.duration%%cooldown.avenging_wrath.duration=0|cooldown.avenging_wrath.duration%%trinket.2.cooldown.duration=0)
9 0.00 variable,name=trinket_priority,op=setif,value=2,value_else=1,condition=!variable.trinket_1_buffs&variable.trinket_2_buffs|variable.trinket_2_buffs&((trinket.2.cooldown.duration%trinket.2.proc.any_dps.duration)*(1.5+trinket.2.has_buff.strength)*(variable.trinket_2_sync))>((trinket.1.cooldown.duration%trinket.1.proc.any_dps.duration)*(1.5+trinket.1.has_buff.strength)*(variable.trinket_1_sync))
Default action list Executed every time the actor is available.
# count action,conditions
A 1.00 auto_attack
0.00 rebuke
B 0.00 call_action_list,name=cooldowns
C 0.00 call_action_list,name=generators
# count action,conditions
D 1.47 potion,if=buff.avenging_wrath.up|buff.crusade.up|debuff.execution_sentence.up|fight_remains<30
0.00 invoke_external_buff,name=power_infusion,if=buff.avenging_wrath.up|buff.crusade.up|debuff.execution_sentence.up
0.00 lights_judgment,if=spell_targets.lights_judgment>=2|!raid_event.adds.exists|>75|raid_event.adds.up
0.00 fireblood,if=buff.avenging_wrath.up|buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack=10|debuff.execution_sentence.up
0.00 use_item,slot=trinket1,if=((buff.avenging_wrath.up&cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>40|buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack=10)&!talent.radiant_glory|talent.radiant_glory&(!talent.execution_sentence&cooldown.wake_of_ashes.remains=0|debuff.execution_sentence.up))&(!trinket.2.has_cooldown|trinket.2.cooldown.remains|variable.trinket_priority=1)|trinket.1.proc.any_dps.duration>=fight_remains
E 2.19 use_item,slot=trinket2,if=((buff.avenging_wrath.up&cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>40|buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack=10)&!talent.radiant_glory|talent.radiant_glory&(!talent.execution_sentence&cooldown.wake_of_ashes.remains=0|debuff.execution_sentence.up))&(!trinket.1.has_cooldown|trinket.1.cooldown.remains|variable.trinket_priority=2)|trinket.2.proc.any_dps.duration>=fight_remains
0.00 use_item,slot=trinket1,if=!variable.trinket_1_buffs&(trinket.2.cooldown.remains|!variable.trinket_2_buffs|!buff.crusade.up&cooldown.crusade.remains>20|!buff.avenging_wrath.up&cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>20)
0.00 use_item,slot=trinket2,if=!variable.trinket_2_buffs&(trinket.1.cooldown.remains|!variable.trinket_1_buffs|!buff.crusade.up&cooldown.crusade.remains>20|!buff.avenging_wrath.up&cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>20)
F 4.00 shield_of_vengeance,if=fight_remains>15&(!talent.execution_sentence|!debuff.execution_sentence.up)
0.00 execution_sentence,if=(!buff.crusade.up&cooldown.crusade.remains>15|buff.crusade.stack=10|cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains<0.75|cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>15|talent.radiant_glory)&(holy_power>=4&time<5|holy_power>=3&time>5|holy_power>=2&(talent.divine_auxiliary|talent.radiant_glory))&(target.time_to_die>8&!talent.executioners_will|target.time_to_die>12)&cooldown.wake_of_ashes.remains<gcd
G 5.35 avenging_wrath,if=(holy_power>=4&time<5|holy_power>=3&time>5|holy_power>=2&talent.divine_auxiliary&(cooldown.execution_sentence.remains=0|cooldown.final_reckoning.remains=0))&(!raid_event.adds.up|target.time_to_die>10)
0.00 crusade,if=holy_power>=5&time<5|holy_power>=3&time>5
H 5.35 final_reckoning,if=(holy_power>=4&time<8|holy_power>=3&time>=8|holy_power>=2&(talent.divine_auxiliary|talent.radiant_glory))&(cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>10|cooldown.crusade.remains&(!buff.crusade.up|buff.crusade.stack>=10)|talent.radiant_glory&(buff.avenging_wrath.up|talent.crusade&cooldown.wake_of_ashes.remains<gcd))&(!raid_event.adds.exists|raid_event.adds.up|>40)
# count action,conditions
0.00 variable,name=ds_castable,value=(spell_targets.divine_storm>=2|buff.empyrean_power.up)&!buff.empyrean_legacy.up&!(buff.divine_arbiter.up&buff.divine_arbiter.stack>24)
I 13.94 hammer_of_light
0.00 divine_hammer,if=holy_power=5
0.00 divine_storm,if=variable.ds_castable&!buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up&(!talent.crusade|cooldown.crusade.remains>gcd*3|buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack<10|talent.radiant_glory)&(!buff.divine_hammer.up|cooldown.divine_hammer.remains>110&holy_power>=4)
0.00 justicars_vengeance,if=(!talent.crusade|cooldown.crusade.remains>gcd*3|buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack<10|talent.radiant_glory)&!buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up&(!buff.divine_hammer.up|cooldown.divine_hammer.remains>110&holy_power>=4)
J 80.68 templars_verdict,if=(!talent.crusade|cooldown.crusade.remains>gcd*3|buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack<10|talent.radiant_glory)&!buff.hammer_of_light_ready.up&(!buff.divine_hammer.up|cooldown.divine_hammer.remains>110&holy_power>=4)
# count action,conditions
K 0.00 call_action_list,name=finishers,if=holy_power=5|holy_power=4&buff.divine_resonance.up
L 24.16 templar_slash,if=buff.templar_strikes.remains<gcd*2
0.00 blade_of_justice,if=!dot.expurgation.ticking&talent.holy_flames
M 9.88 wake_of_ashes,if=(!talent.lights_guidance|holy_power>=2&talent.lights_guidance)&(cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>6|cooldown.crusade.remains>6|talent.radiant_glory)&(!talent.execution_sentence|cooldown.execution_sentence.remains>4|target.time_to_die<8)&(!raid_event.adds.exists|>10|raid_event.adds.up)
N 5.30 divine_toll,if=holy_power<=2&(!raid_event.adds.exists|>10|raid_event.adds.up)&(cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains>15|cooldown.crusade.remains>15|talent.radiant_glory|fight_remains<8)
O 0.00 call_action_list,name=finishers,if=holy_power>=3&buff.crusade.up&buff.crusade.stack<10
0.00 templar_slash,if=buff.templar_strikes.remains<gcd&spell_targets.divine_storm>=2
0.00 blade_of_justice,if=(holy_power<=3|!talent.holy_blade)&(spell_targets.divine_storm>=2&talent.blade_of_vengeance)
0.00 hammer_of_wrath,if=(spell_targets.divine_storm<2|!talent.blessed_champion)&(holy_power<=3|>20|!talent.vanguards_momentum)&(<35&talent.vengeful_wrath|buff.blessing_of_anshe.up)
P 35.19 templar_strike
Q 34.41 judgment,if=holy_power<=3|!talent.boundless_judgment
R 30.22 blade_of_justice,if=holy_power<=3|!talent.holy_blade
S 11.22 hammer_of_wrath,if=(spell_targets.divine_storm<2|!talent.blessed_champion)&(holy_power<=3|>20|!talent.vanguards_momentum)
T 8.01 templar_slash
U 0.00 call_action_list,name=finishers,if=(<=20|buff.avenging_wrath.up|buff.crusade.up|buff.empyrean_power.up)
0.00 crusader_strike,if=cooldown.crusader_strike.charges_fractional>=1.75&(holy_power<=2|holy_power<=3&cooldown.blade_of_justice.remains>gcd*2|holy_power=4&cooldown.blade_of_justice.remains>gcd*2&cooldown.judgment.remains>gcd*2)
V 0.00 call_action_list,name=finishers
0.00 hammer_of_wrath,if=holy_power<=3|>20|!talent.vanguards_momentum
0.00 crusader_strike
0.00 arcane_torrent

Sample Sequence


Sample Sequence Table

Time # Name [List] Target Resources Buffs
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo shield_of_vengeance
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo shield_of_vengeance
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo shield_of_vengeance
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo shield_of_vengeance
Rhodonis 0.0/5 0% HoPo shield_of_vengeance
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo shield_of_vengeance
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo bloodlust, shield_of_vengeance
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, shield_of_vengeance
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, shield_of_vengeance, sanctification
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, sanctification
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, sanctification
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, sanctification, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, sanctification, concoction_kiss_of_death, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, sanctification, concoction_kiss_of_death, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance, concoction_kiss_of_death, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance, concoction_kiss_of_death, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification, lights_deliverance, sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(4), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(6), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(7), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(7), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(10), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(10), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(12), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(13), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(15), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(16), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(16), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(17), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(19), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(19), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(22), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(23), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(23), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(23), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(24), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(24), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(24), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(25), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(25), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(25), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(26), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(26), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(26), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste, tempered_potion
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(28), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(28), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(28), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(29), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo bloodlust, rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification, lights_deliverance(29), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo rush_of_light, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(32), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(34), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(35), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(35), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(38), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
0:45.672 Waiting1.541s 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(41), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(41), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(42), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(43), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Rhodonis 3.0/5 60% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(50), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(50), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(51), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(51), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(51), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(55), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(56), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(57), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, hammer_of_light_free, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, hammer_of_light_free, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(4), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(8), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(9), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(9), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(12), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(12), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(15), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(16), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(16), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(19), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(20), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(20), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(23), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(23), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(25), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(26), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(28), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(28), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification, lights_deliverance(28), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(32), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(33), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(34), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(35), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(37), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(38), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
1:52.726 Waiting1.548s 0.0/5 0% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(40), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(41), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(42), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(42), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(43), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Rhodonis 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification, lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(50), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(55), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(56), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(57), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, hammer_of_light_free, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, hammer_of_light_free, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(4), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(8), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(9), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(4), lights_deliverance(9), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(12), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(12), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(13), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(16), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(16), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(17), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(17), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, lights_deliverance(20), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, lights_deliverance(23), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(23), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(28), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(28), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(28), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
2:49.702 Waiting0.414s 0.0/5 0% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(32), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(33), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(34), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(34), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(35), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(38), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(38), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(41), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
2:58.454 Waiting0.387s 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(41), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(41), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(42), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(43), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(43), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Rhodonis 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(48), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(48), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(49), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(49), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(49), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(50), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(50), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(50), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(54), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(56), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(57), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(57), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_free, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_free, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance, sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_free, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance, sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(5), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(9), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(10), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(10), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(13), sacrosanct_crusade, concoction_kiss_of_death, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(13), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(14), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
3:36.369 Waiting0.471s 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(16), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(17), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(17), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_haste
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(18), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(21), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(21), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(24), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(24), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(26), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(31), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(32), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(33), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(36), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(36), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(37), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(39), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(40), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(40), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(41), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(44), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(44), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(45), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(45), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, sanctification, lights_deliverance(46), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_crit
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, divine_resonance, sanctification, lights_deliverance(47), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Rhodonis 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification, lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(48), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(49), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(50), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo rush_of_light, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, shield_of_vengeance, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, divine_resonance, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(51), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, avenging_wrath, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(55), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(56), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), lights_deliverance(57), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_free, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_free, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(3), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, hammer_of_light_free, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance, sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(5), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(9), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(9), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(10), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(12), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(13), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(14), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(14), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_vers
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(17), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(17), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(18), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(21), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(21), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(22), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(24), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo rush_of_light, templar_strikes, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(26), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(26), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 2.0/5 40% HoPo blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, hammer_of_light_ready, sanctification, lights_deliverance(27), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/5 0% HoPo divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(31), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 1.0/5 20% HoPo templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(32), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 3.0/5 60% HoPo templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, final_verdict, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification(2), lights_deliverance(33), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 4.0/5 80% HoPo templar_strikes, divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(34), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery
Fluffy_Pillow 5.0/5 100% HoPo divine_purpose, blessing_of_dawn, blessing_of_dusk, undisputed_ruling, shake_the_heavens, sanctification, lights_deliverance(34), sacrosanct_crusade, flask_of_alchemical_chaos_mastery


Level Bonus (80) Race Bonus (human) Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount
Strength176470490494824826537 (26537)
Holy Power550
Spell Power18176588640
Attack Power5199348717469
Run Speed700


Source Slot Average Item Level: 599.00
Local Head Slag Accruing Mask
ilevel: 593, stats: { 5,666 Armor, +12,583 Sta, +836 Haste, +767 Mastery, +2,472 StrInt }
Local Neck Long-Lost Choker
ilevel: 590, stats: { +6,763 Sta, +1,794 Crit, +2,257 Vers }
Local Shoulders Chiseled Boulder Pauldrons
ilevel: 600, stats: { 5,390 Armor, +10,500 Sta, +571 Crit, +678 Vers, +1,979 StrInt }
Local Shirt Stormwind Doublet
ilevel: 1
Local Chest Entombed Seraph's Breastplate
ilevel: 610, stats: { 8,281 Armor, +16,198 Sta, +1,225 Haste, +533 Vers, +2,896 StrInt }
Local Waist Girdle of the Gleaming Dawn
ilevel: 606, stats: { 4,556 Armor, +11,469 Sta, +914 Vers, +377 Mastery, +2,093 StrInt }
Local Legs Legplates of Hidden Stars
ilevel: 606, stats: { 7,087 Armor, +15,291 Sta, +1,045 Haste, +676 Vers, +2,790 StrInt }
Local Feet Devoted Plate Walkers
ilevel: 580, stats: { 4,421 Armor, +7,675 Sta, +699 Vers, +413 Mastery, +1,642 StrInt }
Local Wrists Secret-Dredger's Armplates
ilevel: 606, stats: { 4,050 Armor, +8,601 Sta, +505 Crit, +463 Haste, +1,569 StrInt }
Local Hands Fists of Hidden Stars
ilevel: 597, stats: { 4,340 Armor, +10,027 Sta, +483 Crit, +746 Vers, +1,924 StrInt }
Local Finger1 Gem-Studded Band of the Peerless (gemstudded_band)
ilevel: 584, stats: { +6,140 Sta, +1,085 Crit, +2,712 Mastery }, gems: { +132 Mastery, +44 Haste }
Local Finger2 Unearthed Relic Band
ilevel: 606, stats: { +8,601 Sta, +2,298 Crit, +2,433 Haste }
Local Trinket1 Detachable Fang
ilevel: 584, stats: { +2,161 StrAgi }
item effects: { equip: Detachable Fang }
Local Trinket2 Concoction: Kiss of Death
ilevel: 606, stats: { +2,652 StrAgiInt }
item effects: { use: Concoction: Kiss of Death }
Local Back Serape of the Stygian Sea
ilevel: 606, stats: { 1,462 Armor, +8,601 Sta, +360 Vers, +609 Mastery, +1,569 StrAgiInt }
Local Main Hand Everforged Greataxe
ilevel: 606, weapon: { 4,914 - 10,207, 3.6 }, stats: { +15,291 Sta, +861 Crit, +861 Mastery, +2,790 StrAgi }, enchant: authority_of_the_depths_3, temporary_enchant: Ironclaw Sharpened Weapon
Local Tabard Tabard of the Lightbringer
ilevel: 32
item effects: { use: }




# Default consumables


# Gear Summary
# gear_ilvl=598.67
# gear_strength=26537
# gear_stamina=137740
# gear_attack_power=469
# gear_crit_rating=7597
# gear_haste_rating=6046
# gear_mastery_rating=5871
# gear_versatility_rating=6863
# gear_armor=45253

Simulation & Raid Information

Iterations: 10023
Threads: 24
Confidence: 95.00%
Fight Length (fixed time): 240 - 360 ( 300.0 )


Total Events Processed: 36578113
Max Event Queue: 88
Sim Seconds: 3006773
CPU Seconds: 47.7394
Physical Seconds: 53.5241
Speed Up: 62983


World Lag: 100 ms ( stddev = 10 ms )
Queue Lag: 5 ms ( stddev = 1 ms )

Raw Ability Summary

Character Unit Ability Id Total DPS Imp/Min Hit Crit Execute Count Crit% Avoid% G% B% Interval Combined Duration
Rhodonis Rhodonis augmentation 453250 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis avenging_wrath 31884 0 0 0.00 0 0 5.4 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 61.26sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis blade_of_justice 184575 6466617 21556 6.04 163886 351877 30.2 30.2 26.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.97sec 6466617 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis blade_of_justice_consecration 26573 0 0 0.00 0 0 18.3 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.59sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis blade_of_justice_consecration_tick ticks -81297 2333280 7778 0.00 6194 13416 0.0 0.0 28.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 2333280 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis divine_toll 375576 0 0 0.00 0 0 5.3 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 61.30sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis divine_toll_judgment 20271 2610235 8701 1.06 337860 696485 5.3 5.3 43.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 61.30sec 2610235 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis divine_resonance_judgment 20271 3607173 12024 3.06 163494 344187 15.3 15.3 39.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 18.60sec 3607173 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis empyrean_hammer 431398 25041615 83476 56.64 64416 141762 283.2 283.2 31.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.04sec 25041615 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis expurgation ticks -383346 5606438 18688 21.71 38809 83807 30.2 108.6 28.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.97sec 5606438 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis final_reckoning 343721 2972492 9909 1.07 381245 783928 5.4 5.4 43.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 61.26sec 2972492 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis final_verdict 383328 33978495 113266 16.14 307222 689327 80.7 80.7 29.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.69sec 33978495 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis flask 432021 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis food 457302 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis gnash 455487 5454661 18183 8.64 97426 194958 43.2 43.2 29.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.83sec 7792365 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis hammer_of_light 427453 19327781 64429 2.78 972268 2153143 13.9 13.9 35.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 21.55sec 19327781 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis hammer_of_wrath 24275 2154074 7181 2.24 147559 314331 11.2 11.2 26.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 24.01sec 2154074 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis highlords_judgment 383921 4843440 16145 5.58 130872 264252 27.9 27.9 32.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 10.63sec 4843440 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis judgment 20271 6645819 22154 6.88 145447 314346 34.4 34.4 28.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.80sec 6645819 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis melee 0 7687455 25626 23.99 41742 86980 119.9 119.9 49.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.99sec 10982067 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis seal_of_the_crusader 385723 3690113 12301 23.99 22922 49613 119.9 119.9 29.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.99sec 3690113 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis potion 431932 0 0 0.00 0 0 1.5 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 303.00sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis sacrosanct_crusade_heal 461885 0 0 0.00 0 0 13.9 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 21.55sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis searing_light 407478 1377078 4590 0.93 218895 472925 4.6 4.6 30.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 58.28sec 1377078 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis searing_light_consecration 26573 0 0 0.00 0 0 4.6 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 58.28sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis searing_light_consecration_tick ticks -81297 631209 2104 0.00 6300 13667 0.0 0.0 30.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.00sec 631209 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis shield_of_vengeance 184662 0 0 1.00 0 0 5.0 5.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 63.41sec 0 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis shield_of_vengeance_proc 184689 8807907 29361 1.00 1763273 0 5.0 5.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 63.40sec 8807907 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis suffocating_darkness ticks -449217 7086687 23622 23.06 61465 0 21.4 115.3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.34sec 7086687 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis templar_slash 406647 14671846 48908 6.43 328200 781610 32.2 32.2 28.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.32sec 14671846 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis templar_slash_dot ticks -447142 14544970 48483 25.51 114021 0 32.2 127.6 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.32sec 14544970 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis templar_strike 407480 8830178 29435 7.04 179082 426707 35.2 35.2 29.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.64sec 8830178 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis touch_of_light_dmg 385354 995046 3317 4.28 34471 74469 21.4 21.4 29.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.62sec 995046 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis wake_of_ashes 255937 4932796 16443 1.98 361879 783235 9.9 9.9 32.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31.29sec 4932796 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis truths_wake ticks -403695 5611178 18704 11.56 69652 153119 9.9 57.8 32.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31.29sec 5611178 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis seething_flames_0 405345 3186223 10621 1.97 234162 506330 9.9 9.9 32.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31.29sec 3186223 299.99sec
Rhodonis Rhodonis seething_flames_1 405350 3179298 10598 1.97 234100 506243 9.8 9.8 32.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31.29sec 3179298 299.99sec

Fluffy_Pillow : 0 dps

Results, Spec and Gear

Resource Out In Waiting APM Active

Scale Factors for other metrics




Dynamic Buffs Start Refresh Interval Trigger Avg Dur Up-Time Benefit Overflow Expiry
Final Reckoning5.40.061.2s61.2s11.8s21.04%22.68%0.0 (0.0)5.2

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_final_reckoning
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:12.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:2.9s / 66.8s
  • trigger_min/max:60.0s / 66.8s
  • trigger_pct:100.00%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 12.0s
  • uptime_min/max:18.90% / 23.44%

Stack Uptimes

  • final_reckoning_1:21.04%


  • id:343721
  • name:Final Reckoning
  • tooltip:Taking {$=}w3% increased damage from {$@=}auracaster's single target Holy Power abilities and {$s4=15}% increased damage from their other Holy Power abilities.
  • description:Call down a blast of heavenly energy, dealing {$s2=0} Holy damage to all targets in the area and causing them to take {$s3=30}% increased damage from your single target Holy Power abilities, and {$s4=15}% increased damage from other Holy Power abilities for {$d=12 seconds}. {$?s406158=false} [|cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$406158s1=3} Holy Power.][]
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:12.00
  • cooldown:60.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Judgment68.80.010.5s4.4s10.5s79.66%87.85%0.0 (0.0)0.0

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Rhodonis
  • cooldown name:buff_judgment
  • max_stacks:20
  • base duration:15.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.20
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:asynchronous
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00

Trigger Details

  • interval_min/max:0.0s / 41.8s
  • trigger_min/max:0.0s / 21.2s
  • trigger_pct:99.79%
  • duration_min/max:0.0s / 34.2s
  • uptime_min/max:68.17% / 90.07%

Stack Uptimes

  • judgment_1:24.93%
  • judgment_2:21.40%
  • judgment_3:10.81%
  • judgment_4:7.50%
  • judgment_5:8.80%
  • judgment_6:4.17%
  • judgment_7:1.76%
  • judgment_8:0.29%
  • judgment_9:0.01%
  • judgment_10:0.00%
  • judgment_11:0.00%


  • id:197277
  • name:Judgment
  • tooltip:Taking {$=}w1% increased damage from {$@=}auracaster's next Holy Power ability.
  • description:{$@spelldesc20271=Judges the target, dealing {$s1=0} {$?s403664=true}[Holystrike][Holy] damage{$?s231663=true}[, and causing them to take {$197277s1=20}% increased damage from your next Holy Power ability.][.]{$?s315867=true}[ |cFFFFFFFFGenerates {$220637s1=1} Holy Power.][]}
  • max_stacks:20
  • duration:15.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
Constant Buffs
Arcane Intellect

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_arcane_intellect
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.03
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:1459
  • name:Arcane Intellect
  • tooltip:Intellect increased by $w1%.
  • description:Infuses the target with brilliance, increasing their Intellect by $s1% for $d. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Battle Shout

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_battle_shout
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:15.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:6673
  • name:Battle Shout
  • tooltip:Attack power increased by $w1%.$?$w3>0[ Stamina increased by $w3%.][]
  • description:Increases the attack power of all raid and party members within $a1 yards by $s1% for $d.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:15.00
  • default_chance:0.00%

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_bleeding
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:-0.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00
Chaos Brand

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_chaos_brand
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:5.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.03
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:1490
  • name:Chaos Brand
  • tooltip:Magic damage taken increased by {$s1=3}%.
  • description:{$@spelldesc255260=Your damage brands the target, increasing magic damage taken by {$1490s1=3}%.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Hunter's Mark

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_hunters_mark
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:pandemic
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:clip
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:257284
  • name:Hunter's Mark
  • tooltip:Can always be seen and tracked by the Hunter. Damage taken increased by $428402s4% while above {$s3=80}% health.
  • description:Apply Hunter's Mark to the target, causing the target to always be seen and tracked by the Hunter. Hunter's Mark increases all damage dealt to targets above {$s3=80}% health by {$428402s1=5}%. Only one Hunter's Mark damage increase can be applied to a target at a time. Hunter's Mark can only be applied to one target at a time. When applying Hunter's Mark in combat, the ability goes on cooldown for {$=}{{$s5=20000}/1000} sec.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Mark of the Wild

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_mark_of_the_wild
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.03
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:1126
  • name:Mark of the Wild
  • tooltip:Versatility increased by $w1%.
  • description:Infuse a friendly target with the power of the wild, increasing their Versatility by $s1% for 60 minutes. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Mortal Wounds

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_mortal_wounds
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
  • default_value:0.50
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:115804
  • name:Mortal Wounds
  • tooltip:Healing effects received reduced by {$=}w1%.
  • description:Grievously wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received for {$115804d=10 seconds}.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:10.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:101.00%
Mystic Touch

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:Fluffy_Pillow
  • cooldown name:buff_mystic_touch
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:5.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:113746
  • name:Mystic Touch
  • tooltip:Physical damage taken increased by {$=}w1%.
  • description:{$@spelldesc8647=Your damage weakens the target, increasing Physical damage taken by {$113746s1=5}%.}
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:-0.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%
Power Word: Fortitude

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_power_word_fortitude
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:100.00%
  • default_value:0.05
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:21562
  • name:Power Word: Fortitude
  • tooltip:Stamina increased by $w1%.$?$w2>0[ Magic damage taken reduced by $w2%.][]
  • description:Infuses the target with vitality, increasing their Stamina by $s1% for $d. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:0.00%

Buff Details

  • buff initial source:
  • cooldown name:buff_skyfury
  • max_stacks:1
  • base duration:0.00
  • duration modifier:1.00
  • base cooldown:0.10
  • default_chance:20.00%
  • default_value:2.00
  • activated:true
  • reactable:false
  • reverse:false
  • refresh behavior:duration
  • stack behavior:default
  • tick behavior:none
  • tick_time behavior:unhasted
  • period:0.00


  • id:462854
  • name:Skyfury
  • tooltip:Mastery increased by $w1% and auto attacks have a $h% chance to instantly strike again.
  • description:Harness the fury of the Windlord to grant a target ally $s1% Mastery and empower their auto attacks to have a $h% chance to instantly strike again for $d. If the target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • max_stacks:0
  • duration:3600.00
  • cooldown:0.00
  • default_chance:20.00%


Change Start Gain/s Loss/s Overflow End (Avg) Min Max

Statistics & Data Analysis

Fight Length
Fluffy_Pillow Fight Length
Count 9999
Mean 299.99
Minimum 240.02
Maximum 359.99
Spread ( max - min ) 119.98
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 20.00%
Fluffy_Pillow Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Priority Target DPS
Fluffy_Pillow Priority Target Damage Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Fluffy_Pillow Damage Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Fluffy_Pillow Damage
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Fluffy_Pillow Damage Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 687742.19
Minimum 633068.40
Maximum 747047.75
Spread ( max - min ) 113979.35
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 8.29%
Standard Deviation 16772.3421
5th Percentile 660284.44
95th Percentile 715899.25
( 95th Percentile - 5th Percentile ) 55614.82
Mean Distribution
Standard Deviation 167.7318
95.00% Confidence Interval ( 687413.44 - 688070.94 )
Normalized 95.00% Confidence Interval ( 99.95% - 100.05% )
Approx. Iterations needed for ( always use n>=50 )
1% Error 23
0.1% Error 2285
0.1 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 2401437
0.05 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 9605746
0.01 Scale Factor Error with Delta=300 240143643
Fluffy_Pillow Healing Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Fluffy_Pillow Healing Per Second (Effective)
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Fluffy_Pillow Heal
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%
Fluffy_Pillow Healing Taken Per Second
Count 9999
Mean 0.00
Minimum 0.00
Maximum 0.00
Spread ( max - min ) 0.00
Range [ ( max - min ) / 2 * 100% ] 0.00%

Action Priority List

actions.precombat Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
# count action,conditions
0 0.00 snapshot_stats


Level Bonus (83) Race Bonus (humanoid) Raid-Buffed Unbuffed Gear Amount
Melee Crit5.00%5.00%0
Spell Crit0.00%0.00%0
Mitigation Versatility0.00%0.00%0
Run Speed700


Source Slot Average Item Level: 0.00



# This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
# It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
# while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
# Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
# SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.

# Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.

# Executed every time the actor is available.

# Gear Summary
# gear_ilvl=0.00


Average number of actions executed per minute.


Average absorption per active player duration.

Constant Buffs

Buffs received prior to combat and present the entire fight.


Average number of times an action is executed per iteration.


Average crit damage.


Percentage of executes that resulted in critical strikes.


Average damage per execution of an individual action.


Average damage per execute time of an individual action; the amount of damage generated, divided by the time taken to execute the action, including time spent in the GCD.


Average damage per resource point spent.


Average damage per active player duration.


Average damage per fight duration.


Average damage taken per second per active player duration.


Average healing (and absorption) per active player duration.


Average healing (and absorption) per fight duration.


Average healing (or absorb) per execution of an individual action.


Average healing (or absorb) per execute time of an individual action; the amount of healing generated, divided by the time taken to execute the action, including time spent in the GCD.


Average healing (or absorb) per resource point spent.


Average count of impacts per iteration.


Percentage of executes that resulted in dodges.


Percentage of total DPS contributed by a particular action.


Percentage of total HPS (including absorb) contributed by a particular action.

Theck-Meloree Index

Measure of damage smoothness, calculated over entire fight length. Related to max spike damage, 1k TMI is roughly equivalent to 1% of your health. TMI ignores external healing and absorbs. Lower is better.

TMI bin size

Time bin size used to calculate TMI and MSD, in seconds.


Direct or Periodic damage.

Dynamic Buffs

Temporary buffs received during combat, perhaps multiple times.

Buff Benefit

The percentage of times the buff had a actual benefit for its mainly intended purpose, eg. damage buffed / spell executes.


Percentage of executes that resulted in glancing blows.


Percentage of executes that resulted in blocking blows.


Associated spell-id for this ability.


Name of the ability.


Total damage for this ability during the fight.


Average non-crit damage.


Average time between executions of a particular action.


Average direct damage per execution.


Percentage of executes that resulted in misses, dodges or parries.


The player profile from which the simulation script was generated. The profile must be copied into the same directory as this HTML file in order for the link to work.


Percentage of executes that resulted in parries.


Average primary resource points generated per second.


Average primary resource points consumed per second.

Scale Factors

Gain per unit stat increase except for Hit/Expertise which represent Loss per unit stat decrease.

Gear Amount

Amount from raw gear, before class, attunement, or buff modifiers. Amount from hybrid primary stats (i.e. Agility/Intellect) shown in parentheses.

Stats Raid Buffed

Amount after all static buffs have been accounted for. Dynamic buffs (i.e. trinkets, potions) not included.

Stats Unbuffed

Amount after class modifiers and effects, but before buff modifiers.


Average number of periodic ticks per iteration. Spells that do not have a damage-over-time component will have zero ticks.

Ticks Crit

Average crit tick damage.

Ticks Crit%

Percentage of ticks that resulted in critical strikes.

Ticks Hit

Average non-crit tick damage.

Ticks Miss%

Percentage of ticks that resulted in misses, dodges or parries.

Ticks Uptime%

Percentage of total time that DoT is ticking on target.

Ticks Avg

Average damage per tick.

Timeline Distribution

The simulated encounter's duration can vary based on the health of the target and variation in the raid DPS. This chart shows how often the duration of the encounter varied by how much time.


This is the percentage of time in which no action can be taken other than autoattacks. This can be caused by resource starvation, lockouts, and timers.

Scale Factor Ranking

This row ranks the scale factors from highest to lowest, checking whether one scale factor is higher/lower than another with statistical significance.

Uptime Average Duration

The average duration of an instance of the tracked uptime.

TMI Range

This is the range of TMI values containing 95.00% of the data, roughly centered on the mean.

TMI/MSD Window

Window length used to calculate TMI and MSD, in seconds.

Max Spike Damage

Maximum amount of net damage taken in any N-second period (default 6sec), expressed as a percentage of max health. Calculated independently for each iteration. 'MSD Min/Mean/Max' are the lowest/average/highest MSDs out of all iterations.


Estimator for the 95.00% confidence interval.


This is the range of values containing 95.00% of the data, roughly centered on the mean.

Fight Length

Fight Length: 300.00
Vary Combat Length: 0.20

Fight Length is the specified average fight duration. If vary_combat_length is set, the fight length will vary by +/- that portion of the value. See Combat Length in the wiki for further details.